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Author Topic: Flirt/Text Message Error  (Read 2825 times)
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Posts: 4

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« on: June 27, 2014, 12:24:50 pm »

Apparently, there's a hidden social interaction in this game that allows sims to send text messages to other sims of their "special" interest. I'm pretty sure ACR is what "unhid" the interaction as my sims didn't start trying to use it until I installed it. However, I've had no other problems with ACR (Autonomous Casual Romance mod by twojeffs) other than this so I wouldn't want to throw the baby out with the bathwater by getting rid of it just for one thing.

Basically, my sim will try (autonomously) to send a text message to another sim and then jump back into place. Their cellphone will disappear from their inventory and I end up having to use the boolprop cheat to give them another one.

When I turn the boolprop cheat on, I notice that it's throwing an error when my sim tries to use the flirt/text message interaction. I've attached the log file. If anyone can point me in the right direction of how to resolve this issue, or has any idea what is causing it, that would be great. Thanks.

* ObjectError_N001_t149269.txt (81.02 KB - downloaded 270 times.)

Posts: 4

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« Reply #1 on: June 28, 2014, 03:57:19 pm »

Nevermind. I figured out that it's an error with the coding for a cc cell phone. Specifically, this one:

When this custom phone is removed, the social interaction completes without error. So it's something that's off with the coding of the custom phone. I already let the creator know.
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