I told you, didn’t I? Here’s the story now. Iza’s now six years old and Hari and I are getting big name companies to come to us to take pictures of models. I bet Tobe wishes he had moved out while he could now! His company is one of our biggest customers and I get to see him a lot.
But, yeah, anyway. Another customer of ours is the Malchick family. Two fathers, as is usual in Corrin as you should know by now, and their triplets – Toni, Jaslyn and Alek. And Alek basically stalks me every time they’re over to have a picture taken.
No other time, so at least I don’t get love letters like my brother, but it’s kind of funny. When the Malchick family is over he makes it a point to follow me around asking what time period all our costumes are from. He’s let me dress him up more than once in weird outfits too.
But the best part, or worst depending on how you look at it, is that I don’t think this crush is only on his side. I love hiding around a corner just to watch him look around for me.
I mean, it’s not that bad of an age difference is it? I’m only twenty-eight and he’s turning eighteen in a few months. There have been worse, right?
Like that Samantha McLeer that Tobias used to love so much? Yeah, she’s in her forties by now and her new ‘boyfriend’ is twenty-something.
But, back to my story. Not too long ago Alek came and asked if he could have a summer job with us. Before he goes off to college that is.
Hari’s a little uneasy about it. He’s seen how Alek follows me around and all the games we play with each other. I think he still likes me, but I know I don’t still return the feelings.
So, because I’m the majour owner – after all, I do all the work he just keeps the money in check – I over-rode Hari’s decision and let Alek help me.
So now I have an assistant! He helps me pick out the outfits for certain patrons and pick the backgrounds for the shots. Even helps out when someone brings in a screaming baby to have a picture taken. He’s like Super-Boy or something.
And Izabella loves playing with him too. Even though they’re not allowed, and they know it, they still grab pillows and start whacking each other with them.
*chuckle* But it’s still fun and I wouldn’t trade it for anything except being eighteen again, see if I can take another life path or something.
But all in all, I am happy with my life.
And, anyways…Alek and I have been spending a good deal of time together even though the school year has started up again, he’s still waiting for acceptance letters, and the patrons are slowly reducing to just the companies.
So yeah, I really get to see Tobias a lot, which I’m thankful for. He’s the only one I really trust to talk to this about. Well, unless he gives me a response like he did last time. I told him that I think I’m starting to like Alek more and more and he told me “Just don’t get pregnant again.”
I slapped him upside the head.
“I mean it!” he responded, rubbing his head. “At least wait until you’re married or something.” He huffed and flopped onto a chair.
“Or do you want to set a bad example for Iza?”
That got me. I sat down beside him and stared at the pictures on the wall. “You’re right,” I managed to murmur.
“I have to figure this out as soon as I can.”
Tobias started laughing. “Corner him or something. Make him tell you how he feels. See what that does for you.”
He patted my arm when we heard someone calling him name. “Let’s go. We’re wanted.”
We got up and went to take some pictures of him in some new outfit. You
have to see these before they go out in a month or two. I don't know what they're selling now, but these pictures are making me want to buy it anyway. *laugh*
But, he was right, I had to do something, so I did the first thing that popped to mind – exactly what he had said.
I cornered Alek that night while we were cleaning up. I closed the office door and locked it, the last of the stuff put away.
“I guess I’ll see you tomorrow then,” he said with a smile. Not as perfect as Hari’s but still pretty.
“Yeah, but first. I want to tell me something and be perfectly honest.”
He looked at the ground and I could see he was blushing.
“Do you know what I want to ask?” I said quietly.
He nodded a bit. “I think. How about if I answer and you tell me if I’m right or not?”
“OK, fire away.”
“I like you a lot. I just didn’t want to age gap to get in the way so I didn’t bring it up. I thought that just working with you would be enough so I tried. I do like it here, don’t get me wrong. It’s not only because of you either.”
His mouth was still open but I lifted a hand to his cheek and he stopped talking.
His blush had increased ten-fold at least and I started chuckling.
“I’m an idiot aren’t I?” he asked.
“No, I am. For letting myself not realize it sooner.” I kissed his forehead. Then, I put my arms around Alek and hugged him.
“What’s Hari going to say?” he asked quietly.
“Nothing. And if he does I won’t listen.”
Alek managed to smile up at me.
So, here we are. Hari left after we told him about us wanting to be together and last I heard was a postcard from Dei and Anji saying thanks for basically breaking his heart. When he was younger, Hari had known Anji came from money and had always managed to manipulate his father, who had a weak spot for his son, to get what he wanted. Being denied something hit home for him, but they were glad someone finally did it.
I laughed when I read that, and so did my parents when I told them.
Alek and I are just as popular photographers as Hari and I were, but with a better relationship.
Tobias is happy I did something for myself and gloats that it was his inspiration that made it happen.
But the best news is that Alek has recently turned eighteen – I will have a birthday in a few months that brings me to one away from thirty, eugh – and his parents have given us permission that whenever we want we can get married. We’re sure that’s pretty far down the road if it happens at all.
But for the meantime I’m content, a big name in the picture business, not pregnant (which is the best of all) and, once again, I’m Rayen Parker Lusana.
And this life is, for the third and final time, written and copyrighted by me.
Yes, it's over. A little shorter than the other two I hate to say.
But I did enjoy this one.
There will definitely be a delay between this and Dylan's story because I have
no idea what could happen to her and I want to write these in order.
If anyone has any ideas, contact me and I'll see if I can make it work with anyone.
Elven: Thank you! I just realized I never got a picture of her as a child, but I'm sure she'll be in someone else's story. ^^;