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Author Topic: Waterfall shower - and tons of rocks! :D  (Read 80921 times)
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« on: March 02, 2008, 02:54:58 pm »

*Needs Uni, OFB and BV*
Free Time compatible

This started rather innocently: "What if I put a community shower under the BV waterfall?" ...and I ended up spending 3 weeks on this :lol:

- Waterfall/shower in 3 different rock textures, found under "plumbing/miscellaneous".
The decorative ferns have two colour options, and one invisible recolour.

- 10 different rocks in 3 colours, available in build mode, with the shrubs.
These use the repository method so only the one with "MASTER" in the name is recolourable - the others will automatilly use the new textures.

- Sims can use the waterfall to shower of course, with a little fun and comfort bonus;
- Sims whose temperature is above average will have a "cool down" option available, with different animations. While they shower naked, they'll change to swimwear for this and won't get automatically dressed afterwards.
Much to my surprise, they'll sometimes use this option autonomously if they aren't too far from the waterfall...  Big mystery, since I tried hard to find how to do that and failed (temperature can't be advertised like other motives); the interaction advertises a little comfort, but sims seem  to use it regardless of their comfort level.
- all the clean and maintain interactions were stripped mercilessly, so sims won't attempt stupid things and it doesn't mess with the FT "tinker" stuff.
- all the garden and trimming stuff was also removed from the rocks.

The waterfall is a big object (5 tiles by 7) but the footprint is only one tile; I didn't make it this way because I was too lazy to register 35 GUIDs, but for convenience.
The water layer is above the ground level - of course - so it will look silly if you put the object on a flat terrain; you need to first dig a hole like shown in the pic below (this is just an example, you can try different ways):
- the blue tile is where the shower's green tile will be placed; I lowered it by 4 clicks in the example, 3 clicks will work too.
- the red tile is where the sim will enter and exit the waterfall, there needs to be a gentle slope to the blue tile so he can walk between both; this tile can still be on a slope.
- then the sides can be smoothed as you want, different heights on the edges will change the pond's shape. Just keep the edges of the water hidden!  (Well, and remove the flooring if you used any >_<)

- if the way out is blocked after the "shower" interaction, the sim will go "oops" and change back to everyday where he is - that is, in the water :lol:
- since the waterfall and rocks all have 1 tile footprints, sims will walk through parts of them if they aren't blocked by other decoration or invisible fences.

Thanks : to Numenor, Echo and Jasana Bugbreeder for their precious tutorials and explanations, to Quaxi and Peter Jones for SimPE and the behaviour editor, to my dear Beosboxboy and Miss Doh for beta-testing Smiley

* Waterfall-HowTo.jpg (83.1 KB, 700x422 - viewed 18535 times.)

* waterfallshower2.JPG (38.57 KB, 703x554 - viewed 13363 times.)

* waterfallshower1.JPG (86.08 KB, 722x584 - viewed 9993 times.)
* Marvine-WaterfallShower.rar (713.45 KB - downloaded 4540 times.)
* rocks.rar (510.51 KB - downloaded 4044 times.)
« Last Edit: December 18, 2008, 01:51:40 am by BeosBoxBoy » Logged

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« Reply #1 on: March 02, 2008, 03:03:07 pm »

Wow! That's a great idea! Thanks for this.

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« Reply #2 on: March 02, 2008, 03:06:32 pm »

3 weeks? try four and an half, my love, you started before my computer went all 'splodey.

It works in Free Time without a problem, the rocks work and don't cause any weirdness.

I have to say I was a little surprised how BIG some of the rocks are >_<

It's an unbelievable creation!  You did amazing work!

Oh, and Monshanjik says he will have your babies now... <_<

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« Reply #3 on: March 02, 2008, 03:18:09 pm »

Quote from: beosboxboy;1159151
Oh, and Monshanjik says he will have your babies now... <_<

Oh ok, as long as he keeps them :lol:

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« Reply #4 on: March 02, 2008, 03:19:22 pm »

I'm speechless now!
And this happens not very often.
This is so amazing!
Eine wunderbare großartige Arbeit, Marvine!
Thank you, thank you, thank you *big hug*

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« Reply #5 on: March 02, 2008, 03:35:46 pm »

This is wonderful! Thank you - I am at work, but desperate to go home and try this -perhaps I will even play the sims again!

(3 weeks? hehe - don't sell yourself short, you slaved for longer than this, and what a triumph!)


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« Reply #6 on: March 02, 2008, 05:32:43 pm »

Thank you. :-)

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« Reply #7 on: March 03, 2008, 12:39:01 am »

Wow, that's fantastic. A crazy good idea and a wonderful realization.
Thank you very, very much for this creation. Fantastic.

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« Reply #8 on: March 03, 2008, 03:42:50 am »

So great i love you:love7:Thanks:love1:

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« Reply #9 on: March 03, 2008, 04:30:51 am »

Thank you very much for this great download. It is great.

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« Reply #10 on: March 03, 2008, 06:35:21 am »

This is great! Lately I sprung from my shy 1GB downloads to 2.6GB only because of fantastic decors. I see soon I have to get a bigger comp. My smallest one can no more support even BV, cannot say yes for further EPs.
I don't use very big lots, so I have to invent space.
I have installed all those high poly bodies and hairs and sometimes my computer have difficulties to play smooth. I still use Windows XP and I'm not at all impressed with Vista, so I don't know when I'm going to install it (maybe on a newer comp). Not sure but I have the impression that XP cannot manage all the RAM I have installed (4GB) and slow down. My partner have the same problem.

Thanks for the link. BTW, there are many objects that don't have Pie Menues and when you want to nuke a function, you have to do it directly in "Object Function" (zero the bhavs there and there will be no availability in game).
One of the reason that Sims seem to act autonomously is that there are also small calculations in game that adds literal 01 when checking the range and find only zeroes. As you included a shower in your waterfal, the game makes calculations to attract Sims based on proximity. It must have happened here.
Besides, it is being used everytime more LUA bhavs (they are sort of controllers for normal bhavs, still not possible to read by SimPe only).

Well, well, well, thanks for your creations.

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« Reply #11 on: March 03, 2008, 07:46:24 am »

Well, a 32 bits XP won't properly manage the whole 4 GB of RAM  (should recognize up to about 3.5 as available, with a little tweaking - there's information about that on the microsoft site) but it should still be better than the 2GB I have on my new computer; now a better graphics card made a huge difference and my game plays very smoothly, even though the game isn't able to use the dual processors - talk about an upgrade :lol:
Oh and I had that one assembled just so I could keep XP Cheesy

You must be right about the autonomous interactions; even if there's nothing left from the shower in the "cool down" option it doesn't change the object's category, so if there's a check on that it would work. I took a look in all the warmth related bhavs I could find and right, there's LUA stuff in there and I ran screaming :lol:

Not sure right now if I nuked the unwanted functions from the "object function" for the rocks - well, I know that I did at some point but then I tried several different base objects, so I'll check that when I'm home.

Thank you for the tips Smiley
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« Reply #12 on: March 03, 2008, 09:49:13 am »

beautiful! Thank you

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« Reply #13 on: March 03, 2008, 10:08:20 am »

Nice Job


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« Reply #14 on: March 03, 2008, 10:47:02 am »

This is wonderful! Thank you, Marvine!

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