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Author Topic: Daughter of a vampire - my first InSIM story!  (Read 20911 times)
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« on: July 02, 2007, 11:54:30 am »

Hi, guys. I've had this written up for a while but was too scared to post it. I think the title explains what it's about. But she doesn't really like it, until she loses her. This will be set out until she is an adult, when the climax comes. Please tell me if I did something wrong.

"Mum, did you have to make a date for tonight?"
"It was the only time Chris was free, love."
"Whay do you date? You have me and Danni."
"I know, and I love my girls. But I want to fall in love again." She finished putting Danni's pajamas on, and put her in her crib.
"Right, missy, it's bedtime for you, too."
"But, Mum -"
"Please, Ash. I just want one night to enjoy myself."
"Ok, Mum."

My name is Asha Fenton. My mum's a vampire. My sister, Danni, is only one. I don't know who my dad is, but I know I might turn into a vampire as I get older. It's my genes. I know Danni's dad, but he cleared off once he found out what Mum was. It's always been us three girls - Helena, Asha, and Danni. But Mum goes on dates now.

Later that night

I woke up. I heard laughing downstairs. Had she brought her date home? I hope not. Last time she brought one home, she ended up pregnant. I shook the sleep from my head, and climbed out of bed, trying not to wake Danni. I tip-toed downstairs, hoping she wouldn't see me. And I saw her.

I saw her cuddled up on the couch with him - Chris, she said he was called Chris. He looked nice, but you never know. Danni's dad had looked nice. He made her laugh, As long as they didn't kiss it wouldn't be serious. . . NO!

She said! She said after Danni was born, she wouldn't do this! She. . . she lied! She'd never lied before. I must have let out a gasp, because she looked at the place I was hiding and walked over. I felt tears prick my eyes.
"Ash. . . What -?"
"You promised! You said you wouldn't, and you lied! Why?"
"Asha, -" I wasn't letting her talk.
"Does he know? What you are? Does he?" I let something slip I should NEVER have said. "I just want a normal Mum! Not a vampire, like you!"
She froze, like I slapped her.
"Mum, oh Mum. I'm sorry, I-"
"Asha, go to bed."
"Mum -"
"BED!" I was shocked. She had never shouted at me before. I let the tears take over, and as I ran up the stairs I heard Chris talk.
"Is she upset about the vampire thing?" She told him.

I woke up the next day, and Danni wasn't in her crib. Mum must have sent her to day-care. (I forgot to say, sun doesn't affect vampires, they only feed at night because it would be harder to be caught) I dressed, and put on a necklace Mum had bought me ages ago. I looked in the mirror. I really said those things, hadn't I? The door knocked.
"Ash, come downstairs, we need to talk." Great.

"Did you really mean what you said last night?"
"No, I was just. . . well, I can't describe it."
"And the thing about wanting a normal mum?"
"Well. . ."
"Ash, you don't like having me as a mum?"
"No! I do! I just sometimes wish I had a normal mum, so I could bring friends round, and that she wouldn't drink blood, and have a bluish skin."
"That would mean not a vampire." She looked down, and I realised what I just said. She started to cry.

"I could have given you up for adoption. Danni, too. But I didnt. I thought my kids would accept me for who I am. I was wrong. And, Chris isn't just another guy, he used to be my friend in school, before I was like this. We've been going out for three years, secretly. We. . . we got engaged last night."
"Mum, why didn't you tell me last night?"
"I thought you would get mad, for me not telling you who I was seeing."
"Well, I'm madder now! I thought this guy might have killed you, I was worried about you! I had nightmares of something happening to you on dates!" My rage boiled over.
"I wish you weren't my mum!" I jumped up and ran to my bedroom, crying. Why was she keeping secrets from me?

A few months later

Mum and Chris were getting married tonight. Halloween. Mum decided to have it on Halloween so she could dress spookily. I'll admit, I did look a bit gothy, but good. She told me Chris (I have to call him Dad now!) had agred to becoming a vampire, but not until they had been married for a few months. Did he really want to, though? And did she have the right to take away his humanity? I don't know but the wedding starts in a few minutes.

I took my seat, in the empty church (they didn't want to invite anybody, just them, me and Danni) and stared at Chris, smiling. He looked nervous. Mum walked up the empty aisle, looking like the Queen of Goths - in a good way. She found a black veil, that matched her black lace dress perfectly. She walked up to Chris, and they said their vows. I smiled when they kissed, thinking 'Mum's happy now, so maybe it'll be alright'

It was only a few weeks after the wedding. I heard the door open, Mum ust have been back from her feed. I went to greet her, and screamed when I saw she was covered in her own blood, bleeding clutching her head.

Dad ran in and she fell. He attempted to revive her, and I stood by, crying, watching blood pooling around her body. He sat back, tears streaming down his cheeks, and cuddled me. He could try all night, it wouldn't make a difference - Mum was dead.

We let guests come to her funeral. In the exact same church she had been married in. When the casket was lowered, I started howling. Dad hugged me again, crying silently. We were still there when everyone else had left. I made a vow, then. I would track down Mum's murderers - and kill them.

Ok, that's the first part. Please tell me what you think, and if I should continue it
« Last Edit: July 02, 2007, 11:58:00 am by Im_Not_OK » Logged

{{Fall Out Boy/Happy Tree Friends ~ The Carpal Tunnel Of Love}} Because Trace hates it xD
This is for Lola! Because we're proving Trace wrong!

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« Reply #1 on: July 02, 2007, 12:32:14 pm »

Oooooooooooooooooooooh great beginning! Please update~soon!

he's the sweat on my sheets (:

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« Reply #2 on: July 02, 2007, 12:44:20 pm »

I'll probably have it updated mid-week you won't have to wait long!

{{Fall Out Boy/Happy Tree Friends ~ The Carpal Tunnel Of Love}} Because Trace hates it xD
This is for Lola! Because we're proving Trace wrong!

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« Reply #3 on: July 02, 2007, 01:52:32 pm »


he's the sweat on my sheets (:

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« Reply #4 on: July 02, 2007, 02:09:47 pm »

Glad you like it I was scared to put this up!

{{Fall Out Boy/Happy Tree Friends ~ The Carpal Tunnel Of Love}} Because Trace hates it xD
This is for Lola! Because we're proving Trace wrong!

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« Reply #5 on: July 03, 2007, 04:30:20 am »

23 July, 2007, Hunter Journal, entry 765

No luck. It's been five years from Mum's death. I visit her grave everyday, telling her what I'm trying to do. But, it's like they all just vanished. I told Dad, and he eventually came round to the idea. But he said he wouldn't join until Danni's tenth birthday, when she could know the truth. She's five now. I haven't seen her in ages, because my work took me away from home. I miss her. But, I found something today, anyway. I've been on the internet, searching. Apparently, vampire hunters strike in an area, and move on. They come back after a few years. As long as I catch them before they catch me, I'll be fine. Turns out, I was right when I was ten. I did have vampire genes in me. I turned last month. My skin hasn't changed colour yet, though. I don't mind, but it's a bit lonely. I haven't had any experiances a teen girl should have, but I don't mind. It's for Mum.

Entry time : 2:40 A.M.

I climbed into the shower, letting the water pound the back of my head. I still lived in the same house now that I was back, but Dad moved somewhere else with Danni. I don't know where. I missed them so much. But I always let my thoughts wander, and they always turn to Mum.
'Oh, Mum,' I thought, 'If I had have known what was going to happen, I wouldn't have let you feed that night. I wouldn't have said any of those things.' I climbed out and dressed. Hunting time.

This is all I could manage for now, I'll update it again tomorrow, It's not my fault, my Mum is making me go out with her, and I don't want to! But I promise, it WILL be updated
« Last Edit: July 03, 2007, 04:35:27 am by Im_Not_OK » Logged

{{Fall Out Boy/Happy Tree Friends ~ The Carpal Tunnel Of Love}} Because Trace hates it xD
This is for Lola! Because we're proving Trace wrong!

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« Reply #6 on: July 03, 2007, 08:51:00 am »

Oooooooo hunting time!

Great update, I can't wait for more!!!!

he's the sweat on my sheets (:

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« Reply #7 on: July 04, 2007, 04:54:39 am »

I love it!!!!!!!its not bad at all it is very good!!!!!!!!!!!

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« Reply #8 on: July 04, 2007, 12:15:34 pm »

As I was about to leave, I got a call from my contact. I had to meet her in an abandoned alley complex, because she had info. My jeep was completely ruined, because sometimes, I had to go to the shady side of the law. I made sure it wasn't too often, but sometimes it couldn't be helped. I pulled up and sat in the car for a few minutes. Sandy wasn't right in the head, and you had to be careful with how you talked to her. I know from experiance, she's not one to be messed with. She helped me get some of the scars on my face. I got out and made my way to her office.

"Hey, kid, how's it goin'?" she rasped. Eurgh, I could smell cigarettes and beer on her breath from here. She was wearing clothes spattered with blood, so she must have done a job before this. (She works as a hitwoman sometimes)
"Good. You got info?"
"Yeah, I got it. You wanna seat?"
"Er. . . no, I'll stand." God knows what was on her seats.
"So, what's the info?"
"Apparently, one of them got their sights on this dump. It didn't specify 'is name, bu' I got 'is mugshot." She handed me a photo. I must have blanched, because she told me she had the same reaction.
"No' much of a looka', 'is he?"
"You can say that again. I got to go before night if I'm gonna get home safe."
"You be careful, goin' down dem' roads. 'E's also wanted fer rape charges."

"Sandy, I'll be fine." She jumped up and started pointing me in the chest, having another spell.
"You sure? Three of his victims where found dead. Dead! An' I don't want you to be the nex' one!"
"Hello, I'll be fine."
"Ok, then." We talked for hours, and I only realised what time it was when she turned on the lights.
"I've gotta go now, Sandy."
"Ok, then. Bu' you watch yerself."
"Ok." I walked out and started towards my jeep.

He looked at her, smiling. She was pretty, she hadn't turned. Not like her mother. He adjusted the barrel of his gun and fired. A dart hit her arm, and she was unconcious before she hit the ground. He laughed, and picked her up. He brought her into and abndoned warehouse, and began to strip her. . .

I woke up with a headache, lying on something cold. I opened my eyes, voicing the first terrified thought I had.
"Where am I and where are my clothes?"
« Last Edit: July 04, 2007, 12:20:07 pm by Im_Not_OK » Logged

{{Fall Out Boy/Happy Tree Friends ~ The Carpal Tunnel Of Love}} Because Trace hates it xD
This is for Lola! Because we're proving Trace wrong!

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« Reply #9 on: July 04, 2007, 01:04:02 pm »


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« Reply #10 on: July 04, 2007, 01:14:01 pm »

It's NOT the climax. . . . . It's only the beggining

{{Fall Out Boy/Happy Tree Friends ~ The Carpal Tunnel Of Love}} Because Trace hates it xD
This is for Lola! Because we're proving Trace wrong!

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« Reply #11 on: July 04, 2007, 11:16:37 pm »

I know it isn't but it feels like it!

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« Reply #12 on: July 06, 2007, 05:35:59 am »

My computer went crazy for a while, but here's a small update to make up for it

Oh, God, what happened to me? I managed to get to my feet, but a wave of dizziness washed over me, and I vomited noisily on the floor. When I recovered, I looked up and saw a camera pointed at me. I blanched, and tried to cover myself. There was a speaker in one of the corners and it crackled to life.
"Don't worry, I have blurred those."
"What do you want from me?" The voice laughed, a menacing sound that sent chills down my spine.
"You are a daughter of a vampire, yes? Your mother was Helena Fenton?"
"How do you know her. Did you kill her?"
"Look at the computer screen." I did and the speakers shut off. I was horrified.

 I tried to shut the computer off, but I couldn't. I had to watch somebody torturing my mother, raping her, taunting her. I had to watch her suffer, see the pain she felt before death. I vomitied again. A message scrolled up at the end.
'Follow the strips of light on the floor. It will lead you out. You clothes are in your car' I sprinted out and jumped into my jeep. After wriggling into my clothes, I slammed my foot down on the pedal. My mother had to feel that pain. I swear, if I catch whoever did that, I'll do it to him. Whoever he was. I was so caught up in my thoughts it was too late when I realised I wasn't on the road anymore. I looked  up and shrieked - and slammed into a tree, passing out.
« Last Edit: July 06, 2007, 05:38:17 am by Im_Not_OK » Logged

{{Fall Out Boy/Happy Tree Friends ~ The Carpal Tunnel Of Love}} Because Trace hates it xD
This is for Lola! Because we're proving Trace wrong!

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« Reply #13 on: July 06, 2007, 09:42:53 am »

OMG, so her mother didn't kill herself...... the person did? Wow! This story is good. Bring Us More Pleasae BUMP BUMP BUMP!

Being a [sim] mother is the best thing in the world!

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« Reply #14 on: July 06, 2007, 07:43:06 pm »

Ooh very intresssting. i always love a good vampire story!

SweetCat *meow*
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