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1  The Sims 4 / Sims 4 Requests / Sims 4 request on: October 27, 2014, 11:11:07 am
Hello all,  I would like to request some religious clothing such as a clergy/priest shirt, jewish prayer shawl (over shirt I imagine), a yarmulke, Cassock and other religious clothing items if anyone knows how to create them and is willing to do so.  I especially need the clergy shirt in black (but other colors are welcome and under a suit is fine if not just a regular clergy shirt.)  Thank you so much for considering my request and have a great day! cool
These are clergy shirts:

These are Yarmulke's:

These are Cassock's

I hope this helps, thanks so much!
2  Simmers' Paradise / Where Can I Find...? / WCIF recategorize tutorial on: May 23, 2009, 08:30:36 am
Hi All,

I used to have a tutorial to use SimPE to recategorize clothing bookmarked, I lost it when I got my new computer.  I can not find it anywhere, I thought it was on MTS2, but I have searched and not found it.  Does anyone know where this tutorial might be?  I just want to recategorize some items that are showing up all over my game, like underwear categorized at outerwear and every day, to get them out of sections where I do not want them, will not use them. 

Thanks to all,

3  Simmers' Paradise / General Sims 2 Help / Default Skins on: April 19, 2009, 04:30:07 pm
Hello All,

I have a couple of questions regarding Default Replacement Skintones

I heard that if you want to create a new set of default replacement skin tones, all you have to do is get a set of default replacements that someone else made and change the textures.  So my questions are:

1.  Is that true?

2.  If you can just replace the textures, how do you get to them?  What I mean is, I have default replacement skin tones in my game, but I do not see them, in body shop, they show up as the maxis textures.  If I export these, will I get the skins from maxis, or will I get the replacements and be able to edit them. 

3.  I thought they had to have special file names to work, is this true?  or is the naming internal and would that already be done by exporting and existing default replacement set?

Thanks for whatever anyone can tell me!

4  Simmers' Paradise / General Sims 2 Help / Hospital Hotel, Can this be done?? on: June 25, 2008, 01:10:51 am
Hi All,

I have been thinking of making a Hospital that would function as a hotel. Has anyone tried this and can it be done?  I would like to be able to send my infirmed sims to a hospital and have them pay daily for services.  I also thought that I would make a small restaurant for the hospital cafeteria and a flower and gift shop in the building.  So I guess my question is, can the regular hospital beds that folks have made be used as hotel beds to make the hospital a place where simmies rent their rooms?  Can I choose the staff clothing?  Does anyone who has created and played hotels know if this can be done?  


5  Simmers' Paradise / General Sims 2 Help / Vita Sims?? on: November 22, 2007, 03:48:46 pm
Hi All, I am having a problem with Vita Sims and I am wondering if it is just me or everyone.  When I try to download from the site, I get a page full of ascii type characters and nothing happens.  They have a few new clothing meshes that I want and I can not get to them.  Is this happening to everyone?  


6  Sims 2 Community Downloads / Women / KurvyK Capri's and T's on: September 17, 2007, 08:42:41 pm
Hey All,

I started out to make the KurvyK girl a catsuit, but I got sidetracked and she ended up with some Capri’s and T-shirts, I hope you enjoy.  You will find the mesh at Franny and Tiff’s site, link below, I love this girl so much!

As for my part, you can do whatever you want with my stuff, but please respect the original creators policies and requests!  Let me know what you think.  The textures and colors are from my color program and from free sites I have scavenged.  

Please let me know what you think!

Enjoy all,

7  Sims 2 Community Downloads / Women / Kurvy K dresses 2 on: August 28, 2007, 07:07:02 am
Hi All,

I have been playing with the newest mesh for the KurvyK girl body type by Franciele and OneBlondMomma.  I enjoyed the way the first few came out, so I thought I would do a few more.  Special thanks to OneBlondMomma and Franciele for their new site and this great new body and for sharing their work for free!  I hope you enjoy them.  You will find the mesh at at this link:

Please be kind and let me know what you think of these!

As for my stuff, you can do with it whatever you like.  All the textures come from free texture sites or from my color program stock textures.  However, please remember to respect the policies of the original mesh creators.  I hope you enjoy these as much as I enjoyed making them.  


8  Sims 2 Community Downloads / Women / KurvyK girl Dresses! on: August 26, 2007, 04:55:10 am
Hi All,

I have been playing with the newest mesh for the KurvyK girl body type by Franciele and OneBlondMomma and I have made a few dresses to go with this great new mesh and body type.  Special thanks to them for their new site and this great new body and for sharing their work for free!  I hope you enjoy them.  You will find the mesh at at this link:

Please be kind and let me know what you think of these!

As for my stuff, you can do with it whatever you like.  All the textures come from free texture sites or from my color program stock textures.  However, please remember to respect the policies of the original mesh creators.  I hope you enjoy these as much as I enjoyed making them.  



PS, if anyone knows who the creator of the model is, please let me know so I can credit them.  She is a very beautiful sim and I would love to give proper credit as I did not make her myself.  She came with long blond hair and a blue sweater outfit.   :tongue8:
9  Retired Creators / Male / Slim BB Star Trek Uniforms on: August 16, 2007, 07:45:59 pm
Hi all,

As I mentioned in my other Star Trek post, a while back Mininessie did some wonderful Star Trek uniforms at MTS2.  The Originals by her are located here:

She did excellent work and was wonderful to allow me to make some conversions for them.  This set is for the Slim BB and it has been converted to two different meshes both by Marvine and Beosboxboy.  One is on the Military and boots mesh for those who like the more Military look, the other is on a regular pair of pants and shirt for a more casual look.  I hope you enjoy them.  You will find them here:

Special thanks to Mininessie for allowing the conversions and to Marvine and BBB for the wonderful meshes to play with.  

Please let me know if you like these too!  I have some others in mind and they came out very nicely, but the original creator has not granted permission yet.  

Thanks again all and enjoy!  

10  Sims 2 Community Downloads / Women / CPU Star Trek Uniforms on: August 15, 2007, 09:42:17 pm
Hello all,

A while back Mininessie did some Star Trek uniforms at this link:

I was thinking of joining the new contest, but I wanted to do something different for uniforms as my favorite female is the CPU, so, I asked permission to convert these uniforms for use with another body style and mesh type and Mininessie kindly said I could.  I like my ladies in dresses, so--I have put the outfits on Warlokk’s CPU turtleneck dress found here:
And on Blooms CPU alpha dress mesh found here:

Please be kind and let me know what you think of them, thanks so much!

Many, many thanks to Warlokk, Bloom and Mininessie for allowing me to play with their wonderful creations!

I am planning to do some conversions for the Slimmer BB too and I have asked someone else permission to do a different set of uniform conversions too, but I have not heard from them yet.  I hope you enjoy these and please remember to respect all of the creators involved.  Happy Simming.  

11  Retired Creators / Classic Pinupgirl / CPU Sleeveless Strapless Dresses on: June 18, 2007, 09:12:33 pm
Hi all,

I guess I am a bit carried away tonight.  I love the way the other versions of this dress came out, so I thought I would chop off the sleeves and shoulders and see if it looks good sleeveless and strapless.  You decide.  These dresses are on Bloom’s wonderful Pinup Alpha dress mesh found here:

Special thanks to Warlokk for my favorite lady and to Bloom for this very cool mesh.  Let me know what you think please.  As always, you can use these any way you wish and enjoy.  The patterns are from my color program or from free texture and tile web sites.  Thanks so much all and I hope you enjoy.  Comments always welcome.  

Thanks all,

12  Retired Creators / Classic Pinupgirl / Classic Pin Up bad girl clothes. on: June 18, 2007, 08:10:27 pm
Hi all,

Ok, so in my game, Victor and Cornelia Goth are alive and happily married (elders).  So are Mortimer and Bella Goth, but I have given Mortimer a twin brother, Tyrone, who is loveable, but not too bright with women.  He is being chased by an evil femme fatal named Destiny Follows ( all adults ), she’s got her gold diggin’ claws deep into him.   I just had to make her some bad girl clothes, so here goes.  These dresses are on Bloom’s wonderful Pinup Alpha dress mesh found here:

Special thanks to Warlokk for my favorite lady and to Bloom for this very cool mesh.  Let me know what you think please.  As always, you can use these any way you wish and enjoy.  The patterns are from my color program or from free texture and tile web sites.  Thanks so much all and I hope you enjoy.  Comments always welcome.  

Thanks all,

13  Retired Creators / Classic Pinupgirl / Classic Pinup Alpha Dress and Hats on: June 16, 2007, 10:07:42 am
Hi All,

As you know, I have been enjoying Bloom’s wonderful alpha dress for the Classic Pinup girl, found here:

I decided to make some “dressy” clothes, started with the idea of wedding and funeral outfits, then did a few others just for fun.  I also included recolors of both floppy hats and peacock hats made by the following wonderful creators!  I did not include a blue recolor of the peacock hat because the original was done in blue.  The photo’s do not do it justice, it is much nicer than my recolors in real life.  As always, you will need the meshes for the dress and hats found at the sites I included.  

Peacock Hat
By:  hystericalparoxysm
The creators personal site:
The location of the peacock hat:

Floppy Hat
By:  Pinksuki2k
The location of the floppy hat mesh:

Just a little FYI , the file named Hat1 contains the floppy hats, Hat2 contains the peacock hats.  The dress file named Peek contains the peek-a-boo back dresses and the file named collar contains the ones with the open collars.  I hope you and your simmies enjoy.  A special thanks to all who made these wonderful meshes possible and to Warlokk who dreamed up this great body type.  I hope you all enjoy.  Now she can go to a wedding or funeral in style ( I hope!)  


14  Retired Creators / Classic Pinupgirl / 'Honey West' Catsuits~Classic Pinup on: June 10, 2007, 07:16:48 am
Hi All,

When I saw the Classic Pinup catsuit mesh here:,109360.0.html  

It sort of sent me on a trip down memory lane.  You see, back when I was a youngster, somewhere between when dinosaurs roamed the earth and when Al Gore invented the internet, there was a TV show called Honey West, about a very sexy and liberated (for her time) female detective.  She wore very sexy clothes and had a pet cat, I believe it was an ocelot.  Anyway, the catsuit reminded me of the type of stuff she would wear, so I recolored Gothplague's wonderful mesh to reflect Honey West (Ann Francis) as I remember her.  I hope you enjoy!  Thanks Gothplague for the great mesh and thanks Warlokk for my favorite girl, the Classic Pinup

15  Retired Creators / Classic Pinup / CPU Alpha Dress Recolors on: June 02, 2007, 10:35:29 am
Hi all,

I have been having fun with Bloom’s Classic Pinup Alpha dress.  I actually did these a few weeks back, but I had problems with the hemlines, I think I have them corrected now, so here goes.  I think they came out pretty cute, I took both front and back pics so you could see the peek-a-boo.  I love longer dresses on ladies with this wonderful kind of body, so no mini’s here!  Special thanks to Bloom for this great new mesh and to Warlokk for making the Pinup Girl my favorite!  Bloom’s wonderful mesh can be found here:

As always, you can use these any way you wish and enjoy.  The patterns are from my color program or from free texture and tile web sites.  Thanks so much all and I hope you enjoy.  Please let me know what you think.    

Thanks all,


Note: sorry for the names of the dresses
CPUFix is the red dress
CPUFix2 is the sort of leafy dress
CPUFix3 is the Aqua/Gold Dress
All are in the rar file named CPUPeek, thanks again.
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