I know I had a post on here about downloading zip and rar but for the life of me can't find it...I know I swore I would never ever download things again for my Sims2 but I just can't help it...I know I am going to have to do another factory restore if I don't stop this...I have spent the last 3 days downloading beautiful creations like for the hair, makeup, eyes and skin but nothing is showing up in the Body Shop or in the game with CAS...don't understand what I am doing wrong...I downloaded the 7-zip and extracted the files but not sure what to do after that...I have folders made for these items and put them in the documents and also made these folders and put them in the Sims2 files...downloaded these to each of them as well thinking that if I have them in 3 different places something will work...I haven't even played my Sims2 in the last 3 days...

I have read in several places on how to do these downloads but I know I am doing something wrong...
I would like for someone to help me with very simple steps on doing this...please...If I still can't get them to work I promise I will stop...and anyone can give me a computer kick in the butt lol if I ask again...

Thanks in advance for any help I can get...