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Author Topic: Five new BB Shorts  (Read 15226 times)
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« Reply #15 on: July 03, 2007, 03:29:05 am »

Thank you HLP for another great set of clothing! You are so good at recoloring and I am particularly happy that this covers multiple outfit genres.

Quote from: howardlpeters;299707
A special Thank You to Kathy!  You're a true gem.  You always find the time to write a bit for each upload and you should know how much it is appreciated.  It's so irritating to find something that you've worked on for hours that has been viewed 200 times and not one person has taken the time to say anything.  O.K. off my soap box and back to work, lol.  Big Hugs

Kathy is definitely a very kind person (from what I can gather from her posts; I wish I knew her and some others on this site better).

Sometimes I feel a little silly posting remarks and thanks in threads that are old, or that haven't been viewed in over a year, but I just feel like I should at least say something to the kind people that are devoting their time and energy to making my Sims 2 game more enjoyable. It would certainly bother me if I uploaded something and saw that it had been downloaded many times over, but there were only a couple of comments.

I already feel close enough to being a leech by downloading all this great stuff and having nothing to contribute myself (maybe that will change once I learn SimPE), but I couldn't stand downloading stuff and not leaving at least a "Thank you" message. It seems like the least one can do as some form of repayment to you and the other artists that give us so much and ask for nothing in return.

Thank you!


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« Reply #16 on: August 04, 2008, 06:58:38 am »

Quote from: howardlpeters;299707
Thanks for the feedback!  I'm pleased that you like these shorts.

A special Thank You to Kathy!  You're a true gem.  You always find the time to write a bit for each upload and you should know how much it is appreciated.  It's so irritating to find something that you've worked on for hours that has been viewed 200 times and not one person has taken the time to say anything.  O.K. off my soap box and back to work, lol.  Big Hugs

:worship::worship: Thank you very much!!

"No revenge is more honorable than the one not taken.":walk:

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« Reply #17 on: August 10, 2008, 10:12:29 pm »

Thank you for making these versatile!  I am excited about being able to use them for pjs and undies!

::smilieiforgetwhi::~*~You're not just another person... you're the person that someone else wishes they were!~*~::smilieiforgetwhi::

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« Reply #18 on: August 31, 2008, 01:07:20 am »

Very nice job.......
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