Thanks to
Raven I was able to get reflective walls and floors! 
Here's a sample of what I've done so far (I decided for certain pics, the reflective walls weren't going to work well):

The picture above is without reflective walls. I hate the angle though.

I loved the angle of the picture but not the reflective wall look.
Now, a photoshoot of my new story with my two favorite characters, Honey (in all fairness I am biased because my favorite character I ever made was Honey's mother) & Cyrus:
Unedited version:

Edited version:


Of course, just as I un-pause the game to take pics, Cyrus just has to look at the camera with that smug look on his face.

I love these photos. These are just a tiny sample of the photo shoot I did today. I just have to resize all of them to fit on my Dreamwidth layout.
When I did the architecture for this photo shoot, I really found it easier to build it around the sims instead of before hand. I had to shift terrains, turn on boolprop along with other EA preset cheat codes.
A look at the architecture (inside the room):

One corner of the room...

Another corner...

Floor view by the windows.
The architecture (from the outside):

Aerial view of the whole set where the story is done. The upstairs is obviously the photo shoot area.

I raised the terrain and placed tons of tall trees and plants to block the default distant neighborhood view.
The architecture (ceiling):

I used the sun covers that comes with OFB or NL as a roof so it wouldn't look tacky for the photo shoot as I do not have AL currently installed.

Right below is a shot of the pillars by Daislia I used.
Credits:Female Hair by Coolsims (Pooklet Textures)
Male Hair by Peggy (Pooklet'd Textures)
Female Clothing by LaskyMale Clothing by YuxiWallpaper by xPinkyhayzxPillars by DaisliaReflective Floors by MuranoWindows by Windkeeper, Retexture by Yuxi