Hi everyone.
We know you like to see the pretty preview pictures on the threads, but there is a standing site rule that states all images must be hosted on a third party image hosting site (photobucket, imageshack, etc). The only place where we allow any images to be uploaded directly to the server is in the Community/Contributor Downloads sections. No where else. The fewer uploaded images we have, the less server bloat we have, which is why we ask everyone to host their pictures elsewhere. It goes a long way to making the site load faster for many people.
Please do not upload images directly to the server. Instead, use photobucket or whatever third party site you like. Any attached images shall be removed. Also, if anyone is quoting a post with images, please do not include the images in your quote. That cuts down on page load time as well.
Oh, one more thing. Please remember, as well, that pictures my not be larger than 600 x 600. We know you go through a lot of work taking pictures, so please take an extra second to ensure your images are properly resized, because any oversized images will be deleted.