Prom Rants

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It can't just be me can it?
I mean prom is about four months away, and yet I'm already sick of it.
My friends have completely lost their sanity and dragged my parents with them!

Let me tell you the story:
Before Chirstmas, Best Friend (lets call her J) askes if me and friends A and D want to get ready for prom at her house. A and D agree, but I, (knowing that since I don't like A and D that much and that it will cause lots of annoying arguements) say that I will think about it.
At the start/middle of January we had mock exams, I fell out with J, A and D (cause still unknown) and made alternative plans to go with M and B, I felt this was okay sice i never agreed to go with J, A + D.
The next day i tell J (we are now speaking again) that i don't want to get ready at her house because it will be awkward with A and D. She says that she would rather have me there than them and that she doesnt want to go to prom if we dont all go together (guilt trip).
The day after...
in form time J says to D that even though A says she is no longer going to J's house to get ready D can still come. J says that I agreed to go and promise to be nice to her. (how eveil is she!!)
Trapped, I resign myself to going to J's house first and though if we make it fun it could be okay somehow.

I started looking into transport since no one else was bothering to get any details. The most I knew was that J and A (who was now coming again) wanted a nii-nor (fire truck). since some other people were doing this i looked into other funny things and came up with a scooby doo van.
J, D and Me loved the idea, but apparently since A didn't like it (with no reasoning or alternatives) we, aka I, had to find something else.

1 week of being forced to look at dresses passes...

A contacts me and asks how we are getting to prom.
I say i dunno and she asks if we can go in the scooby doo van and how much it would cost
I say since you said you didnt want to go i didn't really look for many details and that she would need to give me some time.     5mins later
D contacts me and says are we going in the van and how much is it
So rationally A has told D that I am aranging the van, J has no idea yet and im already sick of the whole thing.

Anyone else having this sort of trouble yet?

I never even got to have a prom, since I was homeschooled and then took college courses in high school.  :( I always wanted to have some excuse to wear a fancy dress though.

Aw, heartless, poor you! There's always birthdays - you can make all your guests where fancy dress!

Ok, that's annoying! I go to a girls school so you can imagine the drama involved, and I can relate to you. I am definitely going this year since it's my last year at high school. And the style is for everyone to get a fake tan and look completely orange, despite it being Winter in June (when the ball is) which is stupid! Who wants to look like an oompa loompa I ask you?

Also, is it so bad to go without a date? I don't have a boyfriend, and I don't want to go with some random. Being in a girls school presents these kind of problems! ;)

Man, proms bug, huh?
I hated my prom. It was boring, and my best friend was feeling low because her boyfriend left her like a day before prom. So she starts crying and I feel bad for even asking her to come. So I tried to have fun but it didn't work. So this is odd, but since we have a history together, we end up making out with each other pretty much in front of everyone. I wasn't trying to draw attention, I just really wanted to make her happy again. She was crying and I felt so bad about her. That was really the only way I thought I could help. It ended up making her smile. So prom was gay but happy at the end.

I didnt go to prom...I went to the afterparty though.


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