The New teen lean bodybuilder and the *lean* bodybuilder!
Are brilliantly made and so befitting the Bodybuilder series
By: are Marvine and BeosBoxBoy.’
I thought it world be months and months until there where
Enough meshes to completely enjoy the *lean* bodybuilder!
Now we have 'The New Teen Lean Bodybuilder.
Your exceptional and astonishing talent has shown
when there is true artistic ability and the joy in sharing
ones work nothing is impossible to make!!
I will have to go back though all the post to find this work of art
and all who have added their time and talent in to making the
*lean* bodybuilder and the New teen lean bodybuilder
a treasure to have…
I’m so honored and very much grateful to you SynapticSim
for adding more bodybuilders to the bodybuilder series. :clap:
Thank you so very much.