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1  Sims 2 Community Downloads / Sim Hunks / Manny my Macho man contestant on: April 19, 2007, 12:05:19 pm
Better late than never right?

I found my backup of Manny and thought it would help me get back
into posting if I had a good subject. I loved playing with him and hope
you will also.
I dont believe there is any pay content so I packaged up everything,
I hope theres no problems.

I altered all the files starting with a Z.
Dont put him up on paysites or the exchange please.
Many thanks to the ju-beos team for their generosity. Thanks and praise
to all the other creators listed.

I have all ep's up to pets so use your own judgement and clean installer.
Enjoy! Comment if you like.
2  Sims 2 Community Downloads / Sim Hunks / Sky Huge dedicated to marvine and beos on: April 19, 2007, 10:12:15 am
Before my computer got hit by lightning I had already packaged this guy up to upload...well I just found the backup and wanted you all to have your way with him. LOL

He's a bit over the top with the huge muscles, hairy chest and big hair but I think it works for him.
A huge thanks to all the creators/meshers/skinners for letting us play with their things. All the files needed are included but please dont post them anywhere else as your own. Thats just not nice.
Everything starting with a Z are reworked by me.
Use clean installer
I have all ep's up to Pets so...if thats an issue still, so sorry.
3  Sims 2 Community Downloads / Sim Hunks / Red Haired Daddy-Harvey on: February 08, 2007, 12:24:02 am
After a positive response by kaneonapua and a few others I decided to go ahead and put him up for you all to enjoy.

My thanks to:
 Ju-beos for the bodybuilder mesh and the fullbody baggypants
 helaene For her brows
 Barcelonista for eyes and blush
 and others listed...
Everything starting with a Z has been altered in some way by me.
The skin uses Allen's red fur on a light bodybuilder linked mesh.
 NOTE this Sim may require Pets, Family Fun and Glamour Life. Please use clean installer. get it here
I have all patches so it should work just fine. *crosses fingers*

Just so you can see he was a good dad I put up a few with the son. And the son grown up (he got a makeover rebelling against is red hair)
Anyway he's yours now. Wink

Edit by BeOS Box Boy: replaced Sims2Pack with ZIP, all necessary meshes are now included, copy all files in ZIP to Downloads folder.
4  Sims 2 Community Downloads / Sim Hunks / "Daddy" Chuck Arvois on: October 01, 2006, 07:19:14 pm
He's a Gemini and part of a Loving Couple in my game. Go ahead break them up and use him as you will. They are really frisky together though...heh. This skin is HOT as a teen also if you change him in CAS you wont't regret it.

NOTE this Sim may require Family Fun and Glamour Life. Please use clean installer to...install.

I tweaked this amazing skin and the eyes and must thank the  ju-beos team, and I use other artists great work and I also thank them. Louis, rose, Pin and
5  Sims 2 Community Downloads / Sim Hunks / Pretty "boy" Cal Arvois on: October 01, 2006, 07:06:21 pm
He's a Pisces and part of a Loving couple in my game with "Daddy" Chuck. Feel free to break his heart and use him as you will.

NOTE this Sim may require Family Fun and Glamour Life. Please use clean installer to...install.

I tweaked this amazing skin and must thank the  ju-beos team, and I use other artists great work and I also thank them. Louis, barcelonista, seomi and
6  Sims 2 Community Downloads / Sim Hunks / A. James Smooth Daddy on: September 21, 2006, 01:24:15 pm
I've got lots of interesting kids and Hot men out of this guy in my game. So far he's only given me guys for some reason so I breed the heck out of him and he still has a great figure. Enjoy!

Hat tip to Beos, Marvine, Barcelonista, Louis, Fumiko and everyone else responsible for making this game so fun for me.

NOTE:This sim may require Family Fun and Glamour Life....or do as I do and open and install it with Clean Installer.
7  Sims 2 Community Downloads / Sim Hunks / Seriously Hairy Herb on: September 21, 2006, 01:07:04 pm
If you dont like Hairy men You won't want Herb. Cuz He's really hairy.
Of Course all I did was fiddle with the skin a bit so all the credit goes to those wonderful folks who made the meshes and the skins and the fun bits that make the game well, I'm sorry I cant find the link to the original SK skin I played with any help is appreciated.
Herb is one of my born in game guys, He's real expressive and I hope you all like him.

NOTE:This sim may require Family Fun and Glamour Life....or do as I do and open and install it with Clean Installer.

Hat tip to Beos, Marvine, and JoanneDyer, Helaene and everyone else responsible.
8  Sims 2 Community Downloads / Sim Hunks / Patrick Red headed Hotness on: August 09, 2006, 11:58:30 pm
I like a rugged nose and shaggy hair and when Patric grew up I had the perfect new hair for him. He is another of my and BBB Peirced erect blends. Also the work of plays heavily in this sim, she is amazing. I know I used a TSR hair but it was perfect...what can I say, I use what I find no matter where I find it if it is good.
Thank you all for all your kind words, it's meant alot to me. I've had some spare time as I am in the middle of getting used to a new drug for a condition:boohoo:  I have and couldnt work for a few days and sharing these guys with you all has helped me ignore the side effects. Alas it is off to work for me tomorrow and I'll have to wait a while to post some more of my hunks as they show up in my game.:group hu:

This sim may require Family Fun....or open and instal it with Clean Instaler
9  Sims 2 Community Downloads / Sim Hunks / Gary The "Golden one" on: August 09, 2006, 12:40:21 pm
I wish darker skins showed up better without having to light them with studio lamps but I think you can tell this ones pretty darn hot. I loved the golden tone of his skin with the tan line thanks to Marvine and Yakov The hair HystericalParoxysm (mmmm good stuff) and the eyes by barcelonista (anyone have a link?) and the facial hair is from here look around and find some quality stuff.
I take no credit for creating, I just use the tools to mix these guys up for my own and hopefully your pleasure.

This sim may require Family Fun....or open and instal it with Clean Instaler
10  Sims 2 Community Downloads / Sim Hunks / Jimbo- Pretty boy alert! on: August 09, 2006, 09:56:52 am
I made this one as an experiment to see how many of my sims that are attracted to facial hair would throw themselves at him. It worked. I hope you like him too. Shave him if you want him real pretty.
He's packaged with the new Louis male& femmale BB found here for freckles HystericalParoxysm (mmmm good stuff) hair makeup brows
There are so many wonderful artists that have let us play with their tools, I'm so grateful, and as always ...:pray: Hail! Marvine and Yakov without them this game would suck.
I could upload the hot blonde shown with Jimbo if you guys want him too.

This sim may require Family Fun....or open and instal it with Clean Installer Sorry!
11  Sims 2 Community Downloads / Sim Hunks / Serge on: August 09, 2006, 09:18:19 am
This hairy brute is a born in game sim using my version of the Hairy Teen thru Elder Body builder by the Ever Fabulous Ju-Beos team. He is not pretty but he makes my pants know, down there.... Most of the tools I use are from here and and
I hope you all like him as much as I do and if you know or recognise his parent sim tell them I'm grateful for his genetics.

This sim may require Family Fun....or open and instal it with Clean Installer Sorry
12  Sims 2 Community Downloads / Sim Hunks / Alan a peirced Hottie on: August 08, 2006, 11:43:25 am
This is a great great great grandchild of my "Ho" self sim. (poor sim, I bred him like crazy)  I blended this hot skin from and The BBB peirced erect penis mesh and its one of my faves. I also used alot of stuff I listed but you might not have... I suggest starting here, go crazy and get everything. for Body Meshes lots to grab here.
Next up, another great place to get great stuff.
I'm hoping Its allright to send you to all these links.
Without these artists tools I couldnt have done any one of my Sims, all Praise and honor Marvine and Yakov without them we'd be stuck with the maxis crap.
This sim may require Family Fun....or open and install it with Clean Installer
13  Sims 2 Community Downloads / Sim Hunks / Paul Axle's Bad haircut day on: August 07, 2006, 08:41:14 am
This guy started out as an Ugly/Pretty experiment, I wanted to make a Hot Elder Sim using Yakovs BB mesh and This gorgeous blonde hair on dark skin skin (I just love the look I've seen on Brazilian men who are outdoors alot -brown skin blonde body hair) from . I've been working on him back and forth between the game,Bodyshop and SimPE for days and as I played him last night I remembered the bad here he is as he gets home.
This is PA as an adult, go ahead and let him age...hes still hot.
I used alot of other artists tools I got from this site an GSC2 to get his look and they deserve all the praise.
I hope I havent forgotten anything else...If you like him let me know.

This sim may require Family Fun....or open and install it with Clean Installer
14  Sims 2 Community Downloads / Sim Hunks / Gerry, Bald and beautiful on: August 03, 2006, 11:50:00 am
This is another of my born in game guys,and although he looks elvish he really isn't. I mixed the awsome BBB TEEN mesh with the brown fur so...All hail the glorious work of Yakov, Marvine,, Louis, Helane and anyone else who might have made it possible for me to put these guys together.


This sim may require Family Fun....or open and install it with Clean Installer
15  Sims 2 Community Downloads / Sim Hunks / Bud, (My own personal Zombie Jesus) on: August 03, 2006, 11:36:24 am
I really like this guy for some reason and hope you all enjoy him too. It goes without saying that I take no credit for making this skin, just mixing it up.
All hail the glorious work of Yakov, Marvine, Amun-ra,, and anyone else who might have made it possible for me to put these guys together.
This is a Slimmer BB skin/mesh...Oh and you'll want crammyboys hack also.
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