Anyhow, my current quest for my ongoing fan project is making a furry ape-like character (this particular character originates from Star Wars, a female of the Devaronian species for those of you who are Star Wars geeks like me). I'll post an example picture below.
What I'm looking for is a skin tone of white fur, but with a fleshy face and hands-- that is, hands and face that aren't covered by fur. Calling it an "ape" is the closest thing that I can think of to describe it; not really feline or canine, more ape-like with hands and face of flesh. Or something else that would possibly work instead is a flesh tone face mask if nothing else, though a skin tone would probably be easier. If possible I'd also like to find some white female hair that matches, though this isn't really needed, I'm sure that I could just retexture some existing hair if nothing else. Some white bushy eyebrows would also be great but, again, not really required.
One other thing I'd like to find-- and again, I know I've seen them, why I didn't download them I have no idea-- is a pair of elf ear accessories with fur on the tips. Though, again, this isn't extremely important, but it never hurts to ask, right?
I found the white fur skin tone on Genensims but that's not really what I'm looking for but would suffice if there was a flesh tone face mask I could put with it (instead of the ape skin tone). Either would work.
Has anyone seen anything like these? Whether it be a white ape skin tone or a flesh tone face mask. Any help would be much appreciated. Thank you!

P.S. I used to have another account on this forum, FYI, but I couldn't remember my password and try as I might I couldn't get a "forgot password" E-mail to go through to my address... So I created a new account. Heh.