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Author Topic: St.James Legacy Continued ch.4-6  (Read 3867 times)
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« on: November 16, 2008, 11:54:05 am »

St.James Legacy Chapter one through three
In case you haven't read the first three chapters above. Enjoy~Lori (sahmormakmom)
Chapter Four
Vivian and I are so proud of Drake. He has grown to be such a strong, educated young man with a good head on his shoulders. He has decided to go on to college, more importantly he's attending the college Vivian and I had attended. Drake wanted to pursue a surgical career. We couldn't be more proud of him. I just hope Kaleb makes good decisions like his older brother when his time comes.

So now we'll let Drake tell his story...
"Hello." Drake says as he relaxes in his dorm room after a particularly exhausting day in Physics class. He has just settled his muscles and worked a bit of the tension he was feeling out when a knock sounded at his door. He hadn't been expecting anyone. He's only been on campus for a week now and hasn't really socialized with his other dormies.
Drake opens the door slowly to reveal a face he hadn't seen in a long time. It was Kahl, his grandfather, still looking as youthful as his father.

I step outside pulling the door behind. "Grandfather? What brings you to my campus?" Kahl smiles as he looks at Drake and then at his surroundings. He was always impressed with places of knowledge.

"Has your father spoken to you about me?" He asked.
"No, should he have? Father hasn't spoken of you since his wedding with Vivian. Then again, you haven't been around either. Why do you ask?" Drake questioned.
"Do you know the whereabouts of a particularly old bear. It was your father's in his youth. This bear is very valuable and needs to be cleaned as well as preserved." Kahl said as his eyes began to glow a deep lavender. I noticed it and felt a bit suspicious of the desire to have a child's bear.
"No, last I saw it the twins were playing with that ragged old bear. Hell, Vivian has stitched the arms on it I don't know how many times. I don't think it is worth much now in the shape its in." I lied because I still had the bear in my possession. Dad had told me of the importance of the bear the night before I moved on campus. I wasn't to let it out of my sight. The horror that crossed Kahl's features were indescribable. He shook my hand and made a hasty retreat down the walkway. I never saw him again during my college days.

I sat down and emailed my father about the visit with Kahl. I reassured him that I still had the bear in my safe keeping. He went on to giving me advice as he always did. Dad told me to enjoy my college days but be sure to study as well and not let my grades fall. He also told me I should be dating as well.

I thought about all he had written to me. So I began to mingle among the recent additions to my dorm. I was lucky I chose this dorm I suppose, because there are mainly women in this dorm. Very fine looking women.
  I am so thankful for the working ice machine here.  I've had to ice down my groin on many knee jerking occasions thus far.  I suppose my tactful wittiness isn't exactly winning them over.  One girl in particular has struck my fancy.  Her name is Chloe Thomas.  She's in all my classes a biology major just like me. We met at a dorm party and as usual not one of my finest moments she shot me down, but I never gave up on her.

So I changed my approach noticing she had just moved in the neighborhood.  I asked if she would like to study together at my place.  She agreed. We started studying the books nightly then we naturally progressed to studying each other.  For the most part we were damn near inseparable.

  Dad wrote again asking me to come home for winter break to be with the family.  I thought about it and asked Chloe to come with me.  Her family was going on a cruise for the holiday break and she would have been alone.  I wouldn't hear of it.  I told her this would be an excellent opportunity to meet my folks.  We had only been seriously dating for a couple of months now but I was developing very strong feelings for her that I couldn't deny.
  When we arrived by train in Belladonna the Snow had begun to fall.  I love this time of year when the world turned white and glistened in the christmas lights mingled with the moonlight.  We decided to walk to my parents from the last bus stop in town.  Mervine had long since retired from the bus company.  So dad began to drive his old pick up back and forth to work.
  Chloe and I began to goof around in the yard when Dad walked up on us quietly.  The snow had begun to lay in earnest.

I scooped Chloe up and swung her around as she giggled hanging on to me.  I set her down and began to chase her as the snows became deeper.  I finally caught up with her and kissed her in the moonlight.

 Dad had been watching us the whole time.  He didn't say a word at first.
"Come on in kids Vivian has dinner on the table." Dad said as we stamped off the snow feeling the warmth on our faces from the fireplace.  The smells meandered together of spices and apples marrying with the aroma of the fresh turkey in the other room.  I loved this time of year.  I could see Chloe did too.

Dinner was lovely.  I looked over at my brothers Kaleb and Denver.  They had grown so much in the last few months I had been gone.  Kaleb was very nearly a teenager now and would be off to college too.
  Kaleb walked ahead of us to the livingroom and put on the radio.  Christmas tunes were playing. White Christmas was playing by Bing Crosby, a classic.  I pulled Chloe into my arms and we danced to the tune.  Vivian and dad joined in as the music played.  It was at that very moment, the peace and happiness that I felt in my chest at that time, I wanted Chloe in my life forever.  This moment set the wheels in motion for me to save for her ring and if time was good to them next year this time they would be dancing together married.

The evening was drawing to a close and we needed to return to campus.  Dad gave me a big bear hug that nearly broke my back.  I cherish these moments we have together as a family.

Chloe and I walked back to the train station and caught our train back to school.
« Last Edit: November 16, 2008, 03:09:59 pm by sahmormakmom » Logged

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« Reply #1 on: November 16, 2008, 02:04:32 pm »

The next few months for us were a whirlwind at school with exams and labs. We barely had time for one another let alone our classes and studying. Chloe began wearing baggy clothes and just looking plain horrible. I tried to catch up with her a time or two after class but I was always detained for one reason or another. I even emailed her at night regularly.

One night while I was studying alone I realized I was short a book on anatomy. We had this test on the renal system tomorrow and I really needed to read up on that part in the book. So I called Chloe and asked her if she had the book with her. She did and without me asking I just showed up at her place. I was kind of late and she was ready for bed in the nighty I had given her for christmas. I was stunned with what I saw.

"Chloe are you pregnant?" I asked in complete shock. She looked at the ground not really wanting to look at me at all.

"When were you going to tell me?" I asked proud and hurt at the same time.
"Never. I have worked too hard for what I have right now, Drake. My grades must be maintained so that I get the scholarships. This is my mistake and as soon as its born I'm giving it up for adoption. My parents don't even know about it. I want to keep it that way." Chloe burst upset and angry because she had been trying so hard to keep her pregnancy from everyone.

I reached over and felt the baby moving inside of her.

"This is our baby is it not? I want this, Chloe. I want to be a father and to help you. Don't put the baby up for adoption. I'll raise it and keep your secret for you. Please don't take this away from me." Drake broke down. He pulled Chloe into his arms kissing her like he hadn't been able to all these months.

In the middle of the night on June 3, I recieved the phone call from Chloe. She was in labor and crying for me. I went to her dorm after getting dressed quickly in what I had draped across the chair. I wiped the sleep from my eyes as I ran to her place. She paced and screamed in my ear as the pain ever increased. I told her I thought it was time to go to the birthing center just outside of town. I called a cab and we were on our way.
We arrived and the midwife checked her in. Chloe had made it just in time. She was already a good eight centimeters dilated. It wouldn't be long. My panic began to set in as the moment was ever nearer. Chloe finally sat on the bed and with the Midwife's instruction began to push the baby out. I was horrified as I watched the baby's head stretch her skin and emerge. Her screams echoed in my head with her pain. Then he was born beautiful and perfect. Our son James, arrived 7am on June 4. Chloe was exhausted as was I. He was eight pounds 3 oz and
21" long. He was a big boy. I could see why she struggled with him.

After several hours in the center and getting a clean bill of health for both of them we went back to my dorm. Chloe and I changed clothes as our friends came to see our son.

I couldn't be prouder of them both. I stepped headlong into the daddy role. I fed him, burped, bathed and changed him. Chloe helped when she could.

She thanked me for keeping James. She really didn't want to give him up after she saw him. She was just trying to think of what was best for them both. I just smiled not wanting to reflect on the past when we had such a wonderful future to look forward too.
James grew quickly, it was now the end of our Sophomore year at school. I hadn't gone home since that first christmas with Chloe. I always came up with an excuse not to go. I still didn't tell my dad that I was a father. I was afraid he would mention it to Chloe's dad who frequently ran into him in the city.

Chloe came over to speak with me just as summer break was starting. She pulled me to the side. "Drake, I can't do this anymore. My transfer has been accepted to Pleasantville University. I am leaving today. I'll keep in touch regularly. Send me pictures of James as much as you can. I love you both. Goodbye." Chloe said tearfully.

She walked over to James picking him up holding him as she bid her farewells to him.

Chloe walked out of our lives that day as she stepped into her cab. I wanted to hold her and keep her there but I remembered what Vivian had told me once. Sometimes the things you love the most must be let go, if they are meant to be it will return to you. I just pray that someday we were meant to be for my hearts sake.
James and I got on well in our new lives without Chloe. It was the beginning of my Senior year and James was now five. I took a break during my Junior year to work and be with James. I decided to change my look a bit I shaved and let my hair grow out a little. I wanted to look more fatherly then before. I think the look worked.

I still lived on campus take minor classes in the evenings twice a week to keep from being asked to leave. I met Abigale Thorne and we hit it off well.

She adored James but he didn't like her. I proposed To Abigale during a drunken stupor at a dorm party that we had attended while a nanny was with James.
Abigale and I had our moments, but that is all they were was moments. I still thought of Chloe all the time even to the point of calling her and talking for hours with her just as we used too. She even began popping over to see James. I admit this made my heart beat faster. I still had her engagement ring safely hidden away in my jewelry box lining. Our relationship, started to burn warmly all over again.

I began holding her and kissing her as I used to. Chloe didn't mind it one bit she even teased me about in front of James. One day, while James was at school Chloe stopped over and of course we had our proper moments that turned very heated. We eventually ended up in my bed all afternoon. It was during one of our moments that we were not alone. Abigale had walked in on us.

Call me crazy but in a way I was relieved that she had. I was looking for a way to break it off with her and this was perfect.

We argued back and forth for a bit then I broke it off with her. She was even more furious then.

On her way out the door she spied my bear, THE BEAR, and she stole it. She ran out of the house slamming doors and all. I was heartbroken I had to find her and get my bear back.

I had to think of a way to get that bear back. Looking back now there was something strangely familiar in her eyes. Yes they were the same as mine and my father's she was of our kind. I wonder if she was working for my grandfather.
Graduation was quickly approaching and I finally had my life somewhat the way I wanted it. I was dating Chloe again slowly this time. She had already graduated the year before as we were supposed to but since my break I was lagging a year.
I decided to soak in the hottub for a couple of hours while James played with a couple of his other friends whose parents decided to have them while in school as well. I was glad I wasn't the only insane student. I happened to glance in his direction and noticed the broad back of a man speaking with him that I hadn't recognised. I quickly got out of the hottub on alarm mode.

As I approached them, I heard the words being spoken.
"Where do you live?" Spoke the man. James smiled big pointing to the dorm door that was Drake's.
"I live here with my daddy, Drake. You know you look alot like my daddy, only with longer hair." James said. I paused knowing exactly who was standing there.
I had recieved the email from Kaleb about a month ago telling me that he was transferring into my college to continue his Junior year. Now, my secret was blown. Kaleb knows about my son.

I gave him a big hug. We stepped back as Kaleb began to rant at me. "Why didn't you tell the family you had a son Drake. Don't you think Dad and Vivian would have liked to know? If you won't tell them then I will!" Kaleb yelled at me, upsetting James.

"Kaleb, you must understand, I had my reasons for keeping James a secret. Chloe didn't want her parents to find out she had a child out of wedlock. You know how strict they are. So I agreed for her sake and to keep her from giving him up for adoption. I don't regret that decision. Please your my brother surely you are not going to hold this against me." Drake said trying to calm his brother.

"Fine but tell dad. He has a right to know." Kaleb said as he hugged me.

I hadn't realized that telling Dad would come sooner then I had expected. Apparently that night Kaleb had called dad and they were staying in town for my graduation.
"You really should pop in on Drake and see what he has been up to lately. I think you'll discover a rather big surprise." Kaleb told Devon that evening.

I was relaxing running over the day's plans for graduation in my head. When a knock came at my door.

I had an oh Shit moment the gang was all there standing in front of me and my son behind me.
"Hi Vivian, dad." I said awkwardly.
I stepped out and at that blessed moment James burst onto the scene seeing the twins wanting to play.

The shock on their faces was contageous.
"Who is this?"Vivian broke her stance first.

"My son James. Chloe and my son." I said. My father looked at him as James just began to talk and carry on regular conversation with him.

"A son with Chloe? Why the secrets Drake?" Dad asked a little hurt.

"To protect Chloe. She had asked me not to let her parents know. So in order to prevent any mishaps I had to keep it from you also. I'm sorry dad but I didn't want her giving James up for adoption. That was her other decision." I told him.
Dad turned to James who was intently watching us. He bent over and gave him a big hug. "I would have kept your secret son. But I understand, I just have a great deal of time to make up with my grandson."

He turned back to me and gave me a hug too. "Thank you for James. He is beautiful."

I went in the house and prepared for my graduation.


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« Reply #2 on: November 16, 2008, 03:08:13 pm »

I started looking around Belladonna for a nice starter home for James and I.  After stumbling on this rare gem.

I had saved a bit of money during the year break I had.  It wasn't like I was buying formula and diapers anymore.  I was able to save quite a bit.  Dad bought me the red mustang for graduation and I received gifts from the nieghbors back home as well as Ms.Bernice.  Her check was rather handy.

The first day that James and I moved in I drove him to school. It was rather cool way to show up for him, I think.  Maybe he'll make a lot of friends.

I came home and quickly dressed in my surgical scrubs.  Vivian had pulled a few strings for me at Belladonna Memorial. I was the new resident trauma surgeon in her wing. I suppose it helps having the Chief as your stepmom.  I won't let her down.  I can't I have too much at stake here.  I still have to locate my bear for one.
   James first day home alone, was a bit unsettling for him.  He was only by himself for forty minutes. He didn't like it.  That is where I needed to adapt to this new life of just the two of us.  Before there was always someone home at the dorm and he knew them all.  

  So I decide to ask Chloe to come over and she brought Nicole with her.  I asked Chloe if she would be willing to come here in the afternoons until I came home from work.

  Naturally, Chloe agreed.  I must admit that I was beginning to enjoy coming home to Chloe and James those first few weeks. I would lie awake at night thinking about a time that I could have my family together here in our home.

 Then Chloe began coming over in the mornings to see him off as well.

Our morning routine, had begun as before.

It was getting harder and harder to let her leave in the evenings.  
  One morning she surprised me by showing up in her scrubs.  She told me that she had rounds to do this morning but she wasn't going to miss our Morning.  I noticed that she had cut her beautiful hair.  It wasn't as long as before but it was still nice.  She told me she just wanted a change.

  I gave her ride to the hospital with me after our morning tryst in the livingroom as usual.
  She was there as she had promised for James that afternoon.  Chloe was beginning to enjoy the at home moments with him.  I pulled up and they both ran to greet me.

 I liked how that made me feel.  So I did it. I proposed on the spot.

  Chloe was estatic she accepted my proposal even moved into the house that evening.  She looked through the wedding magazines and made up guest registries for us.  It was great.  Then the day arrived for our Wedding.  The yard was decorated with ribbons and flowers. We began to exchange our vows during the setting sun.

I was so happy.  Vivian was right, Chloe did come back to me.  I have her now and I'm never letting her go.  I made sure she got what was due when we cut the cake.  I creamed her.

  During the reception another love was blooming between our friend Nicole Blankly and Kaleb.  He was never the impulsive type to make the first move but she was.  We laughed when we seen her dip Kaleb and plant a kiss to his lips.

   The months went by quickly for us.  Chloe was expecting during our wedding.  She called me on the cell letting me know that she was carrying twins.  I was speechless.  Then I was paged for a stat and had to go.  Chloe had to cut back her schedule and she decided to quit altogether to be home with the kids.  I picked up more hours to compensate for the loss in pay checks.  I began to fill in as an emergency OB surgeon at Belladonna three nights a week.  The hospital had been having surgeon troubles in the OB wing for some time now and were thrilled that I had decided to take on the task.
  Thirty three weeks into Chloe's pregnancy she began having troubles and was hospitalized.  James stayed with Dad for the next few weeks while I worked and cared for Chloe.  Between Shifts I would visit her.
  I had an unusually busy delivery night tonight.  Another patientwho was 36wks was being rushed to me.  I scrubbed in only half listening to the nurse going over the remarks on the chart.
The patients belly was prepped as she was placed under a General.  She didn't have time for the spinal block.  
 I made my first incision and thought I recognised the birthmark on the belly.  It wasn't large or even hugely noticeable.  I cleared my mind thinking the surgeries were getting to me.  I entered the Uterus and withdrew the first baby a boy and handed him to the waiting nurse.  Then the next baby a girl and handed her off.  I felt inside and noticed there was another and I called for another nurse as I pulled another boy from the womb.  I cleared the uterus of the placentas and stitched her closed.
I listened to the mewings coming from her lips and instinct told me to look at her.
"Chloe?  Oh my god.  Chloe... Come on wake up honey." I said as she slowly came out of the general.  It had dawned on me at that moment that we didn't have twins, we had triplets and I delivered every one of them.  I kissed her on the lips and walked over to the isoletes.

They were troopers everyone.
I named them Drake jr. he was 4lbs 3oz, Georgia was 4lbs 8oz and Jacob was 5lbs. even.  It was wonderful.  They were only in the nicu for the evening and were transfered to the regular nursery.  They were strong, eating and healthy just as if they were term babies.

I visited them regularly until it was time for Chloe to go home from the hospital five days later.  The hospital gave me a two week leave to help out at home with the babies.  Trust me I needed it.
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