As promised in the adult side of this career, located
here, here is the teen version of it. Like the adult version it has a unique GUID, all levels (three), all chance cards, and in this case it is linked to the adult career.
Name of career: Information Technology
Type: Teen
Status: Pre-Design
Version: .1
Linked: Information Technology
Base Career: Politics
GUIDs: 0x0034A701
Overwrites Base career? No
Pre-EP compliant: Yes
EP1 Compliant: Yes
Required: No
Languages: English (US)/SimPE I believe allows use in any language
Number of Levels: 3
Level 1 - Computer Salesman/Saleswoman
Pay: 45
Work: Wed - Sun
Time: 5 PM - 9 PM
Level 2 - Website Administrator
Pay: 82
Work: Sun - Thurs
Time: 7 PM - 11 PM
Level 3 - Intern
Pay: 110
Work: Mon - Fri
Time: 4 PM - 7 PM
NotesThis career is complete with custom icon and everything - but there will be a Major forthcoming for it as well. You will need the adult version of the career, which is
here. Please note that it is linked to my IT Administration Career, not my older IT Career.