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1  The Sims 3 / Sims 3 Help / S3 WA Sims move in with Sims of other country on: December 22, 2010, 11:36:19 pm
Hi all it's been awhile...FINALLY figured how to play my S3 without trashing it.  angry  Anyways, my question, I have WA Expansion pack and I have 2 sims female roommates. One has fallen in love with somone from China and I wonder is there a way for her to move in with or marry her boyfriend and they live in China?  If anyone knows how to do this and yes, cheats, I really appreciate it  Cheesy Grin Rock. I am still such a newbie to S3 and I still have not figured out how to download custom content since, let's face it, some of EA's stuff, including the sims bite. I tried to download cc (custom content) when I 1st got the game but got frustrated since it's an act of congress to download into the right folder  rolleyes angry. At least with the Sims 2 all you had to do is put it in the downloads folder. Many, many thanks.
2  The Sims 3 / Sims 3 Help / Sims 3 mad @ EA/Maxis on: October 15, 2009, 08:05:31 pm
 angry I am SO not a happy camper!  angry I bought the Sims 3 because I read some of the blogs that said the game was worth it. At first I loved it until I decided to download some custom content. First of all it took me like 2-3 hrs or more to figure out how to download custom content  Cry (cc) for S3 which u have to practically have a degree in computers to figure this out.  I had to delete all of my original sims i created and start over since my game crashed when I downloaded an update via the download mgr that asked if I wanted to download a patch for the game when clicked on the game icon the computer. Oh well, Maxis/EA u messed up big time. I may never buy another Sims game from u again. Here's a thought if anyone plans on creating their own game better than S3 let me know and I will buy it better yet I will help u create it. Thanks for letting me blow off some steam...I'm going to start playing the S2 least I can download in the DOWNLOADS folder without hassle. If anyone else can convince me to keep S3 (which I will keep as a collectors item or until somone can show me how to download cc) I really appreciate it. Many, many thanks.  Lips Sealed
3  Simmers' Paradise / Mods & Careers / Request flooding, sever thunderstorms, tornadoes on: July 28, 2009, 12:21:41 am
Hi fellow simmers.  This may be in the wrong forum so feel free to move it. I have original, nightlife, seasons. Is there a hack where there could be sever thunderstorms, hurricanes, flooding, and yes i dare say, a tornadoe. I am in the process of making my sims movie and would like to add some drama to my story and yes there are some sims the may "accidently" get taken away by a tornadoe Evil. If they get sucked away by a tornadoe they could be deposited on a different lot (community or drop in on another residential lot) or how about be dropped into a different neighborhood? Let me know what everyone thinks and feel free to email me. Many, many thanks.  YAY
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