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Favorite Quotes?
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Topic: Favorite Quotes? (Read 38908 times)
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Re: Favorite Quotes?
Reply #45 on:
August 17, 2010, 06:14:37 pm »
"Honestly, Officer, we weren't doing anything wrong. We were just sitting here quietly disturbing the peace." ~ Me, at age twenty-two.
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Posts: 418
Re: Favorite Quotes?
Reply #46 on:
August 21, 2010, 10:28:56 am »
Wow... there are way too many quotes that I love for me to write them all down here. I even have a "Favorite Quote Book" I started a few years back. Let me see if I can narrow some of my favorites of all time (I can always add more in later):
Capt. Malcolm Reynolds: Half of writing history is hiding the truth.
Inara Serra: Mal, what are you doing here?
Capt. Malcolm Reynolds: You invited me.
Inara Serra: I never thought for a second you'd be stupid enough to come!
Capt. Malcolm Reynolds: Well that makes you a tease.
Marty McFly: Wait a minute, Doc. Ah... Are you telling me that you built a time machine... out of a DeLorean?
(Back to the Future)
Annie Proffit: I'm living in a nightmare that begins at the crack of dawn.
Anthony "Swoff" Swofford: Every war is different. Every war is the same. / A story: A man fires a rifle for many years, and he goes to war. And afterward he turns the rifle in at the armory, and he believes he's finished with the rifle. But no matter what else he might do with his hands, love a woman, build a house, change his son's diaper; his hands remember the rifle.
Indiana: Meet me at Omar's. Be ready for me. I'm going after that truck.
Sallah: How?
Indiana: I don't know, I'm making this up as I go!
(Raiders of the Lost Ark)
Han Solo: Wonderful girl. Either I'm going to kill her or I'm beginning to like her.
(Star Wars IV: A New Hope)
*after cutting open a Ton-Ton and stuffing Luke in*
And I thought they smelled bad... on the outside! / Laugh it up, fuzzball. / It's not my fault!
(Star Wars VI: The Empire Strikes Back)
"[T]here's a lot of decaffeinated brands on the market that are just as tasty as the real thing[.]"; Hence: There are a lot of great Sims stuff out there for free that are just as good as name brands you pay for!
So please, take note:
Posts: 2939
Great cat of NO mercy.
Re: Favorite Quotes?
Reply #47 on:
August 22, 2010, 05:52:31 pm »
You forgot the one line that was in all six of the damn movies, said by every character at one time or another: I've got a bad feeling about this. I think Chewie even said it, but I'm not fluent in Wookie.
I'm not a button, so DO NOT PUSH ME.
Posts: 418
Re: Favorite Quotes?
Reply #48 on:
August 22, 2010, 06:07:59 pm »
Ah... yeah, nice catch, Paden. Good line, I agree.
"[T]here's a lot of decaffeinated brands on the market that are just as tasty as the real thing[.]"; Hence: There are a lot of great Sims stuff out there for free that are just as good as name brands you pay for!
So please, take note:
Carnival Freakshow
Posts: 1592
Re: Favorite Quotes?
Reply #49 on:
November 27, 2010, 03:06:57 pm »
Haha, or "Whose scruffy lookin'?"
Love that.
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Re: Favorite Quotes?
Reply #50 on:
March 16, 2011, 06:25:38 pm »
Lol...this will probably end up one of my favorite threads,I constantly quote from movies,tv shows,etc..so excuse me if this is a long list:
"Why are you so sweaty?-I was watchin' cops.."
"How 'bout that ride in huh?..guess that's why they call it sin city."
"Hi..I'm your neighbor over in 300."
"Nick's usually the guy that sits over there and just plays with tubes.."
"Aaah..I think I just hurt my neck on that one."
"Some of you aren't laughing..we all miss your cousin."
"A leopard can carry 2X it's weight into a tree....I don't have a joke for that yet."
"But it is accurate..and just in case you hate my stand up at least you can leave goin':"You know what,I learned something."
"Robert better not get in my face...I'll drop that mother [sucker]!"
"It's starting to even look like a TRIPLE rainbow!"
"I don't know why I looked at you when I said that..I thought you would appreciate it."
Lol..that's it,I'm sorry if that was too much..but believe me,that's not even half of my favorite quotes..ha
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Re: Favorite Quotes?
Reply #51 on:
April 06, 2012, 01:45:56 am »
"Imagine your life without music... without anything to tap your foot to; a rhythm or a melody. It's like we would be robots. I don't know what this world would look like, or sound like, without music."
-Sully Erna
"Sorry doesn't fix everything. There comes a time where you cannot allow yourself to forgive someone anymore."
"Who are you to judge the life I live? I'm not perfect and I don't have to be! Before you start pointing fingers, make sure your hands are clean."
-Bob Marley
"I'm not afraid to admit I'm far from perfect. Because my flaws, as well as my good points, make me who I am. And who I am, is someone I'm proud of."
"I'm sorry, it's my fault. I didn't hug him every time waffles popped up!"
-Benny, from an episode of
George Lopez
"Dad... you were like a father to me."
-Zac Galafinakis in
Due Date
"You are what you love, not who loves you..."
Posts: 1
Re: Favorite Quotes?
Reply #52 on:
June 12, 2018, 09:35:05 pm »
Quote from: SenkoTwiik on November 27, 2010, 03:06:57 pm
Haha, or "Whose scruffy lookin'?"
My fave!
Last Edit: June 14, 2018, 12:58:16 pm by trentoni
Posts: 2237
Re: Favorite Quotes?
Reply #53 on:
December 02, 2020, 08:39:24 pm »
*casually dredges up a post from 2018*
My absolute favorite quote is definitely: "completely and perfectly and incandescently happy." from Pride and Prejudice.
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