Naw it's got it's niche in the gaming realm. Problems to be sure tho. I mean with the community not just the game breaking everyone's mods with each patch. The community is
spread out all over in a big Tumblr movement. MTS used to be where to talk shop. There are loyalist keeping it's heart pumping. Insimenator has never been a hopping forum even with TS2. People are touch and go as it has always been.
I have all of TS2 and I played it to death and pieces and then some. But I was angry toward the end at the community who had abandon me for TS3 without looking back. Unless it was to grab a conversion or two. Eventually I gave TS3 a small try on the xbox and bluck. The plant growing was the only improvement over TS2. Everyone was like you have to do it on PC so you can mod it and I just did not care enough.
But I'm a vampire game collector so guess what I play now. TS4 is not as bad as what everyone is saying. I really adore the vampires. The aliens not. But I'm not done with that yet. Thinking with a few mod tweeks here and there and lots of custom content yeah I can probably turn all aliens into fairies.
Sims4 is not TS2 and I freakn don't want another TS2. I hate bringing TS2 conversions over to TS4 because I don't want flash backs of been there done that. But I did have to have just this
Admit that I have more fun doing dressup with the TS4 characters than actually playing them.