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ATTENTION! New Body Shop Bug!!!!111!1eleven
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Topic: ATTENTION! New Body Shop Bug!!!!111!1eleven (Read 36896 times)
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Posts: 34
ATTENTION! New Body Shop Bug!!!!111!1eleven
Reply #60 on:
November 05, 2007, 09:01:13 pm »
How do I post the text file? I'm sorry, I'm not really that great at computers. I guess you could call me moderate. I did all the test and I saved it. All the tests were successful if that's any insight to the problem.
Oh and I forgot to say that my game is crashing as well. Is that still an issue with the video card?
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ATTENTION! New Body Shop Bug!!!!111!1eleven
Reply #61 on:
November 05, 2007, 09:26:52 pm »
This is so beyond ridiculous. I have no words re EA/Maxis. Well...maybe a few.
BBB: I always use CI to re-package my sims to make sure nothing is included that I don't want included. Will this help to ensure that anyone downloading one of my sims will not get a random Sims06.package in their game? I checked all my sim packages & none of them seem to have any suspect files in them. I just want people to be able to feel safe about downloading my stuff & make sure I am not doing anything to harm their games.
Thx for all the help & advice u have given us.
Posts: 34
ATTENTION! New Body Shop Bug!!!!111!1eleven
Reply #62 on:
November 05, 2007, 09:35:05 pm »
I'm just confused about the whole thing. I have something really imporatant to do with these sim videos and right now is not the time I need the game to be crashing!
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ATTENTION! New Body Shop Bug!!!!111!1eleven
Reply #63 on:
November 06, 2007, 12:36:54 am »
HoneyB - if you make sure to remove anything you don't recognise, then you are doing the right thing and your Sims are safe to share.
Darkchyld - please help keep this thread on topic by saving your outbursts for the help section :lol: I know that this is hard to understand, the game is really a tragic piece of bait-and-switch from start to finish. EA has lied to us and used us and gleefully robbed us without a concern in the world, they could have made this game far less buggy by being more forthcoming about how it worked and helping us in the effort to make custom content; they would have benefited too by us being a great development asset. Instead, they have chosen to see us as the competition and done little petty things to make all of this as miserable and hard as possible.
I want you think about this: I have more than 14 years working in 3D, I have worked in the gaming industry on-and-off for a total of 6 years, and I once upon a time was on the A-list as a paid beta-tester for EA, and after almost 3 years working with this game, I only vaguely understand it. The whole process has been one of learn a little, find out 1/2 of what I just learnt is wrong, read a tutorial I have no hope of understanding or is missing crucial information because it's riddled with "assumed knowledge", beat my head against SimPE until I can figure out the missing steps, chase down one all-important sentence by reading 100 posts on 7 forums, then try to do something with this half understanding. Then have EA dump it all in the toilet with some new weirdness they add to the game with the latest EP, then the inevitable lag as we wait for SimPE to be made compatible with the new EP and we hope like hell it can all be figured out again before EA screws us again in the next bug-plagued EP.
It is no better for the best custom content creators in the Sims community. No one knows it all, and we grit our teeth and try our very damnedest to make it work. It's a losing game for us all.
Last Edit: November 06, 2007, 12:50:14 am by ~Marvine~
"There is a certain elegance in wasting time. Any fool can waste money, but when you waste time you waste what is priceless."
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Posts: 9
ATTENTION! New Body Shop Bug!!!!111!1eleven
Reply #64 on:
November 06, 2007, 08:59:01 am »
if you make sure to remove anything you don't recognise, then you are doing the right thing and your Sims are safe to share.
Whew! That is a huge relief for me. One of my mods pointed this thread out to me (thank goodness!). I will make sure that this info. is passed along at my forum & other places I go. Thx again!
Posts: 34
ATTENTION! New Body Shop Bug!!!!111!1eleven
Reply #65 on:
November 06, 2007, 09:58:47 am »
Well I gave up and just uninstalled Bon Voyage. That seemed to fix the problem.
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Posts: 46
ATTENTION! New Body Shop Bug!!!!111!1eleven
Reply #66 on:
November 06, 2007, 10:27:29 am »
oh damn i wish i had seen this thread a while ago. this explains quite a bit and is not particularly pleasant. blah.
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Posts: 298
ATTENTION! New Body Shop Bug!!!!111!1eleven
Reply #67 on:
November 12, 2007, 06:18:58 pm »
Am I ever glad that I've never stopped using Legacy BodyShop.
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Posts: 100
ATTENTION! New Body Shop Bug!!!!111!1eleven
Reply #68 on:
November 14, 2007, 08:59:13 pm »
Thanks for the excellent info!! This further adds fuel to the FIX BODYSHOP flame thats been fanned since I've started playing with meshes...
Can somebody just redo Bodyshop please!! :pray:
“Wait for the sign,To flick the switch of death,It's the beginning of the end......Sweat, chilling cold, As I watch death unfold,Consciousness my only friend” -Ride The Lightning by MetallicA
Posts: 489
ATTENTION! New Body Shop Bug!!!!111!1eleven
Reply #69 on:
November 15, 2007, 05:02:52 pm »
Body Shop is including a whole copy of the Sims06.package from the base game with Sims packaged with some version of Body Shop.
I checked random Sims on the Exchange, TSR, MTS2, and InSIM. It appears to be a wide-spread post Bon Voyage bug. *oh joy! more evidence they did not one god damned test of this software before they shipped it to market*
You will need to use Sims2Pack Clean Installer to locate the "no category" files with junk-code name (e.g., b18484e15a91c5a039d61f635d15d7c3.package), the file size will be about 6.8 MB, double check the file in SimPE, and you will easily see that this is indeed the Sims06.package.
BBB- Sorry its long winded. I am curious about those no catagory packages. I have not packaged my sims for sometime now. So this file in question would just be with a packaged sim not a saved sim? Clean installer shows no catagory for a saved sim in the saved sims folder. If I remember correctly its just a bunch of numbers. I have removed those packages before and then all of my personal saved sims wont show up in the sims bin. I am trying not to confuse you and hope I am on the topic. Only thing I guess to do is use SimPE to check them out. That program is way above my skill level.
Oh and get this one its more of an alert of a problem I have been having recently in Bodyshop. I most likely have done this to myself somehow. My project folders in Bodyshop are not deleting after I trash them. The skin file is deleted in the projects folder but the folder Bodyshop generated is still in there. It wont show up in the projects list in bodyshop but without the skin file in why would it. The project does go into the game fine. Totally wierd. I have to manually delete them in XP.
Last Edit: November 15, 2007, 05:05:47 pm by Chopperchic
Posts: 17
ATTENTION! New Body Shop Bug!!!!111!1eleven
Reply #70 on:
November 19, 2007, 03:23:42 pm »
One more reason for me not to buy BV.*grumbles*
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Posts: 489
ATTENTION! New Body Shop Bug!!!!111!1eleven
Reply #71 on:
November 22, 2007, 01:37:24 am »
oh BV isnt too bad really well bodyshop I messed it up. I had something in the saved sims file that didnt belong in there once I moved that it was fine. I also refreshed all the files to regnerate in bodyshop and the game. So everythings is back to normal. Just no downloading when your sleepy.
I downloaded and installed SimPe and checked some packaged sims for a test run and to learn about it and how to correctly package them. I was being lazy. Its fun to learn new stuff sometimes.
Posts: 5021
ATTENTION! New Body Shop Bug!!!!111!1eleven
Reply #72 on:
November 25, 2007, 01:54:27 am »
Chopperchic, the bad file is not a generic no-id type file, that quality is just a step in identifying it. I try not to belabour the point, but lots of things do not get properly identified in Sims2Pack Clean Installer, so it is just useful as a means to start the checking process.
Lots of healthy happy things in a Sims2Pack will be unidentified - hair meshes, clothing meshes, stackable cosmetics, etc.
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ATTENTION! New Body Shop Bug!!!!111!1eleven
Reply #73 on:
November 26, 2007, 10:58:49 am »
I had this for the first time a few days ago. I'd only packaged the sim to give it a name other than 035kd5ehg3438 or whatever (why can't we have an option to name the sims that we create in BS? :x); surprise surprise there were two such named files. Extracted the one I thought to be the right one, checked the file size and renamed it. Extracted the other out of curiosity and sure enough, that magic 6 MB number (or whatever it is, bigger than 154kb anyway). Good job I check the packs in S2CI before I upload any sims...
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Posts: 72
ATTENTION! New Body Shop Bug!!!!111!1eleven
Reply #74 on:
December 02, 2007, 07:25:38 pm »
Sorry if this question has been asked,but where is the unknown packages hide,only in Downloads folder?Or everywhere we install BV?(Thank goodness I'm such a sorting freak,I never installed those unknown files with no preview image that came from Jirka & ChazDesigns' sims)
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