I am sorry I didn't make myself clear, I done tiggerpuns tutorial 1 and part of 2 but I wanted only to put some different feet or shoes onto some CC meshes I have, this is how I did it copy from bodyshop to savedsims folder it looks right in bodyshop next start simpe new project PJSE-Bodymesh-EXTRACT-save as, fix integrity, extract mesh and save to folder by now what was a warlokk 34DD 38h minidress is now a EA 34B 34H I don't know how to solve that and I don't have the time to read all the tutorials I am getting too old for it if somebody could help I would very much apreciate
Every cc outfit/mesh is once build from basegame files so the moment you are creating new recolors(or cloning custom ones) Simpe will use the basegame files to create that new mesh package.
The only thing you have to do is open the Original Warlokk 34DD 38h minidress mesh and extract the gmdc by right clicking it and choose extract.
That extracted file you can edit with Milkshape(for the new shoes) and when finished load it into your new meshpackage by rightclicking that gmdc and choose replace.