This Mesh is based off of the very talented Warlokk's teen C-XL series. Thank you Warlokk for giving diversity to our sims bodyshapes & giving me a platform to build off of.
Additional Kudos
This mesh was created with SimPE, Milkshape, The Unimeshtool and Extendid manual edit tool.
Recolors /Textures designed using GIMP
I want to also thank Tiggerypum, Faylen & HystericalParoxysm for all their indepth tutorials for without them I would be eternaly lost at sea.
Rivers Curves for Teens Curvier Nude Mesh.
Vert: 1262
**Policy ***
Keep it free & have fun. My meshes can be included with uploads as long as the site & its content remains free. Recolors are allowed of the meshes but NOT my textures unless permission was given. Please include a copy of my readme file. Credit is always nice & appreciated. Ok I think that about covers it. Enjoy