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Carl's Randomness! Updated 6/24: Frames!
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Topic: Carl's Randomness! Updated 6/24: Frames! (Read 92052 times)
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Irrationally Optimistic
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Carl's Randomness! Updated 6/24: Frames!
November 14, 2009, 06:44:13 pm »
Well, while I was writing and taking pictures for my story, I ended up with a TON of unused pictures. They weren't bad pictures. No, not at all. Some were awesomely funny, they just didn't fit in the story. So here's the thread where I'll post them up and share them with you. Some of them are so good, It's almost criminal for me to keep them to myself...
Because of forum rules, I'll post them in 600x375. At the end of each post though, i'll put a link to an album where you can see it in all their 1600x1000 glory! Haha, here's the first update! This first update's all about Bianca, the teenager in my story.
What do you do if your kid trips? You rip out your camera and take a picture of course!!!! Everyone knows that.
Haha, She was/and is always the sim to be in a perfect pose for something weapon related. I always paused her in the perfect pose, and I always take advantage of that! Isn't that an awesome pic?
Again, more proof of her awesomeness. This is right after she grew up, and in the animation she looked at her hand. So I quickly paused and did this!
Here's a face she made while she was doing her homework. I think it's funny and a bit weird. So I looked at what her homework was about.
It was math homework obviously, I'd make that face too. lol.
Here the link to the full size album,
Last Edit: June 24, 2010, 12:10:47 pm by Carlwashere
I need more freetime.
Posts: 241
Re: Camden's Camera - Carlwashere's Sims! Updated 11/14/09
Reply #1 on:
November 14, 2009, 07:00:27 pm »
great pictures, carl!
bianca is very pretty!
Irrationally Optimistic
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Posts: 543
Re: Camden's Camera - Carlwashere's Sims! Updated 11/14/09
Reply #2 on:
November 14, 2009, 07:54:00 pm »
Thanks, I've got enough pictures for a while. No doubt I'll get more. I'll make this a double update!
Here's Christopher, Bianca's little brother. He's a lot harder to catch in a funny pose/face. But I still got a few good normal shots!
If you can't see it, He's chewing on the crayon. This picture isn't funny, but isn't it adorable?
Awesome Crocodile drawing, you wish you were this good. (I upped his creativity to 10 because I wanted to see what toddlers draw. They draw like animals and stuff. There's a couple of drawings of his on the wall on the house, but I'm pretty sure it wasn't caught in a picture yet.)
Why is he making that face? It's like, mischievous looking. This is a picture I recommend looking at full size...Definitely. You don't know his face until you see it in full size!
<There's a link for lazy people. It's just too priceless.
Oh...My...God... It's like a bomb went off. With toys. That's why he made that face...
At least he's a good student...
Here's the album link!
Last Edit: December 07, 2009, 06:21:45 am by Carlwashere
I need more freetime.
Posts: 241
Re: Camden's Camera - Carlwashere's Sims! Updated 11/14/09
Reply #3 on:
November 14, 2009, 08:03:13 pm »
chris is so cute!<3
I LOVE when toddlers chew on crayons! It's adorable!!
Posts: 2237
Re: Camden's Camera - Carlwashere's Sims! Updated 11/14/09
Reply #4 on:
November 14, 2009, 08:04:28 pm »
I love them! I love him!!!
That's my fave, I make them draw JUST to see them do that!!
Also, have you ever had a tot draw a llamaish thing? I have.
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Irrationally Optimistic
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Re: Camden's Camera - Carlwashere's Sims! Updated 11/14/09
Reply #5 on:
November 14, 2009, 08:09:25 pm »
I saw a bird and a crocodile (obviously), but he grew up before I let him draw more.
I like the drawings a lot though!
I need more freetime.
Posts: 2237
Re: Camden's Camera - Carlwashere's Sims! Updated 11/14/09
Reply #6 on:
November 14, 2009, 08:10:37 pm »
Children can draw too Carl...
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Irrationally Optimistic
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Posts: 543
Re: Camden's Camera - Carlwashere's Sims! Updated 11/14/09
Reply #7 on:
November 14, 2009, 08:12:27 pm »
But not with the awesomeness of toddlers. hahahaha. I mean, I wish I could draw like that! I always have to add details.
I need more freetime.
Irrationally Optimistic
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Posts: 543
Re: Camden's Camera - Carlwashere's Sims! Updated 11/14/09
Reply #8 on:
November 17, 2009, 08:06:59 pm »
Today, I've got several photos, some Cordova family pictures. But I couldn't help but wreck them. Haha, so I enlisted the help of Trisha Lassider, one of my other teenage sims. I'm sure, at the end of this post you'll agree that Trisha is 100% pure awesome.
She was visiting at the moment when the Cordova family decided to take some family pics.
Look in the window!
Naturally, she wanted to join in!
Then, she started overdoing it.
And she knocked over the camera. What a klutz.
Here's a zoomed in picture of what face she was making in the window. I know, I know, IT'S AWESOME!
I also figured you would want to see the back of her awesome (but still unreleased...) shirt!
Zoomed in on it, what do you think?
Last Edit: December 07, 2009, 06:22:09 am by Carlwashere
I need more freetime.
Posts: 241
Re: Camden's Camera - Carlwashere's Sims! Updated 11/17/09
Reply #9 on:
November 17, 2009, 08:16:29 pm »
Loved the updates!!
When I saw the first pic and noticed the person in the window I was like "creeper!" haha
Irrationally Optimistic
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Posts: 543
Re: Camden's Camera - Carlwashere's Sims! Updated 11/17/09
Reply #10 on:
November 17, 2009, 08:19:24 pm »
She's still awesome.
I think she's the easiest sim to set up ever. I didn't run into any problems with her face looking TOO weird.
I need more freetime.
A Tad Bit Glittery
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Re: Camden's Camera - Carlwashere's Sims! Updated 11/17/09
Reply #11 on:
November 17, 2009, 08:43:39 pm »
Lovely sims! Trisha is awesome! I love that face she's pulling in the window!
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Irrationally Optimistic
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Posts: 543
Re: Camden's Camera - Carlwashere's Sims! Updated 11/17/09
Reply #12 on:
November 19, 2009, 07:33:44 pm »
Haha, Procrastinating again.
Here's just some random pictures lying around my pictures folder.
I'm sure we all agree with this face and it's ties with homework right?
I wish I could remember what animation this was. Ah well, Chris's drawings are also in the background of this one also.
Here's an old picture of Chris, right before I aged him up I think.
Here's a picture of Bianca that was lying around, I haven't used this in a recolor yet, oddly enough.
Here's are two new sims I felt like making. The two closest to the camera. The teenager in the background is a townie. There's also another townie in this picture. Can you find him and name him?
It looks like he's going to grab her by the head...
Last Edit: December 07, 2009, 06:22:27 am by Carlwashere
I need more freetime.
Posts: 2237
Re: Camden's Camera - Carlwashere's Sims! Updated 11/19/09
Reply #13 on:
November 20, 2009, 07:49:34 pm »
Oh that's... crud what's his name?
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Irrationally Optimistic
Site Santa!
Posts: 543
Re: Camden's Camera - Carlwashere's Sims! Updated 11/19/09
Reply #14 on:
November 20, 2009, 07:56:56 pm »
Starts with a K...
I need more freetime.
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