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Author Topic: SOLVED: How do I get the charcoal off my face??  (Read 2236 times)
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« on: November 12, 2014, 04:42:55 pm »

Here's a silly question (just cuz I'm a Sims vet but haven't played in forever)...

I just had my Sim sit down to repair the computer (my bad considering she's low on the mechanical skill). The dang thing exploded onto her face and nothing will clean it off (I assumed a bath or shower would, if not, to delete her, save, and have her brand-new at the mailbox). How do I get her face UN-charcoaled?

Problem solved. Used the Insimenator to take care of it. Probably could have done it using the mirror and then changing Full Face Makeup and then go back to normal face. Anyone else can use this in case they have the same problem.
« Last Edit: November 12, 2014, 06:22:41 pm by » Logged

"[T]here's a lot of decaffeinated brands on the market that are just as tasty as the real thing[.]"; Hence: There are a lot of great Sims stuff out there for free that are just as good as name brands you pay for!

So please, take note:
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