Ok, so a good few months ago I got into reading the "Season 8" Buffy Comic Book and thought to myself that it would be interesting if I made a sim that was one of the very millions of slayers that got chosen after the events of the final tv episode. And just so everyone is clear, it is only loosely based on this concept so please don't get all factual with me about the comic book or the tv show; I was just inspired by Joss Whedon's beautiful imagination

! This is when I created this sim called Bea, who's come a long way from where she was when she first got chosen...
Since being chosen at the grand old age of 12, Bea has had to grow up quite a lot. Her watcher, a Danish man called Lars has guided her through the ups and downs of Slayerhood and has remained a so-called surrogate father to her over the years. He trained her in both weaponry, combat and magical attributes. Bea has thought of being a slayer as quite the curse when it comes to leading a normal life as she could only tell her family of whom couldn't grasp the idea of their young daughter fighting the forces of darkness; apart from her younger sister Noel. Because of this, she didn't have any friends initially until she went to college to study history. Here, she met her first husband, a peace demon called Roman with whom she mothered a child with named Lila after they both graduated. Since then she has gone on be to one of the greatest slayers that have ever lived.
Hope you enjoy her! By the way, her skintone in the pictures is all sparkly because i made her a witch as well in my game, she is not packaged this way however and comes with maxis hair and clothes. The clothes in the pictures are from by Peggy and can be found on her site along with the shopsims website, I unfortunately cannot remember where i got the hairs from, I think they were from the sims resource; the links are here:
http://www.thesimsresource.com/www.peggyzone.com/http://www.shopsims.it/adultaquotidiano1.htmlNo CC is by me, full credit goes to those who made it!
Thank you for looking!