These are my notes on how the
Set to Next primitive is used. This is by no means a complete set of instructions for this primitive, but a work in progress.
Primitive: Set to Next (0x001F)
example. #1: Set to Next object with GUID 24C95F99 example. #2: Set to Next person • Operand 1, Operand 2, Operand 3 and Operand 4 are used for an objects's GUID (in reverse order)
• Operand 5 is the
next object param that is being looked for.
Next object params:80 (0x0) - object
81 (0x1) - person
82 (0x2) - non person
83 (0x3) - part of a multi-tile object
84 (0x4) - object of type
85 (0x5) - neighbor id
86 (0x6) - obj with category == sp 0
87 (0x7) - neighbor of type
88 (0x8) - obj on same tile
89 (0x9) - obj adjacent to object in local
8A (0xA) - career
8B (0xB) - Lot ID
8C (0xC) - obj with category == temp 0
8D (0xD) - person closest to person in temp 0, distance returned in temp 4, relative direction in temp 5.
8E (0xE) - Job Obj Instance from Job Obj GUID in sim in stack obj
8F (0xF) - Job Obj Instance from job obj GUID from neighbor ID in stack obj
90 (0x10) - vehicle
91 (0x11) - Neighbor of Family in temp0
92 (0x12) - Object of type GUID in temp 0/1
93 (0x13) - Group member of object in temp0
94 (0x14) - Group member in revese order of object in temp0
95 (0x15) - Family member parent (of neighbor ID in temp 0)
96 (0x16) - Family member sibling (of neighbor ID in temp 0)
97 (0x17) - Family member child (of neighbor ID in temp 0)
98 (0x18) - Visible object in my view within distance in temp0
99 (0x19) - Object in Room in Temp 0
9A (0x1A) - Verify Stack Object
9B (0x1B) - Utility Using Object
9C (0x1C) - Neighbor with non zero var3 relationship to neighbor ID in temp 0
9D (0x1D) - Verify Neighbor ID in Stack Object
9E (0x1E) - Verify Sim in Stack Object
9F (0x1F) - Family member Spouse (of neighbor ID in temp 0)
A0 (0x20) - Owner of Object (Object in Temp0, Threshold in Temp1) returns Neighbor ID
A1 (0x21) - Hauntable Object
A2 (0x22) - Object within one tile of object in local
A3 (0x23) - NeighborID with an STR value greater than temp 0 to me.
A4 (0x24) - NeighborID with rel var 1 & temp 1
A5 (0x25) - Object With Wants Category equal to Temp 0
A6 (0x26) - Influence
A7 (0x27) - unknown
A8 (0x28) - unknown
A9 (0x29) - pet
AA (0x2A) - unknown
AB (0x2B) - unknown
AC (0x2C) - unknown
AD (0x2D) - unknown
AE (0x2E) - unknown
AF (0x2F) - pet neighbor id
Feel free to offer your input and/or correct errors on my part.