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Author Topic: Jump bugs...  (Read 1638 times)
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Posts: 94

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« on: September 22, 2007, 10:48:33 am »

Well, so far, now that my game finally works (BV corrupted everything pre-BV... Sad ) I'm getting some strange jump bugs.

Took the Oldies on vacation and they can't seem to get any relationship up from either woohooing in the Suana or the local gestures.

Thought if somebody saw my error reports they'd be able to tell me if it was the game or if I borked it somehow with a hack (I've tried to remove all animation hacks).

Any help would be appreciated, I'd like to either report these to Maxis or remove the offending hacks and report the problem to the creator.

* ObjectError_N001_t1155.txt (94.06 KB - downloaded 120 times.)
* ObjectError_N001_t64309.txt (121.88 KB - downloaded 103 times.)

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« Reply #1 on: September 22, 2007, 05:19:27 pm »

MQ_computer_Global_Sims_Controller.package is broken.  Last time I checked monique's thread on MTS2, she recommends deleting it.  This may be causing the problem, but I don't think so.  The error it usually generates is "Missing Neighbor Data".

Nothing in the first part of each log jumps out at me, but I'm still a noob at reading and interpreting these logs.  

I am seeing a lot of Custom Foods and a number of mods/hacks on the lot, though, to include several of Squinge's things.  Track down where the mods came from and see if they're indicated at BV compatible if you haven't already.  If you aren't sure remove it until you get your game running without any object errors, (this includes foods, careers, majors) then slowly add them back in.

Posts: 81

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« Reply #2 on: September 22, 2007, 11:41:33 pm »

Quote from: flameflash;947161
Well, so far, now that my game finally works (BV corrupted everything pre-BV... Sad ) I'm getting some strange jump bugs.

Took the Oldies on vacation and they can't seem to get any relationship up from either woohooing in the Suana or the local gestures.

Thought if somebody saw my error reports they'd be able to tell me if it was the game or if I borked it somehow with a hack (I've tried to remove all animation hacks).

Any help would be appreciated, I'd like to either report these to Maxis or remove the offending hacks and report the problem to the creator.

Hi.  I took a look at your first log and I can't tell what is causing your problem...may I ask what kind(s) of hacks do you have installed and check those sights where you downloaded them from to see did they update them.  Most sites tell you if their mods are compatible or not but still tell what kinds of hacks you have and maybe someone here can tell you which ones cause this jump error.


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