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Author Topic: Olivia *4/11 ch. 14: Hope for a Better Future, is up*  (Read 27994 times)
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« Reply #15 on: February 15, 2011, 08:29:44 pm »

“She’s waking up!” I heard someone say through the cloudy darkness, my eyes fluttering open. Brightness. People all around me. I shut my eyes again.
“Honey, can you tell me your name?” I heard somebody say.

I answer. “Hailey Fellows.” Wanting to get away from the brightness and the pain. Am I dying? What happened? Where was Collin? Was he okay? Was the baby okay? Were they calling my parents at this moment, only to get their voicemail? Did the doctors know my parents were already here, for another child?

“We’re losing the baby, we need to operate NOW!” I heard someone yell, not to me. What? They couldn’t… To soon, too soon for him to be born. I hadn’t even picked out a name. What if he died like Becca’s little girl? What would happen if he died? Would I end up like Becca, bitter and depressed? All these questions roamed through my head.

“Hailey, We’re putting you under anesthetics, we have to get the baby out now, or he could die.” To me this time. But what if I don’t want to be put under anesthetics?

“Liz, She can’t hear you. Put her under NOW.”




No promises.]


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« Reply #16 on: February 17, 2011, 06:32:25 pm »

I regain consciousness to a flat stomach and burning pain.

Where’s the baby? Where’s my baby? Is he okay? Did he live? Where’s Collin? Is Collin okay? All of my questions better be answered soon.
“I think she’s waking up. Hailey, can you hear me?” Olivia’s sweet voice, I feel her hand on my cheek.

“Olivia, don’t touch her.” I heard my mom say, Olivia’s hand is gone.

“Put it back.” I say as loud as I can, it’s very painful and my voice is so hoarse I don’t recognize it.

“Hailey!” She says, putting her hand on my forehead, I can almost hear her silent tongue stuck out at my mom. I try to open my eyes, to be greeted by Olivia’s face.
“Hi, Sleeping Beauty.” She said, grinning.

“Hey Princess.” My mom says, grabbing my hand.

“Where’s the baby?” I ask, trying to lift my hand up to touch Olivia.

“The baby is doing fine, he’s needs oxygen, but he’s doing well. Let me call a nurse.” My mom said, pressing the button on the wall.

When the nurse came in she unhooked some tubes and checked my vitals.

“Once the doctor comes in to look at you, you can see your baby boy, would you like that?”

“Yes!” Olivia said. I smiled, then frowned because it hurt.
The doctor came in, and shook my mom’s hand.

“Hi, I’m Dr. Liz Graham.” She said, coming over and shaking my hand. “After the car wreck, when we performed an ultrasound to check on the baby, it turned out that the umbilical cord was tight around his neck, cutting off his oxygen, we had to operate immediately to save him. Ultimately, I think if you wouldn’t have come in from the car crash, he wouldn’t have made it.” She said, looking at the folder in her hand. “Our records indicate you were about thirty four weeks, and he’ll need to stay here for a few weeks so we can monitor him and keep him under oxygen, but he’s doing quite well, despite the breathing issues.” She said, closing her folder and looking at my mom.

“He should be able to come home in about three weeks, which would full term if Hailey was still pregnant. Would you like me have a nurse bring him in here so you guys can see him?”

“YES!!!!” Olivia jumped up and smiled.

“Olivia, hush. We’re in a hospital.” My mother chided, Olivia rolled her eyes.
“Mom, I know how to behave in a hospital, I’ve practically lived here since September.” My mom shut up at that.
A few minutes later a nurse came in with the baby, I sat up so I could hold him and she put him in my arms.

 A few seconds later there was a knock at the door and Collin and Peter came in. Collin had a few stitches but nothing bad.

“Hailey, you’re awake! How come nobody came to get us?” Collin said, rushing to my side. He kissed my cheek, and then put his arm around my shoulder. “Hi baby.” He said, kissing his forehead.

“Hailey, have you thought about what you’re going to name the baby?” My mom said, nodding to him.

“Collin, what do you think?” I asked, looking up.

“Whatever you want to name him is fine with me.” He said, smiling at the baby.

“Taylor.” I said, kissing his cheek.


[Okay, NOW I will promise that both the baby AND Collin live. Happy? Cheesy ]


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« Reply #17 on: February 17, 2011, 09:40:50 pm »


Taylor? Smiley

Awww I love him. !!!

Find me on moonlight <3

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« Reply #18 on: February 17, 2011, 09:48:16 pm »

Dude, tomorrow I don't have classes, so I'm going to be spamming my personal picture thread FULL of Taylor pics.
Chapter 11 will bring good news for everybody, I promise. I'll try to have it out tomorrow.

*cough* Yes Taylor. He isn't named after anybody.


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« Reply #19 on: February 19, 2011, 07:54:40 pm »

Who is this Taylor? Smiley

I know two Taylors....

Find me on moonlight <3

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« Reply #20 on: February 21, 2011, 05:27:08 pm »

Taylor and I went home three weeks later, just like the doctors said.

Everybody came to visit him.

 My friends, Jenna and Tessa came, my grandparents, Collin’s family, everybody.

When Jenna was over she couldn’t wait to hold Taylor.

“Oh my god, Hailey, he’s so cute! He looks just like Olivia, has the same eye color and everything.”

“He’s a handful, Jenna. Beware.” I laughed.

 She stayed for dinner, and then she went home.

Collin and I sent out birth announcements. What a hassle THAT was! My mom helped though, with all the names and addresses. They looked nice in the end.

I had a hard time adjusting to everything, and losing all the baby weight I gained.

My doctor said it’s not healthy to try and lose any more than two to three pounds a week, but I’d been trying to lose a bit more. Collin said he doesn’t mind it taking a while, but I wanted it gone.

In mid-April, we got the best news ever.

Olivia is in remission.

She started growing her hair back, little by little. She still wore her knit hats, I think she was just used to them. Or maybe she thought they’re cute. I don’t care. She’s better.

The next few months go by fast. Taylor got bigger by the minute.

On Olivia’s ninth birthday in August, we all went to the park and had a big party. She invited some of her friends from school, Kim, Leah, and Trinity, she invited Tyler and his family, and she invited Trey and his family, and she invited her nurse, Angela and her son Jaylen.

It was nice, a celebration of life. So many of Olivia’s friends she would not have met if she wouldn’t have gotten cancer.

To see Olivia’s smiling face, to see her happy is nice. To see her getting better is amazing. I feel like I can finally breathe.

That fall I decided to take the semester off. Taylor was hectic enough to take care of. I took him to the beach a lot of days, just the two of us.

It was nice.

Sometimes I’ll just talk to him.

Tell him little stories, tickle his tummy.

 Lay back while he takes a nap.

Soak up the sun.


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« Reply #21 on: February 23, 2011, 02:29:46 pm »

Love it!
Cant wait for new chapter x

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« Reply #22 on: February 27, 2011, 10:12:12 am »

My sixteenth birthday comes and passes with little interest. Taylor gets bigger and bigger.

Time slips into habit. Wake up. Fix breakfast for Taylor.

 Get Taylor dressed and ready.

 Put Taylor down for a nap. Take my classes online.

  Wake Taylor up. Take Taylor to the beach.

 Go home, clean him up, pick up Olivia and Peter from school. Drop Olivia off at ballet. Go to the store. Pick Olivia up. Go home. Fix dinner for everybody. Bathe Taylor.

 Put him to bed.

 Finish my assignments. Go to bed. Repeat daily with minor changes.
The beach is so beautiful; my days with Taylor there get longer and longer.  We spend most of the afternoon there together, being late sometimes to pick Olivia and Peter up from school.

Olivia gets better and better, going out for spring soccer in February.

Taylor’s first birthday rolls around, we have his birthday party at the beach. It’s his favorite word to say. Beach. Beach and Mama, often put together when he asks if we can go.

He gets bigger by the minute it seems.

Soon he starts walking, his first steps a precious moment for me.

Collin started drifting a long time ago, but now he’s gone. He contributes plenty financially, I wouldn’t have made it without him, but he’s emotionally distant. Hardly ever comes over, and never for me.

But things get really bad when I ask him.
“Hailey, why the HELL do you care if we’re not ‘emotionally close’ anymore?” He said, grimacing.

“Because I thought you loved me.” I said, hurt. I probably sounded like a little girl.

“Maybe once I did. Not anymore.” He said, slamming the front door, leaving me.

“Daddy go bye-bye?” Taylor said, looking up at me.


“Yes baby, daddy go bye bye.” I said, picking him up and cuddling him close.


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« Reply #23 on: March 01, 2011, 04:09:56 pm »

Time passed slowly in the same pattern, changing a bit as we changed.


I’m 20 now, and Taylor and I live in our own apartment. It’s small, but nice. There’s enough room for the two of us. Collin gets Taylor every other weekend and every Tuesday and Thursday. We never got back together.
I finished high-school online, got my diploma and everything. I’m studying to become a nurse now, specializing in the NICU.
Taylor has gotten so big, he’s five already and has started school.

Olivia is thirteen, and her hair is longer than it was before.

She’s doing well, at least, that’s what she wants us to think. She’s a cheerleader, and a soccer player. She’s pretty, blonde haired, blue eyed, gorgeous girl. She’s healthy, at least for now.

Peter is the same twerp he was, just ten instead of six.

One day, I get a call from my mom.

“Hailey, honey, something’s wrong with Olivia. We’re at the hospital. When you pick Taylor up, can you pick Peter up and bring him here?”

“What?” I said, almost dropping the phone.

Not again. Not my sweet Olivia.


“How about I pick them up now and come over there?” I said, trying to keep my head.

“That’s fine, I guess.” She sounded distant, like she was crying.

When I pick the boys up at their school, Taylor runs and hugs me.


“Mommy!” He says, hugging me tight. “Are we going to the beach?”


“No baby, Auntie Olivia is in the hospital.” I said, ruffling his hair a little bit.

“Liv’s in the hospital?” Peter said, a bit worried.

“Yeah. Let’s go.” I said, leading the boys out to my car, buckling Taylor in his car seat, and driving to the hospital.


*hides in my bomb shelter*


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« Reply #24 on: March 01, 2011, 05:50:44 pm »

Wow! Colin just randomly went from the nicest guy to a complete jerk@$$

Nice to see the characters growing up nicely
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« Reply #25 on: March 01, 2011, 05:52:43 pm »

Yeah... Kinda.

Olivia grew up the nicest, I think. So purty.

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« Reply #26 on: March 01, 2011, 05:55:34 pm »

Yeah. I was amazed at how well Olivia turned out
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« Reply #27 on: March 01, 2011, 06:01:38 pm »

Unfortunate for her ending up in the hospital, though... *whistles innocently*

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« Reply #28 on: March 01, 2011, 06:04:51 pm »

Meh. I was expecting it. She's the title character so things wont be perfect for her lol
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« Reply #29 on: March 01, 2011, 06:09:31 pm »

*whisles innocently*
I said nothing.

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