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Author Topic: What is the size of your 'Downloads' Folder ?  (Read 180858 times)
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The Bird Queen
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« Reply #465 on: March 23, 2010, 07:59:16 pm »

I saw a little documentary on the rendering of like animated movies. And they get massive super computer to pull that off. And they still have to wait like over night for it to render. XD
Hah, is it me or is most people with linux super fanboys/girls of it?
Memory is an easy upgrade, provided your grounded, I doubt you'll have a problem upgrading it yourself.

We've estimated it will take approx a month to render our 4-5 minute short (on 2-4 computers, 10 hours per day). So yeah, I'd do almost anything to have Pixar's render farm...

And most Linux users does seem to be fanboys/girls of it - or they are closely related to one, and has been brainwashed by them... (happened to their mom)

About the memory cards - I'm terrified of doing anything wrong when opening the Monster and putting something into it - so I'll have to ask my boyfriend to do it. He knows which parts to buy (he was the one who put together my PC), and he knows where to put them...

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« Reply #466 on: March 23, 2010, 09:02:26 pm »

Wow. That much for 4-5 minutes? Just. WOW.
LOL. Okay, if you insist on getting help. I highly recommend Crucial. Just google it, I bet your boyfriend has heard of it, if not, it's a great site for memory.

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« Reply #467 on: March 24, 2010, 04:39:43 am »

I am curious to know your system's specs. LOL

Intel core 2 quad 2.83 GHz processor (unsure if there are two), 4 GB RAM (I really want to upgrade to 6 or 8 ), NVIDA GEforce GTX 285 graphic card, 1TB (931GB) harddrive (560 GB available), 64 bit Vista. Plus a huge monster of a cabinet, and three fans that makes some noise, but keeps the computer at somewhere between 25 and 50 C at all times.

Special built (by one who knows a tiny bit lot more than I do about computers...). Took 2-3 days, if I remember correctly (I mostly slept in a chair, woke up, asked some questions, and fell asleep again). My laptop couldn't handle 3D programmes, and it tended to turn itself off randomly, so I really needed a new computer.

My entire Sims 2 folder is now at 31.5 GB (which is nearly half of the entire harddrive I had at my laptop, with 80 GB...)

Thank you, theraven! Cheesy How long does it take it to load the neighbourhood screen? I'm curious because since I've got a new pc and my Downloads folder went up to 5.50GB, now it takes a while to load compared to XP (I have Win 7 64-bit). But maybe it's the fact I changed from IDE to AHCI mode.
There is a thread about Sims 2 and Win 7 for anyone who wants to discuss about changes. In your shoes, I'd go for more RAM too.

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« Reply #468 on: March 29, 2010, 12:53:09 pm »

My downloads folder was well over six gigs until I got the Compressorizor and squashed the heck out of my files. Word of warning, though. Do NOT compress hacks or anything from TSR, that will cause your game to bork.

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« Reply #469 on: March 29, 2010, 05:28:48 pm »

I always had a funny feeling about TSR... grr.

The Bird Queen
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« Reply #470 on: March 29, 2010, 06:01:57 pm »

Thank you, theraven! Cheesy How long does it take it to load the neighbourhood screen? I'm curious because since I've got a new pc and my Downloads folder went up to 5.50GB, now it takes a while to load compared to XP (I have Win 7 64-bit). But maybe it's the fact I changed from IDE to AHCI mode.
There is a thread about Sims 2 and Win 7 for anyone who wants to discuss about changes. In your shoes, I'd go for more RAM too.

WIth everything in, it can take 20 min or so until I'm in the neighborhood view. Might seem a lot - but with my laptop I got used to somewhere between 1 and 2 hours, so it's nothing in comparance. With 1-2 GB in (when I'm in test mode and mostly have hacks and defaults in), it takes around 2 min. I've got all EP's and SP's, and load a quite full neighborhood, which probably ups the loading time a bit, too...

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« Reply #471 on: March 30, 2010, 01:05:46 pm »

TSR never let me download anything anyways. Even with the account it kept saying i don't have EPs


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« Reply #472 on: August 07, 2010, 11:58:16 am »

Mine's 416MB but I'm trying to clean it up a bit because after about 6 mins. of gameplay it lags Wink
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« Reply #473 on: August 12, 2010, 06:24:34 pm »

I currently have 10.5 gigs in my Downloads folder.  I know for a fact that 3.5 of it is just hair alone, and thats after only choosing my favorites of the original 7gigs I started with.  My collection slowly grows though, I find something I have to have atleast once a week.  My start up time is somewhere around 3-5minutes depending if I added a new package file again or not.  A big difference considerring my last pc took just as long to load with only 3g's of custom content.  If your anything like me, an awesome processor and lots of RAM are a must for this game.


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« Reply #474 on: August 27, 2010, 09:29:21 am »

2.3 GB Lol ))
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« Reply #475 on: August 27, 2010, 02:38:37 pm »

Its reached 4.43 gigs just recently and I think it could be time to add a couple of one gig RAM bars.

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« Reply #476 on: December 11, 2012, 08:23:23 pm »

mine is 9.63 huh?

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« Reply #477 on: April 17, 2016, 08:48:37 am »

mine is 25.6gb and counting

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The Bird Queen
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« Reply #478 on: April 18, 2016, 01:01:10 pm »

30-ish GB for my stationary computer. I'm currently going throught he slow, awful process of sorting through  everything, recategorizing, deleting zip files and unwanted JPGs, putting stuff no deeper than 3 folders, and so forth. So far it's gone down about 100 folders and almost 1 GB, and I'm only at the very beginning of the process. I hope to get it down to 20-25 GB, so I can stuff it with some more...

On my laptop it varies between 5 and 10 GB.

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« Reply #479 on: May 08, 2016, 03:15:14 pm »

I'm being very selective about what goes into my downloads folder this time around, so far I only have about four and a half gigs in it. I need to go through and delete out some funky arse hairs though, somehow the meshes seem to have come up missing and some have some really weird looking textures that look like something which came out of a baby's diaper after eating strained peas. 'Nuff said.

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