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The Sims 3 / Pudding Improvements / Re: No Bills in the sims 3!
on: September 17, 2013, 02:30:30 pm
Hi FLChicago! This mod may not have been updated to work w/all of the patches. Currently, if you have a fully patched game, we're up to patch 1.57. Also, once your sim gets to 15k lifetime points, you can purchase the "no bills ever" perk.
Resident Creators / EP8 Mods / Re: No Autonomous Greet EP8
on: April 12, 2009, 12:38:36 am
I finally got around to doing another sim owned community lot. I have this mod and it's great! My poor sim can now gain customer stars instead of losing them b/c some other customer decided to either talk to him or engage him in some kind of play! Thanks Squinge!
Resident Creators / EP5 Mods / No Unwanted Stuff in Inventory & no going broke EP5
on: October 03, 2008, 06:48:33 pm
Hi, I downloaded this newer version and I'm still having troubles w/it. It works great on most things except realestate. When I sell a deed, it can't be sold anymore regardless of this mod. Here is a pic of what happens. The "buying" sim just turns around w/the $ and an X thru it and then walks away. I used to be able to sell real estate over and over again w/no problems. What's happening?
Oh and btw, I *can't* just "post a new thread;" at the bottom of the page is says "you may not post any new threads." The first time around searching for this one was like searching for a needle in a haystack. I only found this b/c of the link in my closed thread. Why is this forum so confusing and difficult?
Simmers' Paradise / General Sims 2 Discussion / Plant Sims
on: December 30, 2007, 02:41:42 am
Hi, I'm not sure if this has been an issue before tonight, but I have the SIM edition of the Insim. I made my plantsim look like a normal sim thru "Make Skin" and when I took her to a community lot, she reverted back to the normal Plantsim look. Is this a glitch? I have BV installed also as well as mst other packs except for Teen Style. Thanks!
Sims 2 Community Downloads / Women / Wedding Gowns
on: September 27, 2007, 02:15:23 pm
Very beautiful gowns! May I ask though which mesh the first gown is? Your link took me to SimChic's page for little girl outfits, lol. I went to the wedding gowns and saw what I think might be the mesh for it, but I'm not certain. Thanks! You did a great job!
Resident Creators / Squinge's Mods / Smart Milk IQ Boost New Alternate Version(9/24/06)
on: September 25, 2006, 02:31:44 am
Will this boost last thru childhood? I used to give my toddlers nothing but smartmilk to drink/eat, but then by the time they were in their mid teens, they had every single skill maxed out! That got a bit boring so I cut it down to 1 bottle which gets them trained nicely and doesn't leave any effects into childhood. Thanks!
Resident Creators / Squinge's Mods / In Testing:Teens To Young Adult Without Going To College
on: July 16, 2006, 11:25:40 pm
Thanks Squinge for clearing that up! As for the agesims cheat, I was thinking of that to age the ya to adult instead of having the birthday cake, but the cake wouldn't be too bad either.  One other quick question. Is it possible for me to just have the no want satisfy uneducated hack and have them grow up directly into an adult thus bypassing the ya stage or do I have to have the ya birthday cake and teen to adult no college hacks as well? Thanks! I have a family where I'm doing the poverty challenge (no college allowed) and all the kids are growing up taking aspiration hits for not going to college.
Resident Creators / EP3 Mods / Teen & Gender Preference Adoption Hack New EP3 Versions Available(7/02/06)
on: June 30, 2006, 02:29:43 pm
Hi Squinge, does your Adopt a Teen hack work for adopting all ages and just allows adopting a teen also? Also do you have a NL version of your teleporter plus shrub w/memories and wants as well as the same day adoption and does your teleporter bush plus w/memories and wants work w/OFB? The last question is for my self and the previous questions are for my brother. He only has up to NL and I have OFB. Thanks!