Here is your file with correct neckless mesh and sexyfeet.
I added the SHPE file with the correct links to the BV files for the alpha's and noblend file.
Unfortunate you can link only one TXMT to TXTR file in that SHPE file so all outfits will have the same neckless, gras thingy's and belts.
That linking is normally done in the propertyset. you extract the gmdc from that package and load it into mine you get all the variety of the difrent outfits and accesoires.
You could even look up TMO's hula alphaskirt and load that mesh in it too.(for a bigger belly, no sexyfeet tho)
But it would be a waste of all the work you put already into your own file
I was almost 100%sure i ran into a afbodymaternityshirtpants file when browsing in the BV files, got to look.
I thought i included it in my own package.