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Tutorial: Converting standard outfits to BodyShape Meshes
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Topic: Tutorial: Converting standard outfits to BodyShape Meshes (Read 91977 times)
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Posts: 15
Tutorial: Converting standard outfits to BodyShape Meshes
Reply #30 on:
June 11, 2006, 01:02:34 pm »
Say man,thanks for all your work on meshes-first of all!...I am just discovering it...and now a question:
I'm fairly new...not to 3d-but to sim modding...but I'm finding consistently with the teen mesh models(and I haven't experimented with the default-but rather so far with the two wider hipped teen meshes)...that they won't take a skirt...
That is all my efforts to make a skirt for them-somewhat wide ranging...result in hotpants instead-or very snug bermuda shorts...they are great looking shorts and hotpants,lol!...but was hoping to figure out how to get a skirt for them...
As far as the variations I have attempted-1st I tried a mod clothing for teens from another site....2nd I tried a standard EA skirt...then third I finally tried the skirts that Persephone has made for your wider hipped woman models...and still Bermuda shorts...I also tried mask alterations based on the sucessful skirting she had achieved with your woman models...
So tried to do some pretty thorough experimenting before presenting this question...Could it be the teen model at present might not take a skirt?..Conforming clothes all seem to convert well?
Posts: 1471
Tutorial: Converting standard outfits to BodyShape Meshes
Reply #31 on:
June 11, 2006, 02:22:21 pm »
Well, I'm not exactly clear on what you're trying to do... in order for an outfit to be a skirt, you have to be converting it to a skirt mesh... I believe the Teen Bottoms I did included a miniskirt, so that's the one you'd have to use. Putting a skirt texture on a pants mesh will just end up with, well, skirt-colored pants
Oh, one other thing... when you copy the files across from the exported textures to the new outfit, make sure you do NOT copy the .package file... that will cause weird things to happen. Not sure if that's what you're seeing, but I thought I'd mention it.
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Tutorial: Converting standard outfits to BodyShape Meshes
Reply #32 on:
June 11, 2006, 02:52:44 pm »
thanks...not tampering w/package at all...just following the tuts in this thread...but seriously a muddle of confusion at this point, it just did the same with an adult model mesh....I can do my own tex work in Poser and 3ds Max-yet this Body Studio is throwing me for a loop...Mine are both from Sims 2 and UEP...maybe dated...maybe should search a patch as,now I'm suspecting my prog...
Posts: 12
Tutorial: Converting standard outfits to BodyShape Meshes
Reply #33 on:
June 11, 2006, 06:03:07 pm »
I have been wondering if it would be possible to link your female files to BBB/Marvines Muscle man skins. CAN a skin file be linked to two different meshes, one male one female?
Posts: 1471
Tutorial: Converting standard outfits to BodyShape Meshes
Reply #34 on:
June 11, 2006, 06:09:49 pm »
It can, with a bit of work in SimPe... basically you'd follow Marvine's mesh-linked skintone tutorial, and do it for each category you want to link to a mesh. For instance mine link to both an Adult and Teen set of meshes for each size. It's been discussed before, problem is choosing what to link to what, plus I'm buried right now. If anyone wants to take it on though, I don't mind, just get permission from Marvine & Beos, which I'm sure they'd give.
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Tutorial: Converting standard outfits to BodyShape Meshes
Reply #35 on:
June 11, 2006, 06:17:29 pm »
I've never attempted skin linking. I'm taking it this could be a hard job then if YOU can get confused on 'link this to that'.
I'm a paradise skins fan, have been since they came out. But I also like the muscle man skins very much too. I'd take on this linking project if Marvine and BB say it's ok..and their tut is written "linking for dummies".
Posts: 38
Tutorial: Converting standard outfits to BodyShape Meshes
Reply #36 on:
June 11, 2006, 08:33:03 pm »
Hey Warlokk! I love your work. I'm trying so hard to find a tutorial you have on putting other clothes on your bodyshape meshes. I saw it somewhere but can't find it. Can you help me out?
Do or do not. There is no try. - Yoda The Empire Strikes Back.
Posts: 1471
Tutorial: Converting standard outfits to BodyShape Meshes
Reply #37 on:
June 11, 2006, 09:34:38 pm »
Umm... this is it
Check the main post on this thread, has everything you need.
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Tutorial: Converting standard outfits to BodyShape Meshes
Reply #38 on:
June 12, 2006, 04:03:09 pm »
re:I believe the Teen Bottoms I did included a miniskirt, so that's the one you'd have to use. Putting a skirt texture on a pants mesh will just end up with, well, skirt-colored pants
lol...getting my head around this a little better...Warlokk...Has there been a miniskirt for your Teen Lg Bottom,and Teen XL Bottom?...if so I can't find them...
Trying to get the basics...and already have some interesting skin tex work-that I hope might lead towards towards some community contributions on my part...But in the mean time-trying to rapidly close a learning curve gap on Bodyshop,and SimPe...Look forward to the D Teen whole body release!
Hoping to see a workflow process for Max-and I think some clothing meshes for your figures would be a great way to start(but I notice Milkshape seems the standard preferred-so hopefully the SimPe plugs have a way to flow for Max...)
Is all outside my standard z-brush Max flow (
),,,but I have gotten quite interested-and would enjoy giving it a try...
As someone said in another of your threads-"the stupid question is the one not asked"...if a skirt for the Teen XL and Lg Bottoms exist-I'd sure appreciate someone pointing me towards it..
Posts: 15
Tutorial: Converting standard outfits to BodyShape Meshes
Reply #39 on:
June 12, 2006, 04:37:21 pm »
Oh wow!...Maybe these!...
so,need no answer,thanks!...the division of MTS2 and Sexysims2 makes tracking all this confusing to newbies...
Last Edit: June 12, 2006, 07:26:37 pm by gmonkai
Posts: 1471
Tutorial: Converting standard outfits to BodyShape Meshes
Reply #40 on:
June 12, 2006, 08:07:59 pm »
Haha there you go, glad you found them... that's actually why I opened this section here at InSIM in the first place, to make one place where I can post everything... MTS2 gets more traffic, but this area is so much easier to use, for me and others.
As for Milkshape over Max, well, Milkshape cost $20 for a license... Max is... more than that
Once you get the hang of it though it definitely gets the job done, plus all the good plugins are for MS, so it's really the only option for body meshes.
Look over at MTS2 for Wes_H's Unimesh plugins, all the info and tutorials etc are there.
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Tutorial: Converting standard outfits to BodyShape Meshes
Reply #41 on:
June 12, 2006, 08:45:43 pm »
Yeah...I was ranging around that stuff..That's where I noticed the Milkshape preference for simming...noticed one dude's use of Poser too...and though SimPe hosts some Max plugs-noticed some people saying they found them dysfunctional...and got to looking at milkshape-yeah it's a real affordable package...
Would be a whole big workflow beast I imagine...Gonna just push with texes for awhile...
You and Beosboy and the associates modding to your meshes have really given this game some life now...I've always liked high poly and high res texes-but this gets me real interested towards pushing the other envelope...getting such cool looks that can integrate to gameplay realtime!...Once again,incredible work dude...You rock!!!
Posts: 1471
Tutorial: Converting standard outfits to BodyShape Meshes
Reply #42 on:
June 12, 2006, 09:51:28 pm »
Actually, the Poser technique you mention is how I am doing the entire Hi-Res Bodyshape series... I created the base Hi-Res meshes in the standard size to start with, but then I run those and all the clothing meshes through Poser, with a set of magnets I've created for each size. With a bit of tweaking, I can make each outfit the same size and shape, to keep it consistent across the set.
I am considering releasing my magnet sets for those who have Poser, once I get the main part of the project finished, then folks can adapt other meshes to the sizes quickly and (somewhat) easily.
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Posts: 15
Tutorial: Converting standard outfits to BodyShape Meshes
Reply #43 on:
June 12, 2006, 10:13:29 pm »
Cool!...I was looking at...I think it was "zenman" tut...talking about magnet sets...and integrating the clothing Simpte Bianca tut...
You still use the Milkshape in some part of your workflow though,right? maybe the mesh conversion? I see it referenced higher in this thread in regard to the "unimesh" and bumpmaps...
Bumpmaps will probably be a nice leap,,,I don't know enough on game design to know if they get more processing intensive or not though...I'd like seeing it take displacement!-but that might await the next advent in processing and bigger CPU...because displacement I have found(as in z-brush to Max) can make a low poly mesh look like millions of polys when it's done right-but even in Max they slow rendering(but save system memory)so I doubt games could process them yet...
Posts: 1471
Tutorial: Converting standard outfits to BodyShape Meshes
Reply #44 on:
June 12, 2006, 10:48:26 pm »
Well, the game handles bump/normal mapping, but Wes' plugins do not process the data correctly, so anything created with them loses the bump information. However, using Milkshape (or Poser) to just manipulate base Maxis meshes, you can export to .obj and use the Mesh Tool, as described in Brianna's tutorial. Basically, I used the Unimesh plugins for the hi-res nudes, and I use Poser to create the sizes for them and the standard clothing. Everything goes back through Milkshape though for the fine-tuning, and the final exports before importing into the game files... the process differs though whether you're using Unimesh or Mesh Tool, depending on what you're trying to do.
Zenman's magnets are what I built my magnets from... I used them as a starting point and developed my shapes from there.
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