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1  Simmers' Paradise / General Sims 2 Help / Changing appearances and crashing issues on: October 24, 2007, 10:31:06 am
Hi all,

I have a serious problem which has only been occurring in the past couple of days - the game crashes whenever I attempt to change any sim's appearance at all. At first I assumed it was due to a corrupt file in either Bodyshop or my Saved Sims folder, so I removed both the Downloads and Saved Sims folders from my games folder - as it transpired, it made no difference. Neither did deleting all the cache files or thumbnail files.

Quite frankly, I'm at a total loss. This still happens even when I play in an untouched Maxis household in a game with no downloads or CC whatsoever, and quite frankly I'm starting to think the only sane course of action would be to reinstall everything altogether.

BTW, I should mention I have all EPs and SPs installed. I don't know if this is an EP-specific problem, but please, any opinions or assistance you could offer would be greatly appreciated. Before I make a drastic move and reinstall everything, of course.
2  Sims 2 Community Downloads / Male Hair / "Sun & Storm" - recolours/retextures of Raonsims Male hair no.6 on: August 18, 2007, 10:17:47 am
Hi all,

Today, I present to you a set of recolours/retextures of a Raonsims hair I knocked up recently. By following sim_man123's awesome tutorial on creating hair textures (located at TSR here), I was able to create some decent looking textures for this mesh, and I am quite satisfied with the the way they turned out. As much as I love this mesh, I found the original textures to be too bright, so I opted to create a darker and softer-looking texture.

Obviously, you'll need the mesh for these to work; it's Raonsims Male hair mesh 06. It's a free mesh, so you'll only need to register an account with Raonsims in order to get it.

These have been colour-binned, all ages have been covered, and there's no colour discrepancy between any age groups in this batch as far as I know.

Now, about my's occured to me that I've never really implemented one in the past, but I'm not really as much of an ogre with my TOS as much as one might think. Wink

Basically, please don't reupload any of my BodyShop creations anywhere else and claim them as your own. You may, however, include them with any sims you upload, as long as you upload to free sites only and remember to credit me. Oh, and please remember to keep my stuff off the Exchange and paysites. I'd like my stuff to stay free and accessible to all.

If you like these, please leave a comment, as I get a kick out of knowing people enjoy my work. :smile:

3  Simmers' Paradise / General Sims 2 Discussion / The creature/supernatural life form in BV? Okay, it's a yeti/bigfoot type creature... on: July 21, 2007, 04:30:39 am
Yes, I did make a mention of this in a different thread, but instead of trying to throw that particular thread off track I thought it would be wise to start up a separate thread.

Anyway, as beaches are apparently a feature in this new EP, I'm betting on "mersims" being the creature life form. Feel free to contradict me if you wish, but let me know of any other suggestions you might have, OK?
4  Sims 2 Community Downloads / Female Hair / Cyberdreads for your girlz... on: March 17, 2007, 11:51:56 pm
Hi all,
This is my first upload in quite a while I know...anyway I present to you a batch of cyberdreads I created a while back. I sincerely doubt you'll need any EPs for these, as I created them during a time when I only had Uni, NL and OFB installed on my PC. I meant to share these with you guys sooner, but work and general laziness got the best of me. Tongue Plus, I've been enjoying the Seasons EP a bit too much...
All you need is Nouk's Side Dreadfalls mesh for these to show up in your game.
I endeavour to make all of my creations as user-friendly as possible, so I will definitely let you know if any EPs are needed. Should these dreads not show up in your game for any reason then please let me know straight away!
I've decided to upload each of the files separately, as I feel it would be much less painful to me than it would be to upload them in one hit...and so you can pick and choose which ones you please excuse the spammage!
Anyhow, enjoy! Oh, please excuse the tacky CAS screen...


The dreads in the fourth picture are the "Candy Riot" dreads, in case you're wondering...
5  Simmers' Paradise / General Sims 2 Help / Strange issue with NL strobe lights and Seasons... on: March 13, 2007, 07:21:15 am
Hi all,

I was wondering if somebody could help me shed some light (no pun intended!) on this problem I've been having since I installed Seasons...anyhow it involves certain community lots either taking forever to load, crashing, or refusing to load at all! I'm talking about Maxis-made community lots in the default downtown area in the NL pack, though I do believe the problem extends towards custom-made lots as well, and I know it's not simply a case of errant hacks or incompatible recolours sneaking in to the lot, as Maxis lots are affected.

I've been able to access some of the Maxis lots with no problems, such as Sims Gone Wired and the One-Twenty-Five cafe - the lots which seem to be affected are nightclub-type lots, mainly those with the Maxis hanging strobe-lights. Now, my brother has guessed there could be something defective about the strobe lights, and I'm starting to think there could be some credibility to his theory. It certainly isn't included in Maxoid Sam's list of known Seasons glitches, and for the record I'm not using any lighting mods in my game. I even took out some of the hacks I had installed, including J.M. Pescado's "Commlightson" hack, but to no avail. Has anybody else experienced something untowards like this?

At this point I must state I carried out an entire reinstallment of all my Sims 2 games before installing Seasons, and started my new game with a clean downloads folder (of course I added things gradually afterwards, and made sure any hack I installed was not out of date), but I can't help but wonder why those Maxis strobe lights seem to be the cause of my lots not loading up at all. I've conducted a conflict scan as well - no conflicts were picked up by HCDU.

Any assistance anybody can offer would be most appreciated.

Thanks in advance.
6  Sims 2 Community Downloads / Accessories / Some Alchemy Gothic jewellery... on: January 06, 2007, 12:51:18 pm
Hi all,
It's been a while since I've uploaded anything here, so I present to you six jewellery sets which I created on Dr Pixel's alpha earrings & necklace mesh. These are all Alchemy Gothic designs, and the urge to transfer these designs onto one of my favourite jewellery meshes struck me when I started to tire of all the cute, glittery sim-girl jewellery designs on this mesh.
These were all made on a Pets-free PC, so nobody should have any problems with these (yes, I am aware a BS patch is in existence right now).
All female sims aged from teen upwards can wear these...I have contemplated converting these files so guys can wear these if you think I should do so then please let me know.:toothy5:
There may be more sets forthcoming, so who knows?Tongue
P.S. ***Mesh is included in the RAR file***

7  Sims 2 Community Downloads / Female Hair / Outlandish MyoS Hair recolours on: November 26, 2006, 09:35:44 am
*deleted due to bad quality*
8  Sims 2 Community Downloads / Community / The Onyx Crypt (Community Lot) on: October 24, 2006, 03:52:11 am
Here is a community lot I have created for all your gothy simmies to enjoy, and just in time for Halloween as well! I aimed at creating a lot with a bit of character, unlike the nondescript structures which house so many of the goth clubs in reality.
It's set on a 3x2 lot, so it shouldn't impose too much of a drain on your video card. The lot contains various recreational facilities on the ground floor, a rather spacious dance floor above, and stealth stairs! Woooo, stealth stairs! These come in rather handy as they enable one to cram in even more stuff!
All of the content in the lot is Maxis (I know there are non-Maxis objects featured in the screen shots, but to be on the safe side, I only uploaded a version of the lot with only Maxis content). Really, you can redecorate it however you like if you find the Maxis options too bland (I know I do).
Requirements: Uni, Nightlife, OFB and quite possibly the Holiday pack/version of the base game, as I've incorporated a couple of elements from the Holiday party pack as well.
Oh, and you will need a couple of meshes too. I used the Cathedral windows and Rosette windows from the "Midsimmer's Night Dream" set at MTS2, which you will need to pick up from here.
The only other custom content this lot contains are floor and wall coverings from Parsimonious ( and McTrick's Place ( The package also contains a couple of wall coverings which I personally created some time back, but never got around to uploading.

I just thought I'd create a few things to bide my time until I get the Pets EP. Anyway, enjoy!
Whatever you do, please don't mutate this and reupload this anywhere else and claim it as your own work, especially NOT to that cesspool called the Exchange!
Okay, I confess that I did something really irresponsible and neglected to mention you might need FFS and GLS for this lot to work as well, even though I don't recall including anything from either of those packs in the lot. Sorry about that!
9  Sims 2 Community Downloads / Custom Objects & Recolors / 10 Vintage Absinthe Posters for your Sims! on: October 23, 2006, 09:55:46 am
Here are a series of vintage absinthe-themed posters; these images date back to early last century, before absinthe was made illegal in many parts of the world (those of you who are familiar with absinthe and its side effects will know why...).:grin:
These are all recolours of the Maxis "Pineapple" painting, so you will need Nightlife if you want these to show up in your game.

10  Sims 2 Community Downloads / Self-Sims / My Self-Sim on: September 15, 2006, 01:20:15 pm
Yes, this sim is meant to be a likeness of me. Personality-wise, she is a Taurean like I am in real life. Her temper is about as filthy as her sense of humour and she can be a slob, but she possesses a wild creative streak, so she spends much of her time painting when she isn't arguing with people. The best aspirations to assign to her would be either Pleasure or Knowledge (if you don't have NL).

Now for the custom content:
Eyes: lliella
Skintone: Louis #7 Pale (Lin's Edition) from Shiny Sims
Hair: Female Windblown by Seomi (get mesh here), recoloured by Liegenschonheit
Makeup: Rocker Eyeliner and Gutter Baby Gothic Eyeshadow & Lipstick by Liegenschonheit
Blush: Glow Blush by Sussi
Eyebrows: Maxis
Clothing: recoloured Maxis outfit (University required)
Don't brutalize her too much, or worse, turn her into some ditzy bubblehead.
Love and kind regards, Cynara
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