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Author Topic: Did I Just Break It? *No I didn't! Thanks Kaoz666!*  (Read 2599 times)
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Nervous Subject

Posts: 549

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« on: March 31, 2010, 03:13:14 pm »

So, I was messing about with my machine the other day and...I pressed properties on my EA Games folder. I compressed it. Will this break anything? I didn't use a particular programme, just what the machine gives you by default. The font has turned blue on the folder and I was just curious to see if I borkified anything.
-Should I delete my .cache files?
Any replies would be greatly appricated.

EDIT: It seems to be working fine. However, does anyone know why the titles of the folders are now blue? It's not gonna blow up, is it? *paranoid* It's actually loading quite a bit quicker.
EDITx2: I uncompressed it because I have a 298 GB hard drive so I guess I'm safe. Thank you so much. For a second there, I thought my head was gonna pop off, LOL.
« Last Edit: April 01, 2010, 03:25:36 pm by Ienjoyhamsandwiches » Logged

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« Reply #1 on: April 01, 2010, 12:44:27 am »

All the blue means is that it's compressed. It isn't bad, just a means by which the system identifies a compressed file or folder. For future reference:

Regular Color: Uncompressed
Blue: Compressed
Faded: Hidden (These files you generally don't want to lay a finger on. Messing with hidden files can not only ruin your game, but your whole system as well. Never alter a hidden file until you know what it does and if it's safe to alter, move or delete. You can usually do so by typing the file name in Google...chances are some other curious soul in the past has asked if it's safe to do anything to said files as well.)


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