Had some questions bout how i cheat
This is my userstartupcheat
# alias real command brief help full help
# ------------- ----------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------- --------------------------------
alias 4 "motherlode" "50,000 Simoleons" "Motherlode"
alias mon "moveObjects on" "Move Objects On" "Move Objects On"
alias mof "moveObjects off" "Move Objects Off" "Move Objects Off"
alias snf "boolProp snapObjectsToGrid false" "snap to grid = no" "snap to grid = no"
alias snt "boolProp snapObjectsToGrid true" "snap to grid = yes" "snap to grid = yes"
alias floorf "boolprop constrainFloorElevation false" "Floors Weird" "Floors weird"
alias floort "boolprop constrainFloorElevation true" "Floors normal" "Floors normal"
alias boot "boolprop testingcheatsenabled true" "Debug on" "Debug on"
alias boof "boolprop testingcheatsenabled false" "Debug off" "Debug off"
alias sm0 "slowmotion 0"
alias sm3 "slowmotion 3"
alias sm5 "slowmotion 5"
alias sm7 "slowmotion 7"
alias pon "plumbbobtoggle on"
alias pof "plumbbobtoggle off"
alias sht "showheadlines true"
alias shf "showheadlines false"
alias 45D "boolProp allow45DegreeAngleOfRotation true"
alias 45O "boolProp allow45DegreeAngleOfRotation false"
setHighestAllowedLevel (15)
boolProp testingCheatsEnabled falseThis file belongs in your Config Folder in your Sims2 Directory.
Backup your original first, just in case
Then overwrite it with this one or you can open the one you have with notepad(if im correct) and add the lines you want.
Most things speak for themselves i guess
Type ''
CTRL SHFT C'' to bring the console up and choose your command.
If you do it correct it will auto close.
If you want to see all the cheats type ''help'' in the console.
If you had a typo in the console and want to close it(it wont auto close then....), type ''exit''
Hidden clothing in CAS:
Go to CAS and click on the wooden floor so you wont type the sims name
Bring up the cheat console and typ ''
boolprop testingcheatsenabled true''( or choose ''
boot'' with my file installed)
The console will close automaticly
Now Type ''
SHFT N'' this will force to go to debug mode and all hidden stuff will be visible.
When you done bring up the console again and disable boolprop testingcheatsenabled by typing ''
boolprop testingcheatsenabled false''( or choose ''
boof'' with my file installed)
I always forget to disable it but it seems you have more risks on gamecrashes if you keep it enabled, dont ask me why....
Few cheats need a EP to work like the 45degrees and the HighestAllowedLevel
If you have a nice one plz post it, so i can use it too
Few lines are from the userstartupcheat i found on MTS2
Few lines are from Pupke1979 her File