It is useless to find that mailbox in the download folder. You will have to find it thru the Clean-Installer. I had that problem, and let me tell you, it's a big bother.
First of all, some simmers who share lots, have downloaded a mailbox to replace their old one. Usually the mailbox will only be useful for what EP they have in their game. The one I uploaded with a lot was only useful up to NL. So imagine my exasperation on not understanding why my mods were not working, especially those that are written thru a mailbox for the latest EPs.
Second, please check uploads and make sure they don't have "mailbox" included. I have written pms to some who have that in their uploaded lots, the response hasn't been pretty. When I had the mailbox in my game, I always made sure it was not included in my uploads. I think others could do the same.
How to get rid of it. Do not delete in-game. Somehow it is attached to all the mailboxes in-game and will delete them. Then you will have to re-install. The only successful way to do it is with the Clean-Installer. Find it and delete it from your game, then things will work properly, hacks and all.