There are a few things to keep in mind...
1. If you have no desire to teach or learn in this forum then please do not post here.
2. I invite anyone who is interested in teaching the
who, what, when, where, how and
why of simantics and/or the Sims 2 file structure, to join in and offer your input.
3. I am not much of a teacher so bear with me if I am as clear as mud at any given point in any thread.
4. The information posted in individual threads will become more extensive as knowledge and time permits.
5. Much of the information that will be found here can also be found in the
Objects.package (Group: 0x7FE59FD0) file located in the Sims 2 Directory (not in the University EP Directory).
6. If information seems slow in coming, it is because I have little time to devote to the Sims 2 and I am involved in several projects that seem to eat up most of the time that I
do have.