OK, so I know there are some of you who don't think our policy for having your own personal thread fair, but let me just point a few things out.
We love to see your pictures and love your enthusiasm to show off what you do with your game. The thing is, every new thread takes up a bit more space on the server. Pictures are also notorious space hogs. To that end, if you want your own thread, it's not unreasonable to expect that you can update with at least ONE picture every six weeks. It can be a Bodyshop picture, a CAS picture or an in game picture. It can even be a picture you've already posted but have done some massive edits on in Photoshop or whatever program you use to make it look better and/or different. As long as your updating with a sims picture, we're happy.
If you're not going to update regularly, then that thread is just going to sit there taking up space that can be used. I don't know if any of you have noticed how much smoother things run here since we cleaned things out (between the picture threads and massive amount of attachments). I distinctly remember there being a ton of down time or downright sluggishness on the old site. Seriously, at one point in time we had six pages of personal picture threads and most of them had been sitting there, unused for anywhere between 1-3 years. Yikes.
As was mentioned in the first post of this thread, if you open your own personal thread, it's under the assumption that you have a lot of pictures to share and don't want to feel like you're spamming the general pictures area. If you notice, we're not exactly strict with making sure people keep up with the six week updating rule. We understand, sometimes, games break or people get hit with a massive dose of 'life just plain sucks'. We will usually either pm you or post directly in your thread to ask for the status. If you need a few weeks or a month, OK, we can swing that, but to expect that we will indefinitely let you put your thread on hold isn't fair and, when you get things straightened out, you can always come back and post a new thread. We're fine with that.
If you don't like the time restrictions, there's always the General Pictures section. You can post to your heart's content with no expectations.