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Author Topic: Of Lace and Lore - Chapter 8 Up!!!  (Read 24196 times)
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« on: December 17, 2006, 02:20:07 am »

I tend to write my contest entries as stories, and I decided it was about time for my Drop Dead Gorgeous entry, Lacine Kyle, to finish his story...

Feedback is welcome and encouraged!!

Without further ado...

Le Edit:
My apologies for the 4 month delay, lovelies...Work is eating me alive. However, I do have the next two chapters written hopefully updates will come a bit sooner. Smiley
« Last Edit: August 19, 2007, 03:20:44 am by Kielen » Logged

"I don't have time for a grudge match with every poser in a parka."


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« Reply #1 on: December 17, 2006, 02:36:35 am »

It was a fluke thing, my turning. I was helping my father in the stables. He had been feeling ill, and so I'd offered to finish up with the horses. It was dark by the time I was finished. I started towards the house, and then something bit me. Everything went black. When I woke up, my family was standing over me, somewhere between terrified and worried.
It took a while for me to understand what happened, but when I did, I was devastated. I was certain my family would throw me out, hate me forever. But I was wrong. They hid me from the vampire hunting neighbors, told everyone I died in a tragic farm accident, and then built me a room in our basement. They rearranged their lives, just so I would still be a part of them. We lived happily like this for 7 years. And then the plague came. In a month, I had lost everyone I had ever loved, everything I had ever cared about. And I was alone. I left. And I wandered. For 380 years. It was a pointless drop in the eternity I faced without the people I loved.
I survived off of random livestock and lived in fields. Occasionally,  every hundred years or so, a kind soul would take pity on me, and take me in for several years. But I never really recovered from the loss of my family. I had no friends, I had no life.

And then I met Araina.

I had moved into a small little shack in a field. It was rickety, but no one used it, and there was a lot of cattle in the area. It was all I needed to survive.
She found me the first night I was there. I had just finished dinner. There was blood everywhere and as I finished wiping my hands off on the grass, I saw her, just watching. Not panicking, not screaming, just watching and smiling.

She seemed small for her age, although that may have been the destroyed air about her clothes. She was beautiful, but she looked neglected and fragile. And she looked exactly like the sister I'd lost. I couldn't take my eyes off her.
"I'm Araina. What's your name?" I was stunned. No one had ever...she wanted to know my name? The words seemed to get stuck. I hadn't talked in, years.
"It's, it's Lacine." A little grin crossed her sad features.
"What kind of name is that? It sounds like Lace!"

Something inside me seemed to snap, and I collapsed to the ground.
I could feel her little hands on my back, could hear her asking what was wrong, but all I could think about was my baby sister, yelling my name.
"Lace!! They took my dollie!! Make them give it back!" The memories flew by in a whirlwind, and I felt as though I'd been torn in two.

When I surfaced, several hours had passed and I was sitting on a bench behind the shack. She was curled up against my side, looking across the field. I was slightly unnerved, but before I could say anything, she spoke up.

"I think you should go to your shack," She said very bluntly. I was taken aback, but as I looked around, I realized it was almost dawn. I got up and started to walk back to the shack, but before I got to the door, she called after me, and asked if she could come visit me again.
I couldn't believe it was actually my voice that told her yes. I watched as she skipped off across the field, and realized for the first time in over 300 years that I actually felt something.

"I don't have time for a grudge match with every poser in a parka."


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« Reply #2 on: December 17, 2006, 06:14:42 am »

He is a but of a stunner eh?! I love the look on his face when he's with the cow, pure evil!! I cant wait to read more!!

Come check out [COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]The Treehouse![/COLOR] A brand new Sims 2 site!

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« Reply #3 on: December 17, 2006, 08:09:52 am »

Kiel, this is SOOOOOOOOOO great!!!! And I want some more!!!!

I used to be Nyxie

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« Reply #4 on: December 17, 2006, 02:52:13 pm »

Ohh feels real Anne Rice love it!

If you like ghost stories read my new Sim story..
Solitario's Don't Die..

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« Reply #5 on: December 17, 2006, 03:51:22 pm »

Months and then years passed. Araina came to visit every night. She made me almost feel alive again.

She sat and talked to me, we played games I remembered from when I was a child and my sister used to beg me to play with her, and she quickly became a close friend, and then like an adopted sister.

I'd finally let someone back into my life. I'd forgotten how much the love of friends and family meant, even to someone undead like me. Things became almost normal for me again. I started working, got cleaned up, and then I moved into a real house, not far away from the old shack. I hate myself now for not noticing sooner, but eventually, I did notice. She always seemed to have bruises, and she was always sad. Her clothes were so raggedy, and I never saw her in any thing other than two outfits.

One night, 3 years after I met her, she told me.

I'd never been so angry in my life. If she hadn't restrained me, I would have left and murdered the monster she'd been forced to call father. She cried, and as I held her, I made a decision.

When she left for home, I told her to pack everything and bring it with her when she came back the next night.

When she got there the next night, I was ready. We left, and started a new life in a place far from where we began. There was nothing left here for us.
« Last Edit: December 17, 2006, 08:00:27 pm by Kielen » Logged

"I don't have time for a grudge match with every poser in a parka."


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« Reply #6 on: December 17, 2006, 08:40:19 pm »

Our new life started smoothly. I found a job, she went back to school, and away from the abuse in her home, she quickly got well and was happier than I had ever seen her. She finished high school and went off to college to pursue a degree in music. It was expensive, but I was able to work enough to put her through. She came home, and started working while looking for a break to start her singing career.

I suppose most vampires would say I've been blessed to have had as calm of an undead life as I have. The most threatening thing I encountered before I met Araina was a cow's last kick before I drained it dry. I suppose it was an advantage of being turned after I'd already set my personality, as well as not having a mentor. I really knew nothing about being a vampire. I never bit humans, I never flew, I knew nothing except that I couldn't stand daylight and that I needed a constant supply of cows to 'milk'. But Araina had much different opinions about me and my vampire abilities. Especially after she returned from school, she spent a lot of time harassing me to learn to use my abilities, rather than being afraid of them. She always seemed to be concerned that something would happen to me. I never let on that I knew what had happened while she was at school, that I knew she’d found out a close friend was a vampire hunter, and it had terrified her that something would happen to me.
I was very comfortable being as human as possible, but I loved my ‘almost sister’, and I knew it would help her relax if I played along.

We started working out together, ignoring aching muscles by chatting while we worked out. I told her the only reason I was doing this was just so I could beat up her ‘stalkers’. She always got mad and hollered about how she couldn’t bring boys home because I always scared them away. I just grinned to myself…

She dragged me to sword fighting classes too. I felt like an idiot and regularly complained, but she didn't take no for an answer. So, I sucked it up and played lightsabers with all the little kiddies. I got pretty good too. I was naturally very agile and fast, and a blade seemed to be just like an extension of my arm. We spent a lot of time sparring at home and the occasional fist fight broke out. I always let her win, but some days I had to move fast. She was pretty good.

Araina always told me I needed to meet more of my own kind. I was unbelievably nervous about this proposition. I knew nothing of vampires, I knew nothing about how to behave around them, and I was more than a little terrified that something would happen and I wouldn’t be able to protect Araina. Because, of course, there was no way she was going to let me leave her behind. In time, I gave in, and let her drag me to the local vamp club, Blackened Red. I was scared spitless. I was still getting used to the abilities I was learning to use, but the thought of meeting anyone else like me was terrifying. I felt ridiculous, and gave my self a rather violent pep talk on the way there. I was almost 400 years old, and I was acting like a scared baby!

It was that night I met my very first vampire, a rather sassy vixen named Ryan. She was very polite, but I could tell she was sizing me up. She couldn't seem to decide if she wanted to shake her head and walk away, or slam me against the wall right there and take all kinds of liberties. She did neither, and as I spent more time at the club, we became good friends.

Through her, I discovered that there was a vampire clan headquartered here in our hole in the wall town. I was very unnerved to realize almost all the vampires I'd met since coming here were all part of a group I knew nothing about. Ryan reassured me that I'd never have to meet with their council, especially since I was such a 'shy, retreating vampire'. I almost slapped her for that. But I refrained. Insulting or not, there are always advantages to being a quiet, lone wolf. Or lone bat. However you look at it. No one bothers you with stupid politics about how you should behave around humans, as long as you don't belong to them.

Araina loved the club more than I did. She made a beeline for the karaoke machine every night, and very soon, she was almost legend there. Music scouts came from all over to hear her sing, and soon she was offered a recording deal. Usually, the club was very exclusive, and all non vampires were quickly served up in wine glasses, but she made friends easily, and in a few short weeks, the regulars all loved her. She incited several bar fights, but someone always bailed her out. I never knew whether to be proud of how well she held her own, or to lecture her for egging people on.

After several months, I was asked to start managing the club, a job I happily took. I’d come to enjoy spending time with vampires as well as humans. The club was having issues, and with the work experience I’d picked up while Araina was away at school, I was able to turn it around. It became a more open environment, still safe for vampires, but no longer a bloodletting bar. Soon it was the most popular club in town. It had it's draining moments, but it was challenging and I loved it.

And then came the day that challenged everything I’d ever thought about humans and vampires alike.

"I don't have time for a grudge match with every poser in a parka."


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« Reply #7 on: December 17, 2006, 09:57:37 pm »

You've sucked me in!  I can't wait for your next update.

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« Reply #8 on: December 18, 2006, 01:54:05 am »

I'd stayed to close up the club that night since my closer had caught a nasty flu the day before. Araina was out of town that week, so I was dwaddling around. She always lectured if I got back after she did, and I was enjoying twiddling around. It was almost dawn when I finished locking up. I was heading towards the car, when I heard a soft sound coming from the side of the building. I walked around the corner to see what it was, and there was a man huddled against the wall making a funny noise. He sounded sick, so I went closer to see if I could help.

It happened so fast, I'm still not sure exactly how it went. One moment I was bending down to help him up, the next I was instinctively flinging myself backwards, not quite clearing the razor sharp blades that seemed to inexplicably appear in his hands. I stumbled several steps backwards, my mouth hanging open. I couldn't believe he, he was trying to kill me? I looked down at a sudden flash of pain, and realized there was a gash stretching across my side. And there was blood everywhere. Everywhere. I tried to shake off the sudden haze, and think about what was going on, but the smell was making me crazy, and then suddenly, he was diving at me again. I'd never moved so fast in my life. Ducking in and out of the spinning blades, I somehow was able to clear my head enough to start fighting back. Everything I'd unwillingly learned in the past months was all that was keeping my in one piece.

I was finally able to knock the blades from his hands, but as I straightened up after flinging the weapons to the ground, he was lunging at me, blade in hand. And this time, I knew there was no way I could dodge. Time seemed to slow down, and then there was a sudden white flash, and I was standing a foot aside from where I'd been.

I watched him stumble right through where I'd been standing, and careen straight into the wall, impaling himself on the blade. I stared, in shock. I couldn't figure out how I'd moved. I knew I hadn't moved.
As I stared, a sudden rustle dragged me out of my confused thoughts. I spun around, ready for some other bizarre foe, but it was just Ryan, landing on the grass next to me. I relaxed, and the smell of the blood everywhere hit me like a brick wall. I stumbled a little, and Ryan barely caught me. Everything seemed blurry. She pressed her wrist against my lips.
"Drink." I tried to shove her away.
"" She shoved me up against the wall.
"I said, Drink! You can't die. People need to talk to you, and it's almost morning. I can't carry you back." I quit fighting, and did what she said, fighting the urge to vomit at the thought of what I was doing. When I was done, I realized there were several other vampires standing close by, all watching. I had seen them all before, but I didn't know them.

I looked at Ryan.
"What are they doing here?" She shook her head.
"There's not time for that. We need to go. Now." Before I could say anything else, she turned me around and pointed to the waiting car. For a minute, I considered ignoring her, and going home to try and sleep off this horrid night. But then the gash on my side, actually, now gashes, suddenly shot slivers of pain all over my body. It took all my effort to get to the car. There was nothing left to argue with.

I think I passed out in the car. I'm not sure. I just remember everything hurting, and Ryan yelling a lot. Then it was black. Well, all except this quiet white light that seemed to be in the corner of the dark. I think it was singing. Then a door slammed, and I jolted awake. Ryan was getting out of the car, and I followed her, wincing as I got out. It wasn't as bad as before, though. Note to self...built in healing is good.
We were in front of a large dark house, and all of us slowly filed in. We stopped in a room with a large table surrounded by chairs. The chairs were occupied by vampires some piece of me already seemed to recognize. My suspicions were confirmed when the other vampires following us bowed their heads and exited. Ryan walked to the other side of the table, taking a seat in the last large chair. It took me a moment, but then, I wasn't really surprised. I always knew there was something a about Ryan. That she was a clan elder seemed quite fitting, really. My mouth twisted into a half smirk.

The red haired woman spoke first.
"I must say, Mr. Kyle, you've made quite a mess for us. Sponsored hunters coming here looking for you, nasty people we've avoided for a long time poking around town. All of us were put in danger because of you." I opened my mouth to ask her what she was talking about, but Ryan's stern face caught my eye and I stayed quiet. The red haired woman stared at me for a moment, then turned to Ryan.
"You were the one who said he should be left alone. And look where we are now. What do you have to say?" Ryan shrugged.
"Simply that I was right. He is not the kind of vampire we need to join our ranks. As for what I'm sure you're referring to, I had no way of knowing that the girl would attract hunters. And even if I did, it's hardly my fault." The dark haired man at the end stirred.
"He should know that the laws forbid that kind of interaction with humans!" I couldn't take it anymore.
"Excuse me." They all turned towards me, looking a little surprised.

"I was never aware of any laws governing interaction with humans, nor would I have abided by them if I had known. I don't know what was going on tonight, although apparently everyone here does. I would not have deliberately put anyone in danger. I was unaware that there was any danger. My friendship with anyone, regardless of their humanity or lack thereof makes no difference. They tried to kill me. Not her." I was feeling shaky again. The gashes were pulling, and I could feel the blood trickling down my side.
"Unless you have an actual reason for having me here, other than just trying to blame me for crazy killers coming to town, I'm leaving. I'm not part of this clan, and no manipulation on your part will make me. I can defend myself, and you can defend yourselves. Find someone else to blame for your problems."

I mock bowed to Ryan, and stalked out of the room, seething. No one was in the car when I got to the front curb, so I just got in and drove home. I got in just before the first rays of daylight, and dragged myself into the basement, leaving a nice red trail of blood through the house. I slipped into my coffin, and slept like the dead. The really dead.

"I don't have time for a grudge match with every poser in a parka."


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« Reply #9 on: December 18, 2006, 12:51:58 pm »

OOOH! It's awesome! Thank you for finally posting! I loved it!

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« Reply #10 on: December 26, 2006, 01:17:56 pm »

It's like horror film(maybe)

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« Reply #11 on: December 26, 2006, 04:14:14 pm »

ooo this is good
I cant believe I have never stumbled onto this before

LAX is whats up.

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« Reply #12 on: December 27, 2006, 12:14:39 am »

more!!!, must have more!!!
I dont fail i succeed in finding what am not good at :happy8:
Wont you help stop the inhumane slaughter of dolphins in japan?:sad1:  if so-->!9CA9BA80D0AB3CE6!2478.entry

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« Reply #13 on: December 28, 2006, 01:49:49 am »

BIG update coming...Very soon!! I just have to crop and border a bunch of pics.
« Last Edit: December 28, 2006, 01:56:21 am by Kielen » Logged

"I don't have time for a grudge match with every poser in a parka."


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« Reply #14 on: December 29, 2006, 09:47:47 pm »


"out of all the lies you've told, i love you was my favorite."
"And he's the reason for the teardrops on my guitar/the only one who's got enough of me to break my heart"

Rest in Peace, Caleb Joshua 1/10/04-4/6/08
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