Pierreandreply4 asked me to make a few clothing options as underwear/PJ's for kids, and I thought I'd upload them here--just in case anyone else wanted them in their game as well.
Some require meshes from my site, and all are unisex.
Smurf Undies For Little Boys (requires no mesh)
White T-Shirt and Smurf Undies For Little Boys
Requires mesh from this link:
http://simphany.com/Simphany%20-%20Free%20Downloads%20-%20Meshes%20-%20Clothing%20-%20Page%2022.htmBlue Cartoon Top and Smurf Undies For Little Boys
Requires mesh from this link:
http://simphany.com/Simphany%20-%20Free%20Downloads%20-%20Meshes%20-%20Clothing%20-%20Page%2022.htmWhite Smurf Shorts For Little Boys
Requires mesh from this link:
http://simphany.com/Simphany%20-%20Free%20Downloads%20-%20Meshes%20-%20Clothing%20-%20Page%2043.htmRed T-Shirt and Smurf Undies For Little Boys
Requires mesh from this link: