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1  Simmers' Paradise / General Sims 2 Help / Playing in Windowed mode... on: October 14, 2008, 04:29:05 pm

I have been struggling with this for awhile. I have the expansions up to Free Time, so when I load the Sims I get that little Sims 2 Launcher. From there, of course, it goes to fullscreen.

Since the .exe opens that launcher, doing the normal tag to window the game doesn't help, because it just windows the (already windowed) launcher. Am I missing something? Is there a way to get around the launcher? I would really like to play the sims 2 windowed again, so any help would be awesome.


EDIT: ...I dunno how I missed this, but found the correct exe that WASN'T the launcher. So I've solved it, and feel very silly. XD Please lock or delete this; thanks! <3
2  Sims 2 Community Downloads / Women / Three adorable babydoll dresses on: August 25, 2006, 01:19:54 pm
I have finally figured out clothing textures! *Sprays confetti* They're uh... Not great, but they're cute enough that I would use them and my friend liked them, so I decided I'd go ahead and upload them. ^^

There are three dresses here: a red one with white doves, an elegant champagne colored one, and a red, gold, and navy patterned one. They're called babydollreddove, babydollelegant, and babydollredgold so you can download which you want.

The mesh is from All about Style ( and the particular mesh is on this page: It's called FAbabydoll; I've also included it for download in it's own zip on here, called 'babydollmesh'. I particularly love this mesh and it is absolutely adorable on pregnant sims, as it makes their baby bumps look even bigger. I included some pics of a pregnant sim in one of these dresses too, so you can see. So they're cute maternity clothes if you use the 'pregnant sims wear any clothes' hack.

You can use my alphas if you want, but they're absolutely hideous. I just offer them in case there is someone who hates alphas as much as I do and want to use someone else's. XD Just give credit for the alphas if you use them, and don't upload them or my textures anywhere without my permission.

And credit goes to Shop Intuition ( where I got the designs of the dresses from.

Finally, if you have questions, comments, or requests you can PM me or post in the thread. Smiley Thanks for downloading!

3  Sims 2 Community Downloads / Sim Honeys / My newest model, Meyari - An adorable asian sim on: August 24, 2006, 09:53:52 am
This is Meyari, another of my many asian sims (but I think she's the cutest). She was requested to be uploaded at, and I thought I'd share her here too.

A big thanks to Pinkfloyd, who let me use their hair recolor in this upload. Smiley You need a mesh for this hair, which is included in the link by Pinkfloyd's credit line.

Feel free to use Meyari in sims stories, as a model, or otherwise like that. Just don't reupload her anywhere, or claim her as yours.

Thanks for downloading!

Skin - 'Pixie Gold' Enayla
Hair - Pink Floyd
Eyes - Mine (Collection #4, I think.)

Eyebrows - Helaene
Blush - Barcelonista
Eyeshadow - Samba
Eyeliner - Simmetrical
Lipstick - Iced Mango

Top - Frezia
Bottom - Iliella

4  Sims 2 Community Downloads / Sim Honeys / Winter - A beautiful blond on: August 20, 2006, 09:34:47 am
I'm back with another sim! This is Winter, and I was just messing around with the new hair I'd downloaded and ended up with her, so I wanted to share her with everyone. :3

As always, feel free to use her as a model, as a character in sim stories, or anything of that sort. Just give credit and don't claim her as yours or upload her to other sites.

Skin - 'Cold Light' by Enayla
Eyes - Barcelonista
Hair - XMSims2 (NEEDS MESH)

Eyeliner - Barcelonista
Eyeshadow - Helaene
Blush - liegenschonheit
Eyebrows - Barcelonista
Lipstick - None

Clothes - Barcelonista

5  Sims 2 Community Downloads / Sim Honeys / Anna-Marie Lyra on: August 05, 2006, 09:31:18 pm
This is one of the Sims from one of my favorite Sims families. Her name is Anna-Marie Lyra.
Please do not reupload her anywhere, though you are free to use her in sim stories, as a model, or otherwise. I'd love a credit, but it's not needed.
Her hair and necklace require meshes, so make sure you get them. :3
Eyeshadow: (Spring)




Anna-Marie Lyra -- by Eshal/Cartouche
6  Sims 2 Community Downloads / Sim Honeys / Evangeline Deborah Martel on: August 03, 2006, 06:39:26 pm
This is my newest sim, Evangeline Deborah Martel. I think she's the most beautiful of all my sims, so she's gotten some special attention. XD I also thought I should share her with everyone.
Feel free to use Evangeline in stories, as a model, etc. I would love credit, but it's not required; just don't say you created her, or reupload her to any other website, okies? ^^
I've included the names of the particular colors of items/features used, for simple convinience. Also note that the hair requires a mesh, so go make sure you get it or it won't show up. ^^
Skin: Enayla (Early Spring)
Eyes: SussisSoGoodSims (Mirror of the Soul)
Hair: SussisSoGoodSims (Gypsy Hair Black)
Eyebrows: Helaene
Eyeshadow: Not included*
Blush: Digital_hannah (White Tea Machinations Set)
Eyeliner: SussisSoGoodSims
Lipstick: SussisSoGoodSims
Freckles: SussisSoGoodSims
Nails: Not included**
Earrings: Not included***
Clothes: Barcelonista
*I haven't included the eyeshadow, as I'd packaged the Sim without it before I could figure out who had made it. It's by SDivin
**The nails are not included because the creator doesn't want them uploaded (and I think that includes packaged with sims.) If you want them, they are by Sims4Rent (French)
***The earrings are not included because the creator doesn't want them uploaded (and I think that includes packaged with sims.) If you want them, they are by XM-Sims




Evangeline Deborah Martel -- by Eshal/Cartouche
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