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Author Topic: Pet sitter career  (Read 7091 times)
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Lady of the Hunt
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« on: April 10, 2011, 06:53:16 pm »

This was actually my first career.  Cheesy
This is a career for all your pet loving sims. ^_^
This does not add a new npc, this is just a career for your sims. It is also EP ready. Base game through M&G.


Career info:
Lvl 1:
Fish Whisperer - §100 - M, T, W, Th, F
Watching fish is the easiest job ever! How could you possibly mess up? If you do good with this job, bigger and better things are in your future!
Lvl 2:
Hamster Wrangler - §200 - M, T, W, Th, F
Hamsters are small, cute, and lovable. But there is a downside: They bite. These lovable creatures aren't too hard too look after, because they only need simple things like food, water, and a clean cage!
Lvl 3:
Parakeet Lover - §350 - S, M, T, F, Sa
Small birds are the next step in your career. These birds are very easy too look after, so you don't need to worry!
Lvl 4:
Cat and Dog Sitter - §425 - M, T, W, Th, F
Now that you've got some experience, you can watch dogs and cats! Although harder to look after than small critters, anything is possible if you put your mind to it!
Lvl 5:
Reptile Fanatic - §500 - M, T, W, Th, F
Although it doesn't seem like much, don't take these scaly beasts lightly! These seemingly harmless animals could take your hand off!
Lvl 6:
Weekend Sitter - §650 - S, Th, F, Sa
Now you're watching pets over the weekend while their owners are away. Be careful not to let these animals take over your house!
Lvl 7:
Horse Sitter - §700 - M, T, W, Th, F
Horses and ponies are a big deal! They need much more care than smaller animals, and you need some experience at riding them! But if you do a good job, you may earn some more trust.
Lvl 8:
Animal Sitter - §800 - T, W, Th, F, Sa
Now that you've got some recognition, people are trusting you
to watch their pets more and more. Although this is good for your name, its not for your wallet!
Lvl 9:
Trusted Sitter - §950 - M, T, W, Th, F
Absolutely everyone wants you to watch their pets! Now you can kick back and watch those animals pour in (Not literally, though!)
Lvl 10:
Professional Sitter - §1100 - S, T, W, Th, Sa
Now you're a pro, and can juggle every pet at once! Pets and people alike love you and your service!

* petsitterjob.rar (49.25 KB - downloaded 713 times.)


Posts: 1

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« Reply #1 on: November 01, 2012, 02:52:53 pm »

Oh, this looks awesome! Now my pet loving Sims can have a career with pets. Cheesy (Considering they can't get get any. xP)
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