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I never thought I would decline a request, but....
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Topic: I never thought I would decline a request, but.... (Read 13899 times)
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Posts: 522
Sims Creator
I never thought I would decline a request, but....
January 20, 2010, 12:51:52 pm »
I never thought I would decline a request, but this one took the cake.
I have stated that my internet is unreliable in many of my posts. I have also stated that I cannot get online as much as I would like because having just gotten married recently I am settling in in a new town.
This person kindly asked me for a couple of sims from the cartoon 'one piece' and I told him/her that I would attempt it. In that same request they asked me to hurry up with it, cos they only had a short time. I could only do what I could do-sometimes these little ones take some time.
The problem came when I tried to do these. It got very frustrating, because I could not get anything to work! Doggone it! So, after finally giving up, I told this person that I could do the sim, but couldn't do the outfits. This was their answer.
Posts: 4
Aw, that's too bad.. ;_; You couldn't make the clothes of either of the girls? That's OK, I'd still like to have the sims if you can make them, thanks. And yes, simple pirate outfits sound OK for now.
But since it's taken so long, could you at least point me to the direction of some other creator here at insimenator that could help me with the clothes? I wouldn't want to start searching randomly and lose even more time before I can finally have them done..
When the sims are done, can you upload them at Megaupload.com ? It would work best for me.
Thanks again and hope to hear from you again soon.
Sorry to have "wasted your time"--I think you may want to go ahead and look around for someone to do your sims. They are sometimes time consuming, and usually a joy for me to make. I do not like the way you have added to this request, so I will go back to my 'real life' and you can find another creator to do your sim.
Let me say one thing. If you want a sim, please be patient. We creators try to do them, but they don't always turn out the first time. (or the second or third sometimes)
I don't have net so can't do requests right now. so sorry
Queen of Caffeine
Posts: 18280
Re: I never thought I would decline a request, but....
Reply #1 on:
January 20, 2010, 01:39:57 pm »
That's really too bad, Skye. We do our best to reinforce the knowledge that people who make content, help with technical issues or hunt down needed cc do so on a volunteer basis and are probably working on more than one project.
Eleeinos, making sims to look like a particular person or character takes time. If you've tried it, then this is something you would know and is why you're asking someone else to do it for you. If you haven't, then may I recommend you try? People who take any sorts of request for help usually have a long list of people to help and poking them with a stick doesn't get the job done faster. We do it for fun and want to keep doing it for fun. Please keep this in mind when requesting anything of anyone in any Sims forum on the internet.
In the meantime, you could try to post a request for your sims in the
section of the forum. I realize you're eager for them, but patience will get you far. If you're lucky you'll get more than one person offering you versions of the sims you want.
Everybody should believe something.
I believe I'll have more coffee.
The Bird Queen
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Re: I never thought I would decline a request, but....
Reply #2 on:
January 20, 2010, 01:54:38 pm »
It's never fun when someone makes demands to us creators. Especially since we're using our own free time to make something they want, and we're even doing it gladly without being paid or anything - just because we love the game.
I've gotten some of the ASAP requests myself. And honestly, I've got a tendency to ignore those. If I'm feeling
stressed out, or if the person requesting starts to really annoy me, I may even postpone it on purpose, or even flat out tell them I'm not interested in doing it.
Because I love to create, but I hate to work in my spare time. And to me, ASAP
work. I get enough of that at school, and when I'm done with my education, I might not even have the weekends I barely have now, since in the 3D/animation business, ASAP usually means things should have been done yesterday, or even last week. I've got teachers who haven't had a Sunday off in months...
I create things in my spare time. It's fun, and at the same time it is practice, and I enjoy doing it.
I simply don't enjoy working in my spare time.
Even those times when people request updates to my stories, I have blended thoughts. I love the fact that people like the story, but I'm well aware I could need the weekend to finish up a school project, or sleep, or spend time with my boyfriend, or whatever it is. Instead I sit for two or three days being frustrated over those pixelated puppets that doesn't want to do what I want them to do, because I know I'll never get the time to do it when I get an animator job (or whatever it is). But it is my spare time, it is my story, I want to finish it sometime, and I actually enjoy doing it – even despite the frustration, and even if I do feel the ASAP stress once in a while.
I'm usually calm. Take things with a smile, and is eased out even though it's hand-in tomorrow, and I'm only halfway done.
But if I get stressed, people should stay far off. In fact, I've got a T-shirt that says «back off, don't mess with me», which I often use the last days of a project – and the message is not intended to be funny. When I get really stressed, I come really close to biting people's heads off, or least a finger or maybe a nose. If people stress me in my spare time, they might as well go into hiding at once.
Things take time. Especially things done in the creator's spare time, when there is no rush for money, no boss standing over you, threatening with getting kicked out, or even a teacher saying you'll get an F if you don't finish up a project until 2 PM sharp.
People just have to understand that, and be patient about their requests. We're doing them a favor, for free, and without asking the other person to do something back for us. We are usually doing the requests in the evening when we're off work or school, in weekends, or in our vacations. The time we could have used for relaxing with a good book, playing sims just for the fun of it, or even slept.
I really could need some sleep myself...
Recently I had a member on my site who was constantly putting up requests, not bothering to read my own guidelines for what I did requests about, and ignoring all my warnings. I was polite at first, and even started doing one of the meshes he requested. I'm still on the noob stage when it comes to body meshes, and struggled a lot with the bone assignments on this mesh. I even told him so. He just didn't want to realize it, and went on and on about «when will it be done?». Multiple posts, threads, PMs, and straight out spamming.
In the end I got fed up with him, and kicked him out from the site.
The mesh isn't finished yet. I've not even worked on it more after I kicked him out. I don't feel like struggling more with it. Since I don't really have a use for it myself, I don't see the point in continuing it, either.
If people don't have the time to wait for the creator, then they should learn to do it themselves. It can't be that hard, can it? Or...?
Thye don't see it until they realize they have to spend hours upon hours, probably days, or even weeks and months to read tutorials and learn programs, try, fail, re-read, find another tutorial, read, try again, fail again, go on endless searches for how to find the error, and – only possibly – succeed. Before they finally go ingame, and finds the whatever-it-is horribly distorted or screwing up their game. Making their own sims, which, by the way, doesn't at all look like the original person. Or make their own recolors, made with Paint and just a hint of knowledge inside Bodyshop or SimPE, which turns out horrible inside the game.
Maybe after this, they would then appreciate the fact that we've actually bothered to learn the tools. We've bothered to try and fail, and bothered to spend time on doing something for someone we most likely don't even know.
Even searching for WCIFs (especially like those 'wcif random clutter', or 'wcif male teen clothing' types) takes time. Looking through fifty-or-so pages on one site, before fifty-or so pages on another site. Just because someone didn't bother doing it on their own.
Thigns take time. That's just the way it is. People just have to realize that simple fact.
Last Edit: January 20, 2010, 02:38:30 pm by theraven
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Posts: 543
Re: I never thought I would decline a request, but....
Reply #3 on:
January 20, 2010, 04:42:18 pm »
Even though I'm not a creator, I agree with everything.
People can be so self-centered sometimes huh?
I need more freetime.
Queen of Caffeine
Posts: 18280
Re: I never thought I would decline a request, but....
Reply #4 on:
January 20, 2010, 05:01:32 pm »
You've made things to share here, so that makes you one.
Everybody should believe something.
I believe I'll have more coffee.
Posts: 2939
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Re: I never thought I would decline a request, but....
Reply #5 on:
January 20, 2010, 05:01:42 pm »
If you don't have the time, you don't have the time and you aren't obligated to do what you don't have the time for. If people can't get that, then they need to step back and realize that just like they don't always have time for stuff, neither do others. Nagging at someone across the internet isn't going to get them anything except blocked, banned, etc, so what the heck is the good of it? While it may work in real life, for instance if the garbage needs taken out and your back isn't up to it, reminding someone to do it for you can be helpful or not, but at least then you're doing it face-to-face in real time.
There is a line by the Rolling Stones that fits right here and I quote it now, "You can't always get what you want." And in my own words, "Accept it, be adult about it and move on or you're not going to get very far in life, are ya? Also, don't bug our creators if they don't jump through hoops of flame just so you can have something shiny."
I'm not a button, so DO NOT PUSH ME.
J.M. Pescado Supporter
Posts: 379
Re: I never thought I would decline a request, but....
Reply #6 on:
January 20, 2010, 05:10:26 pm »
As a creator in my free time (And by free time I mean I take no public requests, but if someone approaches me in private for something, I'll usually oblige) I can definitely say that you have some people who can get a little out of hand. Even worse, people who can get borderline rude when they're requests aren't met. People seem to forget that we have lives OUTSIDE of creating CC. I alone do graphic design as well as music composition on top of my usual day to day stuff. I get my simming in about 2-3 times a week, and most of the time these days it's to make pics for contests or my story over on the adult site. What I have to say in retrospect to the tools who make a big stink when they can't get their requests filled? Simple...
If you want it done so badly, LEARN HOW TO DO IT YOURSELF!!!
That's in a nutshell what got be to learn how to texture map skins myself. The lack of available textures for some of my favorite bodyshapes prompted me to make my own, and after a while...I got good at it. So good that I'm at the point where people privately request recolors (Clothing and genetics) from me. In a nutshell, that's how ALL creators start. Seeing they want something so badly, they knuckle up and make it themselves. Of course your 1st attempt is gonna suck something fierce (I know my 1st ever recolor attempt did), but that's the reason you keep at it, and you get better at it. After a while you start cranking out stuff that you have to sit back and say to yourself "wow, that's pretty damn good." There's no feeling more rewarding for a creator then to make something that comes out exactly as we picture it in our heads. But to do so of course takes time. So to expect that from a creator who's making YOU something in their own free time, you have to GIVE them time to do it. And don't pester them every day about it either. Maybe shot them a PM once a week for an update and leave it at that. If someone says they're going to attempt your request, that usually means they are doing it. There's no point on being in the person's ear 24/7, that's a quick way to get your request snubbed. (Especially from me.) When it gets done, you'll obviously be the 1st person to know, so sit tight and WAIT!!! Or get off your butt and make ya'self.
Click here and visit my new music page.
Posts: 522
Sims Creator
Re: I never thought I would decline a request, but....
Reply #7 on:
January 21, 2010, 02:13:45 pm »
WOW!! Some wonderful information in this message! You all are creators who are able, willing, and have the presence to show folks exactly what it takes to make these sims. And I thank you all for your wonderful support==and your information!
The problem I came across was the darn outfit. Usually it's just a case of recoloring the outfit the person wore, but usually I try to give as simple an outfit as possible so the person isn't having to go get meshes AND I sometimes have trouble recoloring it! (LOL)
And I know nothing of meshing, and don't have the time to learn it now. So sorry. But hopefully my sims are close enough to keep others happily simming along!
Yeah, the time limit was a buggar, and I agree that if folks want it that badly they can attempt it themselves and see Just how hard it is! Mine have to go through My critical eye, plus my sisters' (and she is BRUTAL-eternal thanks Chaos!) detailed critiqued one, before folks ever see my sims. Of course now I'm in another town, so she isn't sitting next to me when I do these, so I have to depend on my own. My husband would rather go hunting elk or deer, than to sit at a pc with me (oh you should have seen ME up there in those hills, hunting!!! OH, and when he actually GOT one---yeah, I had to help him lift part of it---oh my GOSH! I am NO hunter!!!! It was a riot to him and to his daughter....they couldn't stop laughing at me afterwards!!!!)
Anyhoo, I DO have a couple of my sim requests done, and maybe next week I will have them up--I had to make Bea Arthur an adult because the controls wouldn't work for me in the elder mode. She looks pretty good though. And Alice in Wonderland-like them pretty good!! Also have added Tim Allen to the fore, so he will be the next fella to 'simmify' (when I've finished the others-have to get another pic for princess daisy)
Thanks for all the support! YOU GUYS ROCK!!!!
I don't have net so can't do requests right now. so sorry
Site Santa!
Posts: 45
Re: I never thought I would decline a request, but....
Reply #8 on:
January 21, 2010, 04:39:31 pm »
Gee, people can be really rude.
But I agree, they should try to make the sims themselves if they want it that bad.
Posts: 7
Re: I never thought I would decline a request, but....
Reply #9 on:
January 23, 2010, 11:39:16 pm »
For the record, I too have not been able to come here as often as I would like. Even if I was, I was and still am very patient with my own requests- notice I haven't once nagged or complained yet! That's because I do understand how long these can take no matter who makes what (at least if one wants them to look good). Nothing else to really say that no one else hasn't already.
BTW, I don't mind that Princess Peach (one of my own requests to you) doesn't 100% match her Nintendo console counterpart. Your Sim rendition is
better than the ones I've seen elsewhere, and that's all that matters to me.
Posts: 522
Sims Creator
Re: I never thought I would decline a request, but....
Reply #10 on:
January 25, 2010, 04:52:20 pm »
Lenaluv, thank You very much for your kind comments. I am glad that you are happy with her, but I do want you to know that whilst doing Princess Daisy, I decided to redo Princess Peach. Now the two of them ARE done, I just have to list their stats....also, they are in 'realistic form' rather than the manga one. If this does not please you, just ignore them, okay?
I don't have net so can't do requests right now. so sorry
Spamcake in Disguise
Posts: 1008
Re: I never thought I would decline a request, but....
Reply #11 on:
January 26, 2010, 12:28:17 am »
Ugh, sorry to hear that Skye. I only do sims but to have someone agree to make the clothes too? I'd be too appreciative to act that way. I love sims but rl trumps
. If a requester hints that they want it yesterday, I move on. That has made me steer away from taking requests.
I have a bit of a love/hate relationship with creating,
(am I the only one?)
. I'm so specific with my goals for the final product it gets nerve-wracking. It's like giving birth--love the outcome but the labor pains...oy!
Nice response, you handled that well.
Btw congrats on the recent nuptials.
Sims by Dasi:
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Posts: 522
Sims Creator
Re: I never thought I would decline a request, but....
Reply #12 on:
January 27, 2010, 11:03:20 am »
Thanks for the kind words-so nice of you.
I do hope putting down some rules makes this more enjoyable. Takes the fun out of it when someone gets onry about requests.
I have that love/hate thing going on too! It seems I'm never happy with them, either. I see some of these great creators who 'get it right' every time, and then I see mine that were a bit close (sometimes I get it 'right on' or 'spot on' though!)
Well, you can't please everyone, so they'll just have to like what they gets! LOL
thanks again!
hugs n chocolate,
I don't have net so can't do requests right now. so sorry
Posts: 2
Re: I never thought I would decline a request, but....
Reply #13 on:
March 24, 2010, 11:10:19 pm »
I'm a content creator for one of those virtual world things & I get the same thing & sometimes worse. I even get cussed out if I don't get things perfect, or people will drag out MY time. Such as...Example: It takes me all of less than a second to click a pic, and then the other 1/2 second to take it in my program to make the sticker, which takes the real time, but...one night a girl took up 3 1/2 hours of my time for one pic just because she couldn't make up her mind what she wanted her avitar to wear. Anyhoo...I can totally relate to this...Now, one question...I finally got the SIMS3 & I'm not real thrilled with it. The clothes & everything in the inventory sucks & they have a blurr. Has anyone started creating custom content for SIMS3 & is there a hack to remove that annoying blurr ? If so...can someone point me in the right direction. Thanks bunches...
Posts: 522
Sims Creator
Re: I never thought I would decline a request, but....
Reply #14 on:
April 02, 2010, 12:34:15 pm »
If you go to
they have some wonderful goodies there. Also modthesims.info has some too.
I too was not happy with sims 3 at first; but I'm taking a break and giving it a try. I have this morbid curiosity about the ghosts in it.
Oh yeah, snootysims.com might have some content for you as well.
thanks for the comments, makes me feel better. Real life is much much better than online life right now. After 30 years finally found my first love, and could not be happier. We married two months after finding each other-just ran to the local court house and after telling a warm hearted judge about our story, she married us right then and there!
Hearts n Hugs,
I don't have net so can't do requests right now. so sorry
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