Dear Diary,
Why cant my life ever just be simple...I will explain...........
A couple of days ago we were all sat in the living room, watching tv and the kids were playing, Bailey went to the kitchen for a drink then he came back into the living room...
"Yes love?"
"Theres a boy at the door..."
"A the door"
I went and had a look....

There was a young boy, younger than Bailey just stood at the door. The poor love was shivering, it was a cold night in the middle of winter...
"Hello there..."
The boy just looked at me
"Sweetie, are you ok, what is your name?"
"Hi Blake, I'm Laura., what are you doing here?"
"Its ok take your time" The poor little mite looked s scared
"My mummy sent us here"
"Us?" The boy turned round and looked at the bottom of the stairs.
I went down the steps and there stood 2 pushchairs and 2 baskets, the pushchairs each had a little girl in. I peered in the baskets and there was a baby in each.

I called for Kyle and he came running outside with Caleb, Dylan and Mia in tow...
"Whats up love?, Oh...." Kyle looked at the babies
"We need to get them inside, its freezing out here" I told them...
Caleb carried one of the babies inside and told Blake to follow him. Dylan and Mia carried the toddlers inside and I carried the other little baby inside, Kyle carried the pushchairs and baskets inside...
Once inside I went straight into organising mode...
"Caleb, Dylan go upstairs and get the cribs out of the cupboard and set them up, your dad will come up soon and help you"
"Bailey, Elijah and Elliot go and help your brothers move an extra bed into your room, tell them they have to share a room"
Mia came up to me
"Mum i'm gonna take this little one upstairs, she can sleep in my bed for now and i'll be setting up my old bed for her, she can share with me"

It took 2 long hours for all the moving and building to be finished but finally we managed to get the little ones to bed...

Caleb, Dylan, Mia, the twins and Bailey all decided to go to bed. I went and checked on the babies, they were fine, I went downstairs and Kyle was sat talking to Blake....
"So what did mummy say to you"
"daddy is bad and you are going to live with better people"
"Did she say anything else"
"no, just to give you this..." Blake handed Kyle a piece of paper
"Ok little man, do you want to go to bed?"
"Yes please, but dont leave me"

As Kyle and Blake passed me in the hallway, Kyle handed me the piece of paper. I sat on the sofa and read it....
"Dear Laura and Caleb, please take care of my children. I have to get away from here or he will kill me, be careful he knows where you live and it was him who told me where you are. Blake is 4, he goes to the same school as Bailey. He doesnt know Bailey is his half brother, He likes football and is allergic to oranges, he is a quiet boy and is shy. Skye is 3, she is very outgoing and friendly, no allergies. Summer is 18 months old, she cant talk but can walk little steps, no allergies. Hollie and Hayden are 14 weeks old, they have no allergies either. Please remind my children everyday how much I love them. Thankyou to you all for taking care of them. Caleb I am so sorry for hurting you, I have only ever loved you and I will never love anyone again. Whit x Ps - the kids birth certificates are in one of the baskets under the bedding.I found myself sobbing like I hadnt done in years. Whit must be Whitney, Baileys mum. The poor girl, Tony must have treated her so bad, just like he had me. But...Oh my god, Tony knows where we live.........