Dedicated to all evil geniuses!

Every evil genius needs a brain in a tank, and your Sim mad scientist is no different! Now through the intervention of the Mi-Go, those fun guys from Yuggoth, you can add to the look and feel of your diabolical laboratory in the subterranean secret base of your dreams!
Disclaimer: Evil Geniuses, Inc., takes no responsibility for failed or successful plots to subjugate the world.
Details:Find in the catalogue with sculpture
Size: 1x1
Cost: 5000§
Faces: 1912
IMPORTANT! This item is animated, so may cause problems with older video cards with small amounts of video memory.
Credits:Howard Phillips Lovecraft for "The Whisperer in Darkness" (1931).
Curt Siodmak for
Donovan's Brain (1942)
Texturing assistance from National Institutes of Health (NIH) and Images used with permission.
Policy:Don't poke large toothy mammals with sticks.