Yeah, I'm at it again, and again, and again....
I was playing with the Uni pants mesh by Marvine and Yakov in the insimenator, and, even though I liked it, it looked wrong with my tattooed sims (lot of my sims use tattooed skins) ... and being a real tattoo junkie in the real world, I'm aganist these type of outfits, so I started to modify the alpha in the outfit to eliminate the tattoos (in fact, I never used the original uni pants outfit of Maxis because this reason).I really liked the end result so I decided to add my personal touch to the texture, and seeing that there are no versions of this clothing in urban camo (gray and black) I modified the original texture, and added my leather armbands and a black muscle shirt.

As you can see in the pics, there are four versions of the outfit: 1 with only the uni pants, 1 with the pants and leather armbands, 1 with the uni pants and the black muscle shirt (without the armbands) and the last one with the uni pants, the black muscle shirt and the leather armbands. I added two .rar, one for use with adult sims, and other for young adults.I used the basic light skin from maxis to show that there aren't any tattoos in the outfit.
My thanx, as always, goes to My dear Marvine and BeosBoxBoy, without their mesh I won't be able to do this project. You can find the original mesh here: hope you like it. :beer: By the way, this outfit now looks very good on tattooed simmies, just take a look on this sim: