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1  Resident Creators / EP8 Mods / Playground Objects Enabled For Adults - AL Updated(11-10-08) on: November 13, 2008, 06:34:14 pm
Wonderful mod ! Its sooo precious...I wish I could be an adult-sim,I would have a lot of fun.I feel jealous,my simmies have gorgeous houses,furniture and now fabulous playground objects...
Thank you so much for your great job.Hugs.
2  Retired Creators / Skins for the Skinless / Eyes for the Eyeless! on: September 26, 2008, 06:19:34 pm
Your eyes collection is stunning.Thank you so much for sharing it with us.Big hugs.
3  Sims 2 Community Downloads / Custom Objects & Recolors / Maxis Arched and Lafenetre Windows Expansion Sets on: August 19, 2008, 07:46:03 pm
Tbudgett ,this is a gorgeous set.So precious and useful.Not enough words to tell you how much I LOVE this great creation.I am very grateful.Thank you so much.Big hugs.
4  Sims 2 Community Downloads / Custom Objects & Recolors / Apollo Maximus Sculptures on: July 02, 2008, 10:00:19 am
I have no words to tell you how much I LOVE this Apollon...This is a fabulous creation.Thank you so much for sharing it with us.Big hugs.
5  Sims 2 Community Downloads / Residential / Your forever on: June 07, 2008, 06:48:17 pm
Elica,I have tons of houses and many,many treasures in my downloads,but your house is so gorgeous and inviting that I can't resist : Just downloading.Thank you so much for sharing this beauty with us.Big hugs.
6  Sims 2 Community Downloads / Walls, Floors & Murals / Palace walls on: May 01, 2008, 07:11:44 am
Thank you so much.I ADORE your walls.
7  Sims 2 Community Downloads / Custom Objects & Recolors / The Chinese wagon on: April 18, 2008, 06:55:24 pm
Its marvelous.LOVE your set.Thank you so much for creating it and sharing it with us.Big hugs.
8  Retired Creators / Objects of Virtue / Drinks on the Patio on: April 05, 2008, 07:31:22 pm
Its adorable.Sweet drinks on this charming patio.Thank you so much.Big hugs.
9  Simmers' Paradise / FreeTime Help / Bizarre/Aggrevating Freetime crashing on: March 11, 2008, 09:07:56 pm
:happy8:Just some news.I think that my hard work is finished.I had to remove several windows & doors that I loved but now the game is working fine and I  can again enjoy playing.There are 10,4 GB in the "downloads" file.
Big hugs.
10  Simmers' Paradise / FreeTime Help / Bizarre/Aggrevating Freetime crashing on: March 09, 2008, 07:55:16 pm
Netza,I am not yet finished with testing and testing,but honestly I think that I have made a step forward...I share it with you: Maybe it can help (not sure,of course).

Since I absolutely wanted to add some beloved sets before considering my downloads complete, and because of the crashes that occured each time with the door/window menu ,I decided to "work" (!?) differently.

I have made a search with the search tool of the start menu (windows xp).Have typed "window" .I could access most of my custom windows and moved them from the "Downloads" folder to the desktop....But:Very carefully.They are all sets and I made sure that after all tests I would be able to have them back correctly in my downloads.

Then again: Testing and testing.Now I have all my beloved objects files (buy and build) in the downloads.I am adding windows step by step.Some have crashed and many have worked perfectly .Now I'll get some sleep and tomorrow continue with the tests...

I feel that the (happy) end is near and feel somewhat released,but its still a long work because of the long loading times.

Like you I have noticed on other forums that many of us are experiencing crashes with the build catalog.Its a real problem: Custom windows and doors are such a great addition to the game.

Hope that you'll fix your problems soon.Good luck.Hugs.

P.S. I have downloaded many doors and windows from HERE.And: They are ALL working fine.Thanks to the wonderful creators (and experts).
11  Simmers' Paradise / FreeTime Help / Bizarre/Aggrevating Freetime crashing on: March 08, 2008, 02:51:22 pm
After Seasons and Bon Voyage I have made a huge maintenance W-O-R-K (!?) in my downloads.Finally everything was working fine and I enjoyed deeply building and furnishing houses with CC (If there were no cc I would immediatly stop playing Sims 2).

Now again a huge frustration:After installing Free Time.Several wonderful sets which worked perfectly until now are now unusable.My game crashes when I click the Doors/Windows menu.I am testing and testing soooo muuuch.
I know that ram and graphic card are ok.2GB ram +nvidia Geforce 6600GT.
I have 10,6GB downloads.I have tested the game while adding files step by step.Have removed all problem files with GUD conflicts (scanned with SIMPE) .Have no hack.

It could now be ok : My downloads folder is nearly complete,but I still wish to add some sets that I love.No windows,no doors :Sofas,tables,bookcases,just objects of the buy catalog.
And they are conflicting with something in my windows/doors.All other menus:Fences,Gardening etc are ok.

Of course I may be wrong 'cause I am not an expert.But I think that some of my custom windows/doors are conflicting with several files. I am ready to remove the problem windows/doors.But I don't know which ones.It means a huge testing time and the tests are only worth if everything is in the downloads folder (exception for walls,floors and terrains) .Each test takes a lot of time...

Of course if I launch the game with another "EA Games" folder and less cc it works perfectly....But it doesn't fix the problem.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.Thanks in advance.
Have all a wonderful weekend.Hugs.
12  Sims 2 Community Downloads / Custom Objects & Recolors / TSS Goth Bed Twined, and changed on: February 19, 2008, 02:18:34 pm
LOVE this bed.It seems great and I'll try it tonight in "one of my" castles..!!Thank you so much for sharing this beautiful work.Big hugs.
13  Sims 2 Community Downloads / Community / Kazimierz Fat Mill on: January 28, 2008, 06:29:01 am
This Mill is stunnung.LOVE,LOVE ! So charming,realistic,romantic,nicely landscaped and furnished.And with a wonderful architectural style.Its a great work.So CLASSY.A real treasure.THANK YOU SOO MUUUCH.Hugs.
14  Sims 2 Community Downloads / Girl / Lineloth-cute dress for toddler girl on: January 05, 2008, 06:55:47 am
Its adorable.LOVE it.Thank you so much.Big hugs.
15  Sims 2 Community Downloads / Custom Objects & Recolors / Sofa armchair and coffetable "Macierzanka"_Mesh+recolor on: January 01, 2008, 03:16:26 pm
Its a pure beauty.So inviting and peaceful in a nice sweet home.Can imagine myself in your armchair,with a glass of Champagne in the hand!
Thank you so much for sharing this fantastic creation.

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