Posting a little problem here.
There is something wrong in my Uni hood. I really dont't know what went wrong but when playing a dorm something went wrong whit a dinner plate. The plate lost connetion to it's owner and the cefeteria lady did not take any notice of it. No sims did take notice of it either so I thought "oh well, I delete it". But the sledgehamer is not avalible (?) . And the plate is "In use" so I can not beg a sim to take care of it either. OK, then I tried
Move objects but that did not work either.
OK, so I tried the
Stuck objects remover. Not working! How?! And I discovered that I can not delete the plate when I open the lot in Build mode.
So now I have a dinner plate whit some food on it that I can not delete using any avalible methode. There is some green dust comming from it and the flies buzzing around but no one takes notice of this. How can an object be so stuck that I can't delete it? Many sim years have passed now but the object is still there.