Hi people!!
This is a modification of the original texture on Marvine's great BB shirt & pants mesh here in the insimenator, in fact, since the first time I saw it months ago I wanted to do this project. I started it in April (or May) but working around the mesh trying to add the vest was a real pain for me, to the point of leaving the project frozen for months. But hell, I retook it, and managed to pull it off. I like to wear vests when I go formal (and I have the bad habit of rolling the sleeves of my shirts sooner or later) ...so why not my BB sims??
The first outfit is meant for cop sims, it's only the brown vest with the wallet chain, the police badge and the Rolex watch. But since I liked it so much, I decided to do another version, with a gray vest, more for gambling sims going outside (Bars, Clubs, etc...) Maybe you can use them in 1950 themed neighborhoods too, who knows...and I also included a simple version of the two outfits without the badge and the watch, for those who like a simplier form.
I enabled to use in everyday, formal and outerwear, so I recommend highly to have Seasons installed.
I DON'T TAKE any credit from the mesh or the original outfit, in fact, as you can see, it's the original shirt and pants of the texture included in Marvine's mesh, I only added the vest, wallet chain, police badge and watch. Really, I bow down to Marvine again, without her this work won't be possible. :worship:
Here is the link to the original texture & mesh by my dear Marvine:
http://www.insimenator.org/showthread.php?t=22995Gray Vest - gambler sim outfit pic (full version) :

Brown Vest - detective sim outfit pic (Full version) :

Pics of the back of the Vests:

Frontal Pics of the simple versions of the outfits:

I hope you like it,
Rafael (Raf).