i'm looking for someone who might have experience with doing this and who might be able to help me figure out how to do this.
im making a sims 2 horror movie that takes place in Charlotte North Carolina, and what I'm trying to do is rip the 3D building models from google earth so i can import them into milkshape 3D and make them into neighborhood decoration objects for the sims 2, but i can't figure out how to do it.
i tried using one program called "3D Ripper DX' which i managed to capture an obj file from google earth, but when i tried importing it into milkshape, it did not work... as in nothing happened in milkshape at all. Does anyone know how i can do this?
i have a couple pictures of the main buildings i wanted to put in the sims 2 but I really would want ALL the buildings from charlotte NC but i don't know how to rip them from google earth or how to get them to import into milkshape
Can someone please help me?
ALSO this isn't a request at all, i want to learn how to do this myself so i can do it again for my future projects.