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1  Simmers' Paradise / Sims 2 Web / NetraCreations on: December 27, 2008, 01:37:27 am

Updates-December 24, 2008

Big Girl Casual Clothing

Big Girl Formal, Undies, & Swimwear

Big Girl Athletic & Outwear

Updates-December 27, 2008

Big Girl Casual Clothing

2  Retired Creators / Thick Madames / NetraCreations Updates on: December 23, 2008, 08:24:17 pm
Check here for my site updates. Pics coming soon.
3  Retired Creators / Big Girls / NetraCreations Updates on: December 23, 2008, 08:22:28 pm
Updates-December 24, 2008

Big Girl Casual Clothing

Big Girl Formal, Undies, & Swimwear

Big Girl Athletic & Outwear

4  Retired Creators / Thick Madames / By Request Bon Voyage Yukata for Thick Madame on: November 11, 2008, 10:39:08 pm
Here is a new mesh by request for the Thick Madame shape. It's the Yukata mesh from Bon Voyage. It's base game compatible though and comes with a bump plus fat & preg morph. Hope you like & enjoy. Happy simming god bless! Smiley
5  Retired Creators / Thick Madames / *New Mesh* Thick Madame Alpha Editable Skirt with MC Spiked Heels on: October 15, 2008, 07:27:19 pm
Here is a new mesh for the Thick Madame Bodyshape. It's the alpha editable slip from the base game. Carida requested some higher heeled shoes added to the short mini, so I decided to do an alpha editable version with MixdCrysy spiked heels. Smiley You can find her & jaccirockers section HERE with lots of awesome meshes & recolors for the more shapely simmies.Smiley I hope you like and enjoy. 3 different recolors are included with the mesh. Has fat & preg morphs. Happy simming and god bless! Smiley

Credits & Special Thanks
To MixdCrysy for those awesome spiked heels, You ROCK!! :worship:
6  Retired Creators / Thick Madames / By Request Thick Madame Short Mini with Sexy Feet Night Gown on: October 12, 2008, 06:48:24 pm
Here is a recolor to the Thick Madame Short Mini with Blooms Sexy Feet. This was a request made by cableguy, I hope you like it! Enjoy. Happy Simming and god bless. Smiley


Bloom for the Sexy Feet :worship:
7  Retired Creators / Thick Madames / By Request Thick Madame Short Mini Recolors on: October 12, 2008, 06:29:45 pm
Here are 5 more recolors to the short mini with heels for the Thick Madame bodyshape. These were requested a while ago by Carida. I'm so sorry for posting these so late and thank you for being so understanding Carida! :group hu: I hope you like and enjoy! Happy simming and god bless. Smiley


Dori 2-for-u for the heels

8  Retired Creators / Thick Madames / Thick Madame Short Mini with Bloom Sexy Feet on: August 07, 2008, 05:10:49 pm
Here is the Short Mini with Blooms sexy feet a request made by cableguy. I hope you like it!! Enjoy. It comes with one recolor. Happy simming and god bless! Tongue

9  Retired Creators / Thick Madames / *New Mesh* Thick Madame Hula Skirt with Sexy Feet on: July 26, 2008, 05:53:37 pm
Here is a new mesh for the Thick Madame shape. It's the alpha editable hula skirt from the base game. I hope you like and enjoy. I tried to do a simple yet cute and kinda sexy recolor,lol. It comes with Fit and Fat Morphs and a Bump. I made this one with Bloom Sexy Feet! I will post the one with maxis tomorrow. All credits and big thanks go to Bloom for the wonderful sexy feet!!! Thank you Bloom!! You can check out his and gothplagues section with great downloads HERE. Happy Simming and God Bless! Tongue

10  Retired Creators / Thick Madames / 5 Bikinis for Thick Madame with Blooms Sexy Feet on: July 25, 2008, 02:13:41 pm
Here are some recolors to the Undies/Swimwear Mesh with Blooms Sexy feet. It comes in 5 different recolors and the meshis included. The mesh is very high in Poly so I would not reccommend downloading if you don't have a high end PC. I didn't notice any change in mine though. Textures are by me. Feel free to do recolors. I hope you like and enjoy! All credits go to Bloom for his wonderful Sexy Feet!!! Thank you so much Bloom for all your hard work and help! :group hu: :angel: Happy Simming and God Bless. Tongue

11  Retired Creators / Thick Madames / *New* Thick Madame with Blooms Sexy Feet on: July 24, 2008, 03:41:11 pm
Here is the Thick Madame Undies/Swimwear Mesh with Blooms Sexy Feet!!! A request made by Jaccirocker! I hope you like and enjoy. All CREDITS go to Bloom for his wonderful Sexy Feet, Thank you so much Bloom for sharing all your wonderful work with us. You can check out his and gothplagues section HERE with some really great downloads. This mesh comes with Fit, Fat, and Preg Morphs. This mesh is also Very High in Poly so I don't reccommend downloading if you don't have a High End PC. I didn't notice any change at all on my PC. These are only for those who would rather the sexy feet instead of maxis block feet.

Bloom has already made some sexy feet for some of my Big Girl Meshes so I will post those in the Big Girl section. Thanks again to Bloom for all his help, you are Heaven Sent! :angel: Happy Simming and God Bless!

12  Retired Creators / Thick Madames / 3 New Thick Madame Long Dress Outfits on: July 23, 2008, 08:20:37 pm

Here are some recolors to the Thick Madame Long Dress mesh. I hope you like and enjot. It comes with 3 recolors. I have included the mesh for those who may not have it. Happy simming and God Bless!!

Al for all the great shoes @

13  Retired Creators / Thick Madames / By request *New Mesh* Thick Madame Short Mini on: July 21, 2008, 04:16:02 pm
Here is a new mesh for the Thick Madame Shape by request. It is a mini dress with heels. I hope you like and enjoy. It comes with one recolor. Happy Simming and God Bless. Tongue

I apologize as I didn't know that the shoes were from Dori over a 2-for-u so ALL CREDIT goes to her for the Shoes!

14  Retired Creators / Thick Madames / Thick Madame Wet Seal Outfit on: July 17, 2008, 09:28:44 pm
Here is a recolor of a previous mesh for this shape. This is a Wet Seal outfit. I hope you like and enjoy. The mesh is already included. Happy Simming and God Bless! Tongue

15  Retired Creators / Thick Madames / *New Mesh* Thick Madame Pants with Short Heel on: July 17, 2008, 09:20:53 pm
Here is a new mesh for the Thick Madame shape. It is a simple pants mesh with a short heel. I hope you like and enjoy. It comes with one recolor. Happy Simming and God Bless!!

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